Since 2008, we have been honored to support the work of disabled persons organizations leading efforts to secure rights for all.
The database allows you to sort grants by selecting a column header in the table below. The database includes all grants made by DRAFand DRF. It also includes grants made between 2008 and 2011, which were made under our fiscal sponsor, Tides.
Grantee | Amount (USD) | Country | Project Description | Fund | Grant Type | Year | CRPD Focus | SDG Focus | |
Association des Femmes Handicapées du Sud | $15,000 | Haiti | To advocate for the rights of women with disabilities in Haiti’s Southern Region to live free from violence and abuse and to have access to justice, in line with CRPD Articles 6 (Women With Disabilities), 13 (Access to justice), and 16 (Freedom from exploitation, violence and abuse) | DRF | Small Grants | 2018 | (16) Abuse | (5) Gender Equality | |
Association des Parents des Personnes Handicapées du Sud | $8,000 | Haiti | To use the CRPD Committee’s Concluding Observations from their 2018 review of Haiti to advocate for the right of children with disabilities to live in a family, in line with CRPD Articles 7 (Children with Disabilities) and 23 (Respect for home and the family) | DRF | Small Grants | 2018 | (23) Family | ||
Association des Personnes Handicapées Physiques des Cayes | $6,000 | Haiti | To use the CRPD Committee’s Concluding Observations from their 2018 review of Haiti to advocate for the right of persons with disabilities to reasonable accommodations in employment, in line with CRPD Article 27 (Work and employment) | DRF | Small Grants | 2018 | (27) Work/Employment | (10) Reduced Inequalities | |
Association des personnes sourdes du Sud | $8,000 | Haiti | To advocate that the Haitian government meet the rights outlined in CRPD Articles 21 (Freedom of expression and opinion, and access to information) and 24(3) (Education) by ensuring access to information and communication for Deaf persons | DRF | Small Grants | 2018 | (21) Information | ||
Association des Sourds de Lévêque, Haïti | $12,000 | Haiti | To advocate to local municipal, police, and judicial authorities and community service providers in Lévêque, Haiti, for increased protection of Deaf women against violence and abuse, in line with CRPD Article 16 (Freedom from exploitation, violence and abuse) | DRF | Small Grants | 2018 | (16) Abuse | (5) Gender Equality | |
Centre Culturel et d’Action Pour les Personnes Handicapées | $6,000 | Haiti | To advocate for accessible and inclusive electoral processes for voter registration, access to information, and voting rights of persons with disabilities to enable full participation in political life and public affairs, in line with CRPD Article 29 (Participation in political and public life) | DRF | Small Grants | 2018 | (29) Political | (16) Peace/Justice | |
Centre National de Défense des Démunis et Handicapés | $8,000 | Haiti | To advocate for accessible sidewalks and transportation in Carrefour, Haiti, in line with CRPD Articles 9 (Accessibility) and 19 (Living independently and being included in the community) | DRF | Small Grants | 2018 | (19) Independent Living | (11) Sustainable Cities/Communities | |
Club Zaryen | $12,000 | Haiti | To advocate for accessible communities and the rights of persons with disabilities to mobility devices and rehabilitation to ensure full participation, in line with CRPD Articles 9 (Accessibility), 20 (Personal mobility), and 26 (Habilitation and Rehabilitation) | DRF | Small Grants | 2018 | (19) Independent Living | ||
Organisation des Enfants Demunis et Handicapes d’Haiti | $11,500 | Haiti | To advocate for accessible leisure, sports, and cultural activities for children with disabilities in the commune of P?tion-Ville, Haiti, in line with CRPD Article 30 (Participation in cultural life, recreation, leisure and sport) | DRF | Small Grants | 2018 | (30) Sports | ||
Organisation des Handicapes en Action pour le Progrés | $8,000 | Haiti | To advocate to state authorities - particularly the Conseil National des Telecommunications (CONATEL), which provides operating authorization and regulation of radio and television throughout Haiti - to adopt policies to ensure information is accessible to persons with disabilities, in line with CRPD Article 21 (Access to information) | DRF | Small Grants | 2018 | (21) Information | (10) Reduced Inequalities | |
Organisation pour le progrès et le développement de l’homme aveugle et des vieillards | $5,000 | Haiti | To advocate for an inclusive judiciary system that takes into account the needs and the rights of elderly persons with disabilities, in line with CRPD Article 13 (Access to justice) | DRF | Small Grants | 2018 | (13) Justice | (16) Peace/Justice | |
Partenariat de l’association des Parentset des Personnes Déficientes Intellectuelles et Centre d’Appui aux Enfants Déficients Intellectuels | $6,000 | Haiti | To advocate for recognition of the legal capacity of persons with intellectual disabilities in Southern Haiti, as outlined in CRPD Article 12 (Equal recognition before the law) | DRF | Small Grants | 2018 | (12) Legal Capacity | (10) Reduced Inequalities | |
Reseau Association National pour l'Integration des Personnes Handicapees | $20,000 | Haiti | To advocate for the right to inclusive education for children with disabilities in Haiti, in line with CRPD Article 24 (Education), by ensuring that Haiti’s new inclusive education curriculum is implemented and Haitian Sign Language is codified | DRF | Small Grants | 2018 | (24) Education | (4) Education | |
Société Haïtienne d’Aide aux Aveugles | $20,000 | Haiti | To advocate for and support the establishment of accessibility commissions in two additional municipalities in the West Department of Haiti, to realize the right of persons with disabilities to live independently and be included in the community, in line with CRPD Articles 9 (Accessibility) and 19 (Living independently and being included in the community) | DRF | Small Grants | 2018 | (19) Independent Living | (11) Sustainable Cities/Communities | |
Union des Femmes à Mobilité Réduite d’Haïti | $20,000 | Haiti | To advocate for government action to address stereotypes in Haiti against persons with disabilities (especially women and girls), including formal media campaigns and punitive measures against those who discriminate against persons with disabilities, in accordance with CRPD Articles 6 (Women With Disabilities), 8 (Awareness-raising), and 5 (Equality and non-discrimination) | DRF | Small Grants | 2018 | |||
Union des Personnes Handicapées de Jérémie pour l’inclusion Sociale | $6,000 | Haiti | To use the CRPD Committee’s Concluding Observations from their 2018 review of Haiti to advocate for the right of persons with disabilities to fully participate in the disaster risk management programs of Jérémie, Haiti, in line with CRPD Article 11 (Situations of risk and humanitarian emergencies) | DRF | Small Grants | 2018 | (11) Risk/Emergency | (13) Climate Action | |
Gerakan Peduli Disabilitas Dan Lepra Indonesia | $10,000 | Indonesia | To support people affected by leprosy in the cities of Palembang, Malang and Banten, Indonesia to form self-help groups to advocate for their rights with local governmental authorities | DRF | Small Grants | 2018 | |||
Gerakan Untuk Kesejahteraan Tuna Rungu Indonesia | $17,000 | Indonesia | To raise awareness within the disability movement and with decision-makers in Indonesia about the issues faced by persons with deafblindness | DRF | Small Grants | 2018 | (21) Information | ||
Himpunan Wanita Disabilitas Indonesia | $30,000 | Indonesia | (Year Two) To advocate for regulations ensuring inclusive services within Indonesian national and provincial police departments for women and children with disabilities, in line with CRPD Articles 12 (Equal recognition before the law), 13 (Access to justice), and 16 (Freedom from exploitation, violence and abuse), and Sustainable Development Goal 16 (Peace, justice and strong institutions). Also, to organize the DRF/DRAF 2018 Indonesia Grantee Convening. | DRF | Mid-Level Coalition | 2018 | (13) Justice | (16) Peace/Justice | |
Perhimpunan Organisasi Harapan Nusantara | $40,000 | Indonesia | (Year One) To promote the participation of persons with disabilities in monitoring implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals at national and local levels in Indonesia, and to increase the participation of Indonesian DPOs in reporting to global human rights mechanisms, such as the Universal Periodic Review | DRF | National Coalition | 2018 | |||
Perhimpunan Organisasi Harapan Nusantara | $12,000 | Indonesia | To increase the capacity of local DPOs to engage local government in the Yogyakarta special region of Indonesia to ensure that implementation of Sustainable Development Goal (SDGs) 11 (Sustainable cities and communities) recognizes CPRD Articles 9 (Accessibility) and 20 (Personal mobility) | DRF | Small Grants | 2018 | (11) Sustainable Cities/Communities | ||
Persatuan Penyandang Cacat Indonesia | $16,000 | Indonesia | To improve access to employment for persons with disabilities in Padang City, West Sumatra, Indonesia, advancing Sustainable Development Goal (SDGs) 8 (Decent work and economic growth) and CRPD Article 27 (Work and employment) | DRF | Small Grants | 2018 | (27) Work/Employment | (8) Work/Economic Growth | |
Persatuan Tunanetra Indonesia | $20,000 | Indonesia | To build the capacity of four Pertuni chapters in Kalimantan on Borneo Island, Indonesia, to use the CRPD, the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), and the national Persons with Disabilities Act, to advocate for inclusive local and provincial policies, regulations and budgeting, especially as they pertain to the development of SDG action planning | DRF | Small Grants | 2018 | (25) Health | (3) Health/Well-Being | |
Sasana Integrasi dan Advokasi Difabel | $30,000 | Indonesia | (Year One) To advance changes in Indonesia’s legal system to ensure better access to justice and legal services for persons with disabilities through provision of reasonable accommodations in three target provinces in Indonesia, advancing CRPD Article 13 (Access to justice) | DRF | Mid-Level Coalition | 2018 | (13) Justice | (16) Peace/Justice | |
Wahana Keluarga Cerebral Palsy | $7,000 | Indonesia | To support youth with Cerebral Palsy to conduct an audit of local disability policies affecting them in Yogyakarta Province, Indonesia | DRF | Small Grants | 2018 | (10) Reduced Inequalities | ||
Yayasan CIQAL | $30,000 | Indonesia | (Year One) To advocate that Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) regional action plans in four districts of Yogyakarta Province, Indonesia are aligned with the CRPD to ensure the protection and fulfillment of the rights of persons with disabilities, advancing implementation of CRPD Articles 3 (General Principles) and 4 (General obligations) | DRF | Mid-Level Coalition | 2018 | |||
Yayasan Peduli Sindroma Down Indonesia | $14,000 | Indonesia | To empower persons with intellectual disabilities in Jakarta Province, and in particular, youth with Down Syndrome, to be self advocates and promote their right to live independently and be part of their communities, advancing CRPD Article 19 (Living independently and being included in the community) | DRF | Small Grants | 2018 | (19) Independent Living | ||
Yayasan Sentra Advokasi Perempuan Difabel Dan Anak | $20,000 | Indonesia | To advocate for inclusive sexual and reproductive health rights programs for youth with disabilities at the national level, and foster their full participation in the Indonesian youth movement, advancing the implementation of CRPD Article 25 (Health) and Sustainable Development Goal 3 (Good health and well-being) | DRF | Small Grants | 2018 | (25) Health | (3) Health/Well-Being | |
Te Toa Matoa | $20,000 | Kiribati | To develop recommendations for a disability-inclusive Health Strategy in Kiribati in order to facilitate greater access to health services for persons with disabilities, in line with CRPD Article 25 (Health) and Sustainable Development Goal 3 (Good health and wellbeing) | DRF | Small Grants | 2018 | (25) Health | (3) Health/Well-Being | |
Malawi Union of the Blind | $20,000 | Malawi | To advocate for the inclusion of young men and women with disabilities in work and with employers in Blantyre District, Malawi, in line with CRPD Article 27 (Work and employment) | DRF | Small Grants | 2018 | (27) Work/Employment | (8) Work/Economic Growth | |
Rumphi Self Help Initiative for the Visually Impaired | $7,000 | Malawi | To empower persons with visual impairments in Malawi’s Rumphi District to became agents of change and advocate for inclusive sexual and reproductive health services and HIV-related information, in line with CRPD Articles 9 (Accessibility), 21 (Access to information), and 25 (Health) | DRF | Small Grants | 2018 | (21) Information | (3) Health/Well-Being | |
The Registered Trustees of African Federation of the Deafblind Trust | $10,000 | Malawi | To advocate for inclusion of persons with Deafblindness in Malawi’s Chikwawa District in the electoral process and ensure that they can exercise their right to vote, in line with CRPD Article 29 (Participation in political and public life) | DRF | Small Grants | 2018 | (29) Political | ||
The Registered Trustees of Disabled Women in Africa | $20,000 | Malawi | To advocate for appropriate budget allocations to promote inclusion and access for children with disabilities in target schools in Lilongwe, Malawi and nationwide, and for inclusive data collection in the education sector, using the Washington Group Set of Questions, in line with CRPD Articles 24 (Education) and 31 (Statistics and data collection) | DRF | Small Grants | 2018 | (24) Education | (4) Education | |
The Registered Trustees of the Epilepsy Association | $10,000 | Malawi | To advocate that local health policies in Malawi’s Machinga District are inclusive of persons with epilepsy, in line with CRPD Article 25 (Health), and that epilepsy be recognized as a non-communicable disease | DRF | Small Grants | 2018 | (25) Health | (3) Health/Well-Being | |
The Registered Trustees of the Visual Hearing Impairment Membership Association | $15,000 | Malawi | To advocate for the provision of inclusive education for children with Deafblindness in Malawi’s Mzimba District, in line with CRPD Article 24 (Education) and Sustainable Development Goal 4 (Quality education) | DRF | Small Grants | 2018 | (24) Education | (4) Education | |
Pohnpei Consumer Organization | $45,000 | Micronesia, Federate | (Year One) For Pohnpei Consumer Organization's work to build an effective national coalition of disabled persons’ organizations in the Federated States of Micronesia to advocate for the development of a National Policy on Disability, including budget allocations for its implementation | DRF | National Coalition | 2018 | |||
Disabled People's Development Organization | $30,000 | Myanmar | (Year One) To build awareness of women with disabilities and their communities in Myanmar’s Magwe Region about the CRPD and the national Disability Rights Law; and to initiate a strong network of women with disabilities to advance access to reproductive health, protection against sexual violence, and greater inclusion in decision making in their communities, in line with CRPD Articles 6 (Women With Disabilities), 13 (Access to justice), 23 (Respect for home and family), 25 (Health), and 31 (Statistics and data collection) | DRF | Mid-Level Coalition | 2018 | (25) Health | (3) Health/Well-Being | |
Future Stars Self-Advocacy Organization | $12,000 | Myanmar | To increase the leadership and capacity of women with intellectual disabilities to be self-advocates, and to ensure that young people with intellectual disabilities are participating in regional youth policy implementation processes and dialogues in Myanmar’s Yangon Region, in line with CRPD Articles 6 (Women with disabilities) and 8 (Awareness-raising) | DRF | Small Grants | 2018 | (5) Gender Equality | ||
Hmawbi Disabled People Organization | $5,000 | Myanmar | To collect data on the issues and socio-economic challenges faced by persons with disabilities in Myanmar’s Hmawbi Township and to increase the capacity of local persons with disabilities to use this data and other rights mechanisms to self-advocate, in line with CRPD Articles 19 (Living independently and being included in the community) and 31 (Statistics and data collection) | DRF | Small Grants | 2018 | (31) Data Collection | (100) SDG Data Collection | |
Myanmar National Association of the Blind | $14,000 | Myanmar | To build the capacity of MNAB members in Myanmar’s Mon State to organize and use the CRPD and the national Disability Rights Law to advocate with local authorities on the needs and rights of blind and visually-impaired persons | DRF | Small Grants | 2018 | (24) Education | (4) Education | |
Shwe Min Tha Foundation | $15,000 | Myanmar | To conduct data collection and analysis that will document the obstacles and challenges faced by persons with disabilities when accessing Myanmar’s justice system, and to use these findings to advocate with key stakeholders at the regional- and national-level for changes that will increase access to justice for persons with disabilities, in line with CRPD 13 (Access to justice) | DRF | Small Grants | 2018 | (13) Justice | (16) Peace/Justice | |
Centre for Citizens with Disabilities | $20,000 | Nigeria | To increase capacity of persons with disabilities to advocate for their right to health in policies and services at the local level in Ekiti State, Nigeria, in line with CRPD Article 25 (Health) | DRF | Small Grants | 2018 | (25) Health | (3) Health/Well-Being | |
Disability Rights Advocacy Center | $20,000 | Nigeria | To improve access to justice for women and girls with disabilities in Plateau State, Nigeria who have faced gender-based violence, in line with CRPD Article 6 (Women with disabilities), 13 (Access to justice), and 16 (Freedom from exploitation abuse and violence), as well as Sustainable Development Goals 5 (Gender equality) and 16 (Peace, justice and strong institutions) | DRF | Small Grants | 2018 | (13) Justice | (5) Gender Equality | |
Family Centered Initiative for Challenged Persons | $20,000 | Nigeria | To empower women and girls with disabilities to advocate for inclusive sexual reproductive health services at three health facilities in Nigeria’s Akwa Abom, Kano, and Oyo States and to increase the number of local health care facilities that provide inclusive sexual reproductive health services, in line with CRPD Articles 6 (Women with disabilities), 9 (Accessibility), and 25 (Health), as well as Sustainable Development Goals 3 (Good health and well-being), 5 (Gender equality), and 10 (Reduced inequalities) | DRF | Small Grants | 2018 | (25) Health | (3) Health/Well-Being | |
Independent Living Programme for People with Disabilities | $20,000 | Nigeria | To train Nigerian disabled persons’ organizations to participate effectively as members of a local committee addressing the Oyo State Model Education Systems with the aim of advocating for an inclusive education curriculum and accessibility of school buildings, in line with CRPD Article 24 (Education) and SDG Goal 4 (Quality Education) | DRF | Small Grants | 2018 | (24) Education | (4) Education | |
The Albino Foundation | $20,000 | Nigeria | To build the advocacy capacity of leaders with Albinism so they can advocate for mainstreaming the National Policy on Albinism within the Ministry of Education and with teachers to reduce the drop-out rate for children with Albinism due to bullying and discrimination, in line with CRPD Articles 5 (Equality and non-discrimination) and 24 (Education), as well as Sustainable Development Goal 4 (Quality education) | DRF | Small Grants | 2018 | (10) Right to Life | ||
African Initiative for Mankind Progress Organization | $20,000 | Rwanda | To strengthen the capacity of the First Peoples with Disability Organization, an emergent organization of Indigenous Batwa persons with disabilities, to enable them to advocate for inclusion in local development programs in Rwanda in line with CRPD Article 28 (Adequate standard of living and social protection) and Sustainable Development Goal 10 (Reduced inequality) | DRF | Small Grants | 2018 | (28) Social Protection | (1) Poverty | |
Organisation d’Integration et de Promotion des Persones Atteintes d’Albinisme | $20,000 | Rwanda | To advocate for policy changes and the development of guidelines to ensure provision of reasonable accommodations for children with albinism to access school in line with CRPD Article 24 (Education) and Sustainable Development Goal 4 (Quality education) | DRF | Small Grants | 2018 | (24) Education | (4) Education | |
Rwanda National Association of Deaf Women | $15,000 | Rwanda | To increase access to health services in Rwanda by Deaf women, women who are hard of hearing, and women with deafblindness, by increasing awareness among these women about their rights and how to access the health insurance program, “mutuelle de santé,” in line with CRPD Article 25 (Health) and Sustainable Development Goal 3 (Good health and well-being) | DRF | Small Grants | 2018 | (25) Health | (3) Health/Well-Being | |
Rwanda Union of Little People | $15,000 | Rwanda | To increase access to sexual and reproductive health (SRH) services for girls and women of short stature in Rwanda’s Kanyonza District in line with CRPD Articles 6 (Women with disabilities) and 25 (Health) and Sustainable Development Goal 3 (Good health and well-being) and 5 (Gender equality) | DRF | Small Grants | 2018 | (25) Health | (3) Health/Well-Being | |
Umbrella des Organisations des Personnes en Situation de Handicap Luttant Contre le VIH et le SIDA et pour la Promotion de la Sante | $30,000 | Rwanda | (Year One) To advocate for the inclusion of persons with disabilities in government health and water and sanitation (WASH) programs in Kigali District and for increased budget allocations for disability-inclusive approaches to WASH in line with CRPD Articles 9 (Accessibility) and 25 (Health) and Sustainable Development Goal 6 (Clean water and sanitation) | DRF | Mid-Level Coalition | 2018 | (25) Health | (6) Water/Sanitation | |
Uwezo Youth Empowerment | $20,000 | Rwanda | To use the Rwandan government Global Disability Summit commitment to develop jobs for at least 2,000 people with disabilities by 2020 to advocate for adoption by national governmental agencies of a Youth with Disability Inclusion Strategy to foster inclusion of youth in work and employment programs in Rwanda in line with CRPD Article 27 (Work and employment) and Sustainable Development Goal 8 (Decent work and employment) | DRF | Commonwealth | 2018 | (27) Work/Employment | (8) Work/Economic Growth | |
Tonga National Visual Impairment Association | $16,000 | Tonga | To advocate for the implementation of Tonga’s National Inclusive Education Policy to increase the number of children with disabilities who are attending school, in line with CRPD Article 24 (Education) and Sustainable Development Goal 4 (Quality education) | DRF | Small Grants | 2018 | (24) Education | (4) Education | |
Bundibugyo District Deaf Association Bundibugyo | $20,000 | Uganda | To advocate for the inclusion of the rights of persons with disabilities, especially Deaf persons, in the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals in Uganda’s Bundibugyo District Development Plan (DDP) and budget | DRF | Small Grants | 2018 | (0) General SDGs awareness raising | ||
Lira NGO Forum | $40,000 | Uganda | (Year Two) To build coalition capacity and the capacity of district officials in Uganda’s Lango sub-region to ensure implementation of newly adopted district ordinances, which aim to increase access to government programs and services for persons with disabilities, in line with CRPD Articles 4 (General obligations) and 24 (Education), as well as Sustainable Development Goals 10 (Reduced inequalities) and 4 (Quality education) | DRF | Mid-Level Coalition | 2018 | (24) Education | (4) Education | |
Masaka Association of Persons with Disabilities Living with HIV & AIDS | $20,000 | Uganda | To increase knowledge of MADIPHA partners and government officials on CRPD Article 25 (Health) for persons with disabilities living with HIV and AIDS in Uganda’s Masaka District, to increase the participation of persons with disabilities in healthcare decision-making at the district level, and to identify and communicate key gaps in district-level frameworks and services | DRF | Small Grants | 2018 | (25) Health | (3) Health/Well-Being | |
National Union of Disabled Persons of Uganda | $60,000 | Uganda | (Year Two) To utilize Ugandan government commitments made at the Global Disability Summit to advance government capacity and development of a mechanism to engage disabled persons’ organizations in finalizing, publishing, and monitoring a National Plan of Action for implementation of the 2016 CRPD Committee’s Concluding Observations for Uganda. Also, with $20,000 of the grant, to organize the Uganda Grantee Convening in 2019 to engage all DRF/DRAF grantees in this advocacy. | DRF | Commonwealth | 2018 | (33) Nat'l Implementation | ||
National Union of Women with Disabilities of Uganda | $35,000 | Uganda | (Year Two) To advocate for the rights and protection of refugee women with disabilities in Uganda’s Kampala (Central region), Isingiro (Western region), and Ajumani (Northern Uganda) Districts in line with CRPD Article 11 and humanitarian law in order to facilitate integration of disability in systems of assessing, registering, delivering and monitoring of refugee response at district levels, as promised by the Ugandan government in commitments made at the Global Disability Summit, and to provide legal protection on violations experienced by refugee women with disabilities (RWWDs) | DRF | Commonwealth | 2018 | (11) Risk/Emergency | (11) Sustainable Cities/Communities | |
Triumph Uganda Mental Health Support and Recovery Program | $15,000 | Uganda | To build the capacity of self-advocates to advocate for improved access to sexual and reproductive health and gender-based violence services for women with psychosocial disabilities in Uganda’s Jinja District, in line with CRPD Article 25 (Health) and Sustainable Development Goal 3 (Good health and well-being) | DRF | Small Grants | 2018 | (25) Health | (3) Health/Well-Being | |
Uganda Mental Health Fellowship - Atanekontola | $20,000 | Uganda | To ensure that persons with psychosocial disabilities in Jinja District in Eastern Uganda have access to government agricultural support and food security programs in line with CRPD Article 28 (Adequate standard of living and social protection) | DRF | Small Grants | 2018 | (28) Social Protection | (10) Reduced Inequalities | |
Uganda National Action on Physical Disability | $46,000 | Uganda | (Year One) To develop enforcement mechanisms for implementation of the accessibility standards in Uganda’s national Building Code and to ensure that the construction industry adopts accessibility indicators in order to improve accessibility of physical environments in line with CRPD Article 9 (Accessibility) and Sustainable Development Goal 11 (Sustainable cities and communities) | DRF | National Coalition | 2018 | (11) Sustainable Cities/Communities | ||
Wakiso Action on Physical Disability | $8,000 | Uganda | To advocate for accessible water and sanitation facilities at schools in Uganda’s Wakiso District to improve access of children with disabilities to education in mainstream schools, in line with CRPD Articles 9 (Accessibility), 24 (Education), and 28 (Adequate standard of living), as well as Sustainable Development Goals 4 (Quality education) and 6 (Clean water and sanitation) | DRF | Small Grants | 2018 | (24) Education | (4) Education | |
Youth with Physical Disabilities Development Forum | $20,000 | Uganda | To generate evidence on and advocate for the implementation of Uganda’s Wakiso District Accessibility Ordinance in private schools and hotels and to build the capacity of local council leaders to understand the Ordinance and implementation barriers, in line with CRPD Article 9 (Accessibility) | DRF | Small Grants | 2018 | (24) Education | (11) Sustainable Cities/Communities | |
Vanuatu Disability Promotion & Advocacy Association Committee, Inc. | $20,000 | Vanuatu | To support the participation of diverse disabled persons’ organizations (DPOs) in the constructive dialogue before the CRPD Committee’s review of Vanuatu and to develop a policy brief and recommendations on budget allocations to implement the Committee’s Concluding Observations. $28,000.00 of the grant total will be used to cover travel expenses to Geneva, Switzerland (as a Special Opportunity grant), where VDPA and other DPOs will participate in the CRPD Committee’s review of Vanuatu. | DRF | Small Grants | 2018 | (33) Nat'l Implementation | (10) Reduced Inequalities | |
Fiji Disabled Peoples Federation | $50,000 | Fiji | (Year One) To advocate for disability-inclusive policies to domesticate the CRPD in Fiji, with a focus on the right to work in line with CRPD Article 27 (Work and employment) | DRAF | National Coalition | 2018 | (27) Work/Employment | (8) Work/Economic Growth | |
Federation Haitienne des Associations et Institutions des Personnes Handicapees d'Haiti | $32,000 | Haiti | (Year Two) To work towards amendment of Haiti’s 2012 National Law on the Integration of Persons with Disabilities to ensure accordance with the CRPD | DRAF | National Coalition | 2018 | |||
Fondation J’Aime Haïti | $20,000 | Haiti | To advocate for greater participation of persons with disabilities in political and public life in Haiti, as mandated in CRPD Article 29 (Participation in political and public life) | DRAF | Small Grants | 2018 | (29) Political | ||
Reseau Association National pour l'Integration des Personnes Handicapees | $50,000 | Haiti | (Year One) To use the CRPD Committee’s Concluding Observations on Haiti’s implementation of articles 6 (Women with disabilities), 9 (Accessibility), 12 (Equal recognition before the law), 13 (Access to justice), and 16 (Freedom from exploitation, violence and abuse) to advocate for changes in national law and policy to address gaps | DRAF | National Coalition | 2018 | |||
Dewan Pengurus Daerah Persatuan Penyandang Disabilitas Indonesia Kalimantan Timur | $12,000 | Indonesia | To advocate for the development of a Governor’s Regulation on inclusive education in the city of Samarinda in East Kalimantan, Indonesia, advancing the domestication of CRPD Article 24 (Education) and promoting Sustainable Development Goal 4 (Quality education) | DRAF | Small Grants | 2018 | (24) Education | (4) Education | |
Himpunan Wanita Penyandang Cacat Indonesia Sulawesi Selatan | $20,000 | Indonesia | To increase the capacity of indigenous women with disabilities in Maros District in South Sulawesi, Indonesia to participate in village development planning and budgeting and in the drafting of local regulations, advancing CRPD Articles 4.3 (General obligations - participation in decision making) and 6 (Women With Disabilities), as well as Sustainable Development Goal 5 (Gender equality) | DRAF | Small Grants | 2018 | (5) Gender Equality | ||
Perhimpunan Jiwa Sehat | $20,000 | Indonesia | To advocate for the end of degrading treatment, violence and abuse towards persons with psychosocial disabilities in social care institutions in DKI Jakarta, and the Central Java and West Java provinces of Indonesia, advancing CRPD Articles 15 (Freedom from torture or cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment) and 16 (Freedom from exploitation, violence and abuse); and, to promote their right to vote, in alignment with CRPD Article 29 (Participation in political and public life) | DRAF | Small Grants | 2018 | (15) Torture | ||
Perkumpulan Sehati Sukoharjo | $15,000 | Indonesia | To continue advocacy for the establishment of an independent body, made up of disabled persons’ organizations and local government representatives, to monitor implementation of new regulations (PERDA) protecting the rights of persons with disabilities in Sukoharjo in Central Java, Indonesia | DRAF | Small Grants | 2018 | (10) Reduced Inequalities | ||
Persatuan Penyandang Cacat Indonesia Provinsi Sulawesi Selatan | $18,000 | Indonesia | To increase the capacity of local DPOs to participate in advocacy for passage of local regulations (PERDAs) that ensure the fulfillment and protection of rights of persons with disabilities at the local level in the Jeneponto and Gowa Districts of the South Sulawesi Province of Indonesia | DRAF | Small Grants | 2018 | |||
Persatuan Penyandang Disabilitas Klaten | $18,000 | Indonesia | To continue to support the Disability Unit of the Regional Disaster Management Agency in the Klaten District of Central Java, Indonesia, advancing CRPD Article 11 (Situation of risk and humanitarian emergencies) and Sustainable Development Goal 11 (Sustainable cities and communities); to advocate for development of Mayoral Regulations on accessibility of public services in Klaten District, in line with CRPD Article 9 (Accessibility); and to increase participation of persons with disabilities in Kemalang’s Dompol Village development planning mechanisms, in line with CRPD article 4.3 (General obligations - participation in decision making) | DRAF | Small Grants | 2018 | (11) Sustainable Cities/Communities | ||
Pusat Pemilihan Umum Akses Untuk Penyandang Cacat | $50,000 | Indonesia | (Year One) To advocate for passage of implementation regulations and a budget for the Indonesian Persons With Disabilities Act, advancing CRPD Articles 4 (General obligations) and 33 (National implementation and monitoring), and to ensure that persons with disabilities fully participate in the general election in 2019, advancing Article 29 (Participation in political and public life) | DRAF | National Coalition | 2018 | |||
Federation of Disability Organizations in Malawi | $60,000 | Malawi | (Year One) To support the finalization and submission of the CPRD Alternative Report, advocate for inclusive implementation of the Malawi Growth and Development Strategy, monitor the implementation of the 2018 Malawi Population and Housing Census to ensure utilization by government of the Washington Group questions, and further advocate for the political participation of persons with disabilities in upcoming 2019 elections | DRAF | National Coalition | 2018 | (29) Political | (10) Reduced Inequalities | |
Human Rights of Women and Girls with Disabilities | $15,000 | Malawi | To advocate for changes in Malawi national and local sexual and reproductive health policies to ensure that they are inclusive of the rights of women and girls with disabilities, in line with CRPD Article 25 (Health) and Sustainable Development Goal 3 (Good health and well-being) | DRAF | Small Grants | 2018 | (25) Health | (3) Health/Well-Being | |
The Registered Trustees of Disabled Women in Africa | $40,000 | Malawi | (Year One) To continue to address exploitation, violence and abuse against women with disabilities in Malawi, including by advocating for access to justice, in line with CRPD Articles 16 (Freedom from exploitation, violence, and abuse) and 13 (Access to justice), as well as Sustainable Development Goal 16 (Peace, justice and strong institutions) | DRAF | Mid-Level Coalition | 2018 | (13) Justice | (16) Peace/Justice | |
The Registered Trustees of Disabled Women in Development | $15,000 | Malawi | To advocate for inclusive sexual and reproductive health (SRH) policies (including by-laws and health facility-related procedures) in the Kololo District of Malawi, including by empowering women with disabilities to demand their rights and advocate for appropriate budgetary allocations and accessible health facilities, in line with CRPD Article 25 (Health) | DRAF | Small Grants | 2018 | (25) Health | (3) Health/Well-Being | |
The Registered Trustees of Parents of Disabled Children Association of Malawi | $15,000 | Malawi | To influence national and local legislation and policies in Malawi to ensure equal access to justice for persons with intellectual disabilities, in line with CRPD Article 13 (Access to justice) and Sustainable Development Goal 16 (Peace, justice and strong communities) | DRAF | Small Grants | 2018 | (13) Justice | (16) Peace/Justice | |
The Registered Trustees of the Association for Albinos | $33,000 | Malawi | (Year One) To advocate for effective legal protections and decentralized health care services for persons with Albinism in Malawi, in line with CRPD Articles 13 (Access to justice) and 25 (Health), and to prepare a submission on gaps in these areas for persons with Albinism for the Universal Periodic Review of Malawi | DRAF | Mid-Level Coalition | 2018 | (13) Justice | (3) Health/Well-Being | |
Myanmar Federation of Persons with Disabilities | $30,000 | Myanmar | (Year Two) To use the CRPD Alternative Report to build networking and coordination between disabled persons’ organizations and other key stakeholders to develop effective policy and legislative advocacy on the promotion of the rights of persons with disabilities at state, regional and local levels in Myanmar | DRAF | National Coalition | 2018 | |||
Joint National Association of Persons with Disabilities | $50,000 | Nigeria | (Year One) To ensure that the government of Nigeria fulfills its duty to protect and uphold the human rights and dignity of persons with disabilities by bringing the Disability Rights Bill into law | DRAF | National Coalition | 2018 | |||
Papua New Guinea Assembly of Disabled Persons Association | $45,000 | Papua New Guinea | (Year Two) To advocate for the development and passage of a CRPD-aligned National Disability Act in Papua New Guinea (PNG) that sets a framework for aligning other PNG laws and policies with the CRPD | DRAF | National Coalition | 2018 | |||
National Union of Disabilities Organisations of Rwanda | $40,000 | Rwanda | (Year Two) To support the disability movement to participate in the full CRPD Committee review of Rwanda, follow up on the Concluding Observations, and advocate for implementation of government commitments made during the Global Disability Summit in July 2018. In addition, with $20,000.00 USD of the grant, to organize DRF/DRAF's Rwanda Grantee Convening in 2019. | DRAF | Commonwealth | 2018 | (1) Poverty | ||
Rwanda National Union of the Deaf | $37,000 | Rwanda | (Year One) To advocate for official recognition of Rwandan Sign Language (RSL) in law, in line with CRPD Article 9 (Accessibility) and Article 21 (Freedom of expression and opinion and access to information) | DRAF | Mid-Level Coalition | 2018 | (21) Information | ||
Rwanda Union of the Blind | $20,000 | Rwanda | To advocate for the ratification of the Marrakesh Treaty and to utilize the Rwandan government Global Disability Summit commitment to finalize the Special and Inclusive Education Policy by 2020 to advocate that the Policy include recognition of Treaty standards, enabling persons with visual impairments to have access to educational content on an equal basis with others, in line with CRPD Articles 9 (Accessibility), 21 (Freedom of expression and opinion and access to information), and 24 (Education) | DRAF | Commonwealth | 2018 | (21) Information | (4) Education | |
Umuryango Nyarwanda w’Abagore Bafite Ubumuga | $34,000 | Rwanda | (Year One) To utilize the Rwandan government Global Disability Summit commitments to advocate for reform of the National Disability Law and effective access to justice in Rwanda for women and girls with disabilities who are survivors of violence and exploitation, in line with CRPD Articles 13 (Access to justice) and 16 (Freedom from exploitation, violence and abuse). | DRAF | Commonwealth | 2018 | (13) Justice | (5) Gender Equality | |
Disabled Peoples' Association of Solomon Islands | $20,000 | Solomon Islands | To advocate for the ratification of the CRPD in the Solomon Islands, formal adoption of the Inclusive Education Policy, and recommendations for an accessibility policy for the marine transport system, in line with CRPD Articles 9 (Accessibility) and 24 (Education) | DRAF | Small Grants | 2018 | (24) Education | (4) Education | |
Lira District Disabled Women Association | $15,000 | Uganda | To advance implementation of the newly adopted disability-inclusive Health Service Delivery Policy for Lira District in Uganda in line with CRPD Article 25 (Health) and Sustainable Development Goal 3 (Good health and well-being) | DRAF | Small Grants | 2018 | (25) Health | (3) Health/Well-Being | |
Uganda Albinos Association | $20,000 | Uganda | To advocate for an amendment to the Uganda National Cancer Control Policy to ensure access to skin cancer treatments for persons with Albinism, in line with CRPD Article 25 (Health) and Sustainable Development Goal 3 (Good health and well-being) | DRAF | Small Grants | 2018 | (25) Health | (3) Health/Well-Being | |
Uganda National Association of the Deaf | $38,000 | Uganda | (Year One) To ensure that the Ugandan government enacts a CRPD-compliant National Disability Act in 2019 as outlined in government commitments made at the Global Disability Summit, and to raise awareness on the Act within the disability movement and with key implementers | DRAF | Commonwealth | 2018 | |||
Uganda Parents of Person with Intellectual Disabilities | $20,000 | Uganda | To utilize Ugandan government commitments made at the Global Disability Summit to advocate for changes in laws (including the National Disability Act and the Mental Health Bill) that limit persons with intellectual disabilities from enjoying and exercising their legal capacity on an equal basis with all Ugandans, in line with CRPD Article 12 (Equal recognition before the law) | DRAF | Commonwealth | 2018 | (12) Legal Capacity | (16) Peace/Justice | |
SEID (Society for Education and Inclusion of the Disabled) | $30,000 | Bangladesh | (Year Two) To build the capacity of self-advocates to lead advocacy on prevention of violence, abuse, and exploitation of persons with intellectual disabilities in Bangladesh, in line with CRPD Article 16 (Freedom from exploitation, violence and abuse), using innovative approaches including street theatre to raise community awareness | DRAF | Mid-Level Coalition | 2017 | (16) Abuse | (16) Peace/Justice | |
Women with Disabilities Development Foundation | $30,000 | Bangladesh | (Year Two) To reduce discrimination and end violence against women with disabilities in Bangladesh by increasing the capacity of judicial institutions and district legal aid service providers to be inclusive of and accessible to women with disabilities in line with CRPD Articles 13 (Access to justice) and 6 (Women with disabilities) | DRAF | Mid-Level Coalition | 2017 | (16) Abuse | (16) Peace/Justice | |
Jatiyo Trinomul Protibandhi Sangstha | $30,000 | Bangladesh | (Year Two) To leverage Bangladesh's draft CRPD Alternative Report to advocate for changes in laws and policies to improve access to justice for persons with disabilities in line with CRPD Article 13 (Access to justice); and to integrate the CRPD into national planning, policies and strategies for implementation of the SDGs | DRAF | National Coalition | 2017 | (13) Justice | (16) Peace/Justice | |
Federation of DPOs Sitakund | $30,000 | Bangladesh | (Year Two) To advocate for disability-inclusive climate change and disaster management programs at national and district levels in Bangladesh through implementation of CRPD Article 11 (Situations of risk and emergencies) and SDG 11 (Sustainable cities and communities) | DRF | Mid-Level Coalition | 2017 | (11) Risk/Emergency | (13) Climate Action | |
Access Bangladesh Foundation | $40,000 | Bangladesh | (Year Two) To advocate for inclusion of persons of disabilities within implementation of the SDGs in Bangladesh, with a specific focus on the intersection between CRPD Article 27 (Work and employment) and SDG 8 (Decent work and economic growth) | DRF | National Coalition | 2017 | (27) Work/Employment | (8) Work/Economic Growth | |
Access Bangladesh Foundation | $7,500 | Bangladesh | To support an annual convening of grantees for the purposes of movement building, joint advocacy, awareness raising and training about the SDGs, and technical assistance on the rights outlined in the CRPD | DRF | Off-Docket Grants | 2017 | |||
Fiji Disabled Peoples Federation | $40,000 | Fiji | (Year Two) Following ratification of the CRPD by Fiji in June 2017, to effectively domesticate the CRPD into national legislation, policies, and programs in various sectors such as health, justice, employment and infrastructure | DRAF | National Coalition | 2017 | (0) Overall CRPD (not article specific) | (0) General SDGs awareness raising | |
Pacific Disability Forum | $8,400 | Fiji | To support an annual convening of grantees for the purposes of movement building, joint advocacy, awareness raising and training about the SDGs, and technical assistance on the rights outlined in the CRPD | DRF | Off-Docket Grants | 2017 | |||
Pacific Disability Forum | $30,000 | Fiji | To build the knowledge and skills of disabled persons’ organizations in Papua New Guinea and Tuvalu to engage in CRPD monitoring and reporting processes, as well as monitoring and reporting to other UN human rights monitoring processes | DRF | Technical Assistance | 2017 | |||
Ghana Federation of Disability Organisations | $35,000 | Ghana | (Year Two) To continue advocacy for passage of an amendment to the Persons with Disability Act, 2006, to ensure CRPD-compliance | DRAF | National Coalition | 2017 | (10) Reduced Inequalities | ||
Ghana Blind Union | $30,000 | Ghana | (Year One) To enable persons with visual impairments to better enjoy their right to information through achievement of ratification of the Marrakesh Treaty and passage of an amendment to Ghana’s Copyright Act | DRAF | National Coalition | 2017 | (21) Information | (10) Reduced Inequalities | |
Ghana Federation of Disability Organisations | $10,000 | Ghana | To build the capacities of the disability movement to engage with national implementation of SDGs | DRAF | Technical Assistance | 2017 | |||
Ghana Federation of Disability Organisations | $6,600 | Ghana | To support an annual convening of grantees for the purposes of movement building, joint advocacy, awareness raising and training about the SDGs, and technical assistance on the rights outlined in the CRPD | DRF | Off-Docket Grants | 2017 | |||
Reseau Association National pour l'Integration des Personnes Handicapees | $30,000 | Haiti | (Year Two) To promote implementation of the CRPD and the Law on the Integration of Persons with Disabilities in Haiti by continuing to participate in the review of Haiti by the CRPD Committee | DRAF | National Coalition | 2017 | (24) Education | (4) Education | |
Federation Haitienne des Associations et Institutions des Personnes Handicapees d'Haiti | $30,350 | Haiti | (Year One) To equip members to lobby for the amendment of the National Law on the Integration of Persons with Disabilities | DRAF | National Coalition | 2017 | (10) Reduced Inequalities | ||
Reseau Association National pour l'Integration des Personnes Handicapees | $15,000 | Haiti | To advocate for children with disabilities to realize their right to inclusive education, in line with CRPD Article 24 (Education) | DRAF | Small Grants | 2017 | (24) Education | (4) Education | |
Fondation J'Aime Haïti | $20,000 | Haiti | To ensure inclusion of persons with disabilities in society through the passage of the Law on Accessibility and the National Solidarity Funds | DRAF | Small Grants | 2017 | (10) Reduced Inequalities | ||
Union des Femmes Mobilité Réduite d'Haïti | $18,500 | Haiti | To support an annual convening of grantees for the purposes of movement building, joint advocacy, awareness raising and training about the SDGs, and technical assistance on the rights outlined in the CRPD | DRF | Off-Docket Grants | 2017 | |||
Societe Hatienne d'Aide aux Aveugles | $20,000 | Haiti | To advocate for and support the establishment of accessibility commissions in five municipalities of the west and north departments of Haiti with responsibility to guarantee realization of the right of persons with disabilities to live independently and be included in the community, in line with CRPD Article 19 | DRF | Small Grants | 2017 | (11) Sustainable Cities/Communities | ||
Association Filles et Femmes au Soleil | $16,500 | Haiti | To advocate for the inclusion of women with disabilities in national policies and debates addressing women’s rights and development, in line with CRPD Article 6 (Women with disabilities) | DRF | Small Grants | 2017 | (16) Abuse | (5) Gender Equality | |
Association des Sourds de Leveque, Haïti | $15,000 | Haiti | To advocate to local authorities for the protection of deaf women against violence and abuse in line with CRPD Article 16 (Freedom from exploitation, violence and abuse) | DRF | Small Grants | 2017 | (16) Abuse | (5) Gender Equality | |
Centre National de Défense des Démunis et Handicapés | $11,500 | Haiti | To advocate for accessible public transportation to increase freedom of movement for persons with disabilities in Carrefour, in line with CRPD Article 9 (Accessibility) | DRF | Small Grants | 2017 | (11) Sustainable Cities/Communities | ||
Union des Femmes Mobiliéts Réduite d'Haiti | $15,000 | Haiti | To advocate for government actions, including formal media campaigns, to address stereotypes and promote awareness on the rights and contributions of persons with disabilities, in accordance with CRPD Article 8 (Awareness-raising) | DRF | Small Grants | 2017 | (0) Overall CRPD (not article specific) | (10) Reduced Inequalities | |
Association des Femmes Handicapées du Sud | $9,000 | Haiti | To advocate for the rights of women with disabilities in the Southern Region of Haiti to live lives free of violence and abuse, in line with CRPD Article 16 (Freedom from exploitation, violence and abuse) | DRF | Small Grants | 2017 | (16) Abuse | (5) Gender Equality | |
Association des Parents des Personnes Handicapées du Sud | $6,000 | Haiti | To advocate for the right of children with disabilities to live in a family in line with CRPD Article 23 (Respect for home and the family) | DRF | Small Grants | 2017 | (23) Family | (10) Reduced Inequalities | |
Fédération Nationale de Sourds d'Haïti | $10,000 | Haiti | To advocate for local authorities in Leveque to take action toward the realization of SDG 6 (Clean Water and Sanitation) and ensure availability of water for deaf persons living in the post-earthquake community of Leveque, in line with CRPD Article 28 (Adequate standard of living and social protection) | DRF | Small Grants | 2017 | (28) Social Protection | (6) Water/Sanitation | |
Organisation des Enfants Demunis et Handicapes d'Haiti | $6,000 | Haiti | To advocate for the local government in Petion Ville to take into account the provisions of CRPD Article 30 (Participation in cultural life) by taking measures to ensure children with disabilities have access to artistic and sporting activities | DRF | Small Grants | 2017 | (30) Sports | (10) Reduced Inequalities | |
Association des personnes sourdes du Sud | $6,000 | Haiti | To advocate for the municipality of Les Cayes to respect the provisions in Article 21 (Information) of the CRPD by ensuring accessible public information and communication for deaf persons | DRF | Small Grants | 2017 | (21) Information | (4) Education | |
Club Zaryen | $5,100 | Haiti | To advocate – as athletes with disabilities - for the rights of persons with disabilities in Haiti to live independently and participate fully in all aspects of life by increasing access to the local environment, in line with CRPD Article 9 (Accessibility) | DRF | Small Grants | 2017 | (19) Independent Living | (11) Sustainable Cities/Communities | |
Organisation de la Defense des Droits des Sourds Muets | $5,700 | Haiti | To advocate to local public authorities in Croix-des-Bouquets and to the national Parliament for the adoption of decisions ensuring compliance with CRPD Articles 9 (Accessibility) and 21 (Information) | DRF | Small Grants | 2017 | (21) Information | (10) Reduced Inequalities | |
Reseau Association National pour l'Integration des Personnes Handicapees | $17,500 | Haiti | To continue support to the Haitian disability community to prepare for and attend the 19th Session of the CRPD Committee, to influence the Committee's Concluding Observations | DRF | Special Opportunity | 2017 | |||
Pusat Pemilihan Umum Akses Untuk Penyandang Cacat | $40,000 | Indonesia | (Year Two) To raise awareness about and advocate for development of implementation regulations for the National Persons with Disabilities Law No. 8/2016, adopted March 17, 2016 | DRAF | National Coalition | 2017 | (33) Nat'l Implementation | (10) Reduced Inequalities | |
Yayasan Cahaya Jiwa | $9,000 | Indonesia | To increase the capacity of persons with psychosocial disabilities and their families in Cianjur to advocate for equal recognition before the law, in line with CRPD Article 12 (Equal recognition before the law) | DRAF | Small Grants | 2017 | (12) Legal Capacity | (16) Peace/Justice | |
Paguyupan Sehati Sukoharjo | $12,000 | Indonesia | To secure passage of amendment of Sukoharjo District 2009 PERDA (No.7/2009) to better harmonize it with the Persons with Disabilities Act of 2016 and the CRPD, and to draft and advocate for regulations to guide its implementation | DRAF | Small Grants | 2017 | (10) Reduced Inequalities | ||
Yaysan Pusat Pemberdayaan Penyandang Disabilitas Indonesia Bali | $15,000 | Indonesia | To support domestication of the CRPD at the Denpasar Municipal level by identifying gaps and advocating for passage of PERDAs that ensure the fulfillment and protection of rights of persons with disabilities, and to increase the capacity of local disabled persons' organizations in Denpasar to fully participate in this process | DRAF | Small Grants | 2017 | (11) Sustainable Cities/Communities | ||
Lembaga Pemberdayaan Tunanetra | $18,000 | Indonesia | To develop mayoral regulations to support establishment of Disability Desk Services at all levels of education and ensure budget allocations for these services, in line with CRPD Article 24 (Education) | DRAF | Small Grants | 2017 | (24) Education | (4) Education | |
Pusat Pemilihan Umum Akses Untuk Penyandang Cacat | $15,000 | Indonesia | To increase the participation of persons with disabilities as candidates in national and local elections by 1) advocating for changes in national election laws and regulations to make the electoral process more accessible to persons with disabilities and 2) creating and disseminating a guidebook for persons with disabilities considering public office, in line with CRPD Article 29 (Participation in political and public life) | DRAF | Small Grants | 2017 | (29) Political | (10) Reduced Inequalities | |
Center for Improving Qualified Activity in Life of People with Disability | $12,000 | Indonesia | To advocate for development of village policies to ensure participation of persons with disabilities in village development planning and budgeting mechanisms | DRAF | Small Grants | 2017 | |||
Perhimpunan Jiwa Sehat | $20,000 | Indonesia | To promote changes to laws and policies to end the legal basis for prolonged confinement and physical constraint of persons with psychosocial disabilities in Indonesia, and to advocate for the creation of university-based services to ensure better access to education for persons with psychosocial disabilities, in line with CRPD Articles 15 (Freedom from torture or cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment) and 24 (Education) | DRAF | Small Grants | 2017 | (12) Legal Capacity | (4) Education | |
Pusat Pemilihan Umum Akses Untuk Penyandang Cacat | $30,000 | Indonesia | To advocate for the full implementation of the Persons with Disabilities Act through the development of seven implementation regulations and adequate budgets to ensure enactment of the CRPD | DRAF | Special Opportunity | 2017 | |||
Himpunan Wanita Disabilitas Indonesia | $35,000 | Indonesia | To advocate for reform of Indonesia's draft bill, the Elimination of Sexual Harassment and Gender Based Violence, to prevent forced contraception and sterilization of women and girls with intellectual and/or psychosocial disabilities | DRAF | Special Opportunity | 2017 | |||
Perkumpulan ASEAN Disability Forum | $75,000 | Indonesia | To promote inclusion of persons with disabilities within ASEAN Vision 2025, a regional framework for social, political and economic development, using the CRPD as the guiding framework. The project will focus on building the capacity of ADF members in three key areas: 1) rights advocacy and networking among deaf persons in ASEAN; 2) utilizing international human rights monitoring mechanisms; and 3) utilizing regional human rights and development monitoring mechanisms, including by developing ASEAN-level human rights monitoring tools | DRAF | Strategic Partnerships | 2017 | |||
Lembaga SAPDA (Sentra Advokasi Perempuan Difabel Dan Anak) | $30,000 | Indonesia | (Year Two) To promote inclusive sexual and reproductive health information and services for youth and women with disabilities in East Nusa Tenggara and East Java provinces, utilizing CRPD Articles 25 (Health), 23 (Respect for home and the family), and 6 (Women with disabilities) | DRF | Mid-Level Coalition | 2017 | (25) Health | (5) Gender Equality | |
Himpunan Wanita Disabilitas Indonesia | $30,000 | Indonesia | (Year One) To advocate for regulations that put in place inclusive services for women with disabilities and children with disabilities within national and provincial police departments, in line with CRPD Articles 12 (Equal recognition before the law), 13 (Access to justice) and 16 (Freedom from exploitation, violence and abuse) and SDG Goal 16 (Peace, justice, and strong institutions) | DRF | Mid-Level Coalition | 2017 | (13) Justice | (16) Peace/Justice | |
Center for Improving Qualified Activity in Life of People with Disability | $30,000 | Indonesia | (Year Two) To promote mandatory education about disability-inclusive disaster risk reduction (DRR) within inclusive and special schools throughout Indonesia, in accordance with CRPD Article 11 (Situations of risk and humanitarian emergencies) | DRF | Mid-Level Coalition | 2017 | |||
Perhimpunan Organisasi Harapan Nusantara | $40,000 | Indonesia | (Year Two) To advocate for inclusion of persons with disabilities in the implementation of the SDGs at the national level, including in Indonesia's National Action Planning and on the SDG Committee, in line with CRPD Article 5 (Equality and non-discrimination) | DRF | National Coalition | 2017 | |||
Yayasan Muara Hati | $10,000 | Indonesia | To support changes to local development planning and budgeting in Bandung Municipality so that disabled persons' organizations participate in decision-making, monitoring, and evaluation of local development programs and budgets | DRF | Small Grants | 2017 | (11) Sustainable Cities/Communities | ||
Sasana Integrasi dan Advokasi Difabel | $18,000 | Indonesia | To advance changes in Indonesia's legal system to better ensure access to justice and legal services for persons with disabilities in Jakarta and Yogyakarta, in line with CRPD Article 16 (Access to justice) | DRF | Small Grants | 2017 | (12) Legal Capacity | (16) Peace/Justice | |
Yayasan Dria Manunggal | $16,000 | Indonesia | To develop and disseminate standard operating guidelines for courts, jails, and attorneys on services for persons with disabilities involved in Indonesia's justice system, in line with CRPD Article 16 (Access to justice) | DRF | Small Grants | 2017 | (12) Legal Capacity | (16) Peace/Justice | |
Gerakan Peduli Disabilitas Dan Lepra Indonesia | $10,000 | Indonesia | To ensure that persons with leprosy in the Sinabung Mountain in Medan cities affected by the 2013 volcano are included in humanitarian and economic programs in line with CRPD Article 11 (Situations of risk and humanitarian emergencies) and that they are supported to form and join organizations to advocate for their rights | DRF | Small Grants | 2017 | (11) Risk/Emergency | (11) Sustainable Cities/Communities | |
Persatuan Tunanetra Indonesia | $20,000 | Indonesia | To increase the capacity of organization chapters across Indonesia on the CRPD, the SDGs, and the national Persons with Disabilities Act, and give them the skills to link that knowledge to advocacy for inclusive national and local policies, regulations, and budgets, in line with CRPD Article 5 (Equality and non-discrimination) | DRF | Small Grants | 2017 | (0) Overall CRPD (not article specific) | ||
Himpunan Wanita Disabilitas Indonesia | $13,000 | Indonesia | To build the capacity of persons with intellectual disabilities and children with disabilities to understand and access their rights by creating advocacy toolkits specific to their needs and circumstances on the 2016 national Persons with Disability Act, in line with CRPD Article 21 (Access to information) | DRF | Small Grants | 2017 | (21) Information | (10) Reduced Inequalities | |
Himpunan Wanita Penyandang Cacat Indonesia Sulawesi Selatan | $18,000 | Indonesia | To support changes in local development planning to be inclusive of indigenous persons with disabilities in two villages of the Maros District, in line with CRPD Article 5 (Equality and non-discrimination) | DRF | Small Grants | 2017 | (21) Information | (10) Reduced Inequalities | |
Gerakan Untuk Kesejahteraan Tuna Rungu Indonesia | $16,000 | Indonesia | To improve the circumstances of deaf and hard of hearing women and young people in the justice system by increasing their knowledge of, and capacity to advocate for, their rights in line with CRPD Article 13 (Access to justice) | DRF | Small Grants | 2017 | (13) Justice | (5) Gender Equality | |
Te Toa Matoa | $20,000 | Kiribati | To advocate for amendments to Kiribati's Inclusive Education Policy to ensure that all students with disabilities are included, as outlined by CRPD Article 24 (Education) and SDG 4 (Quality education). This project will also work with communities (schools, families and children) to raise awareness of the right of all children with disabilities to access inclusive education. | DRF | Small Grants | 2017 | (24) Education | (4) Education | |
The Registered Trustees of Disabled Women in Africa | $40,000 | Malawi | (Year Two) To advocate for policies and legislative measures to increase protection against violence for persons with Albinism, as well as for women and girls with disabilities, in line with CRPD Article 16 (Freedom from exploitation, violence and abuse) | DRAF | Mid-Level Coalition | 2017 | (16) Abuse | (16) Peace/Justice | |
Federation of Disability Organizations in Malawi | $40,000 | Malawi | (Year Two) To continue work on the Alternative Report, follow up on any recommendations from Malawi's UPR and CRC reviews, and conduct national-level advocacy for inclusion of persons with disabilities in the SDGs implementation processes, using the findings from the Alternative Report to provide recommendations for inclusion | DRAF | National Coalition | 2017 | (100) SDG Data Collection | ||
The Registered Trustees of the Association of the Physically Disabled of Malawi | $20,000 | Malawi | To increase access to water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) by persons with disabilities through advocacy for reform of local and national procurement laws, in line with Article 28 (Adequate standard of living and social protection) | DRAF | Small Grants | 2017 | (28) Social Protection | (6) Water/Sanitation | |
Federation of Disability Organizations in Malawi | $10,000 | Malawi | To strengthen the budgetary advocacy capacity of FEDOMA's members, enabling them to better understand Malawi budget processes to engage in strategic advocacy for limited resources and ensure that appropriate budget allocations are made for services for persons with disabilities, in accordance with policies and laws on disability in Malawi | DRAF | Technical Assistance | 2017 | |||
Federation of Disability Organizations in Malawi | $15,000 | Malawi | To support an annual convening of grantees for the purposes of movement building, joint advocacy, awareness raising and training about the SDGs, and technical assistance on the rights outlined in the CRPD | DRF | Off-Docket Grants | 2017 | |||
Registered Trustees of the Disabilities HIV AIDS Trust | $20,000 | Malawi | To increase access to HIV and skin cancer services for persons with disabilities and persons with albinism in Lilongwe, in accordance with CRPD Article 25 (Health) | DRF | Small Grants | 2017 | (25) Health | (3) Health/Well-Being | |
Registered Trustees of the Forum for the Development of Youth with Disabilities | $18,000 | Malawi | To advocate for inclusive youth policies in Blantyre and inclusion of youth with disabilities in local development programs in line with CRPD Article 28 (Adequate standard of living and social protection) | DRF | Small Grants | 2017 | (28) Social Protection | (1) Poverty | |
The Registered Trustees of Disabled Women in Africa | $20,000 | Malawi | To continue promoting quality inclusive education for children with disabilities in Lilongwe by engaging relevant actors (teachers, heads of schools, district education authorities) to provide appropriate support to realize inclusive education, in line with CRPD Article 24 (Education) | DRF | Small Grants | 2017 | (24) Education | (4) Education | |
The Registered Trustees of the Visual Hearing Impairment Membership Association | $15,000 | Malawi | To advocate for quality inclusive education and accessible materials for Deafblind learners in Mzimba, in line with CRPD Article 24 (Education) | DRF | Small Grants | 2017 | (24) Education | (4) Education | |
The Registered Trustees of the Malawi National Association of the Deaf | $20,000 | Malawi | To expand provision of mandatory accommodation and support services for deaf persons in the courts and justice system from the district to the national level, in line with CRPD Article 13 (Access to justice) | DRF | Small Grants | 2017 | (13) Justice | (16) Peace/Justice | |
Nkhotakota Association of Visually Impaired Persons | $6,000 | Malawi | To engage policymakers at district level to develop policies that promote accessible public facilities and public information in line with CRPD Articles 9 (Accessibility) and 21 (Information), and to ensure meaningful participation of persons with visual impairments in local development forums and programs | DRF | Small Grants | 2017 | (21) Information | ||
The Registered Trustees of the Association for Albinos | $20,000 | Malawi | To support changes in Malawi's national health and education policies to ensure that persons with albinism have access to health care and inclusive quality education, and that reforms critical to the safety of persons with albinism in the country's legal and penal codes are implemented, in line with CRPD Articles 24 (Education), 25 (Health) and 13 (Access to justice) | DRF | Small Grants | 2017 | (13) Justice | (16) Peace/Justice | |
Marshall Islands Disabled Persons Organization | $20,000 | Marshall Islands, Republic of the | To influence national government policies in the Republic of the Marshall Islands to address accessibility of the built environment, in line with CRPD Article 9 (Accessibility) and SDG 11 (Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable) | DRF | Small Grants | 2017 | (11) Sustainable Cities/Communities | ||
Myanmar Federation of Persons with Disabilities | $40,000 | Myanmar | (Year One) To build awareness and momentum for effective and timely domestication of the CRPD in Myanmar and to build capacity, networking, and coordination of disabled persons' organizations and other key stakeholders to carry out effective CRPD policy and legislative advocacy at the state, regional, and national levels | DRAF | National Coalition | 2017 | (10) Reduced Inequalities | ||
Future Stars Self-Advocacy Organization | $14,000 | Myanmar | To deepen the self-advocacy capacity of persons with intellectual disabilities to participate in realizing their rights to independent living, legal capacity, and education and to expand organization membership to rural Myanmar (Yangon, Shan and Kachin State, Mandalay and Bago Region), in line with CRPD Articles 19 (Living independently and being included in the community), 12 (Equal recognition before the law), and 24 (Education) | DRF | Small Grants | 2017 | (24) Education | (4) Education | |
Myanmar National Association of the Blind | $15,000 | Myanmar | To build the capacity of blind and visually impaired persons in the Sagaing Region of Western Myanmar to advocate to local authorities on their needs and rights, especially the rights to education (CRPD Article 24) and to information (CRPD Article 21) | DRF | Small Grants | 2017 | (24) Education | (4) Education | |
Myanmar Federation of Persons with Disabilities | $8,000 | Myanmar | To support the Disabled Women, Girls and Child Rights Committee to address access of women with disabilities to the courts and the wider legal system in accordance with CRPD Article 13 (Access to justice), CEDAW, and Myanmar's 2015 Rights of Persons with Disability Law | DRF | Small Grants | 2017 | (5) Gender Equality | ||
Papua New Guinea Assembly of Disabled Persons Association | $40,000 | Papua New Guinea | (Year One) To advocate for a national disability law in Papua New Guinea that addresses the rights of persons with disabilities as outlined in the CRPD | DRAF | National Coalition | 2017 | |||
Rwanda National Union of the Deaf | $30,000 | Rwanda | (Year Two) To continue to advocate for legal recognition of Rwandan Sign Language as an official language | DRAF | Mid-Level Coalition | 2017 | (21) Information | ||
National Union of Disabilities Organisations of Rwanda | $50,000 | Rwanda | (Year One) To ensure that national development plans to implement the SDGs in Rwanda are inclusive of persons with disabilities and that the National Disability Act is amended to fully align with the CRPD | DRAF | National Coalition | 2017 | (1) Poverty | ||
National Organisation of Users and Survivors of Psychiatry in Rwanda | $26,000 | Rwanda | (Year One) To advocate for changes in the legal framework in Rwanda to safeguard legal capacity of persons with psychosocial disabilities as stipulated in CRPD Article 12 (Equal recognition before the law) | DRF | Mid-Level Coalition | 2017 | (12) Legal Capacity | (16) Peace/Justice | |
National Union of Disabilities Organisations of Rwanda | $39,000 | Rwanda | To support a joint convening of Rwandan and Ugandan grantees for the purposes of movement building, joint advocacy, awareness raising and training about the SDGs, and technical assistance on the rights outlined in the CRPD | DRF | Off-Docket Grants | 2017 | |||
Uwezo Youth Empowerment | $20,000 | Rwanda | To advocate for a national strategy to promote inclusion of youth with disabilities in work and employment programs in Rwanda in line with CRPD Article 27 (Work and employment) and SDG 8 (Decent work and economic growth) | DRF | Small Grants | 2017 | (27) Work/Employment | (8) Work/Economic Growth | |
Umuryango Nyarwanda Abagore Bafite Ubumuga | $20,000 | Rwanda | To ensure women and girls with disabilities access justice by building the capacity of local Rwandan judiciaries to respond to and protect their rights under CRPD Articles 6 (Women with disabilities), 13 (Access to justice), and 16 (Freedom from violence, exploitation and abuse) | DRF | Small Grants | 2017 | (13) Justice | (16) Peace/Justice | |
Rwanda Union of Little People | $10,000 | Rwanda | To ensure that little people have access to vocational training programs on an equal basis with others in order to compete in the open labor market in Rwanda | DRF | Small Grants | 2017 | (25) Health | (1) Poverty | |
Organisation d'Integration et de Promotion des Persones Atteintes d'Albinisme | $12,000 | Rwanda | To support Rwandan children with albinism to access primary education by addressing barriers with low-cost solutions | DRF | Small Grants | 2017 | (24) Education | (4) Education | |
African Initiative for Mankind Progress Organization | $20,000 | Rwanda | To empower indigenous persons with disabilities in Rwanda to advocate for their rights and inclusion in development, including within their own communities | DRF | Small Grants | 2017 | (0) Overall CRPD (not article specific) | (1) Poverty | |
Rwanda National Association of Deaf Women | $13,000 | Rwanda | To ensure Deaf and Deafblind women in Rwanda access existing government social protection programs in accordance with CRPD Articles 25 (Health) and 28 (Adequate standard of living and social protection) and SDG 1 (End poverty) and 10 (Reduced inequalities) | DRF | Small Grants | 2017 | (28) Social Protection | (1) Poverty | |
Umbrella des Organisations des Personnes en Situation de Handicap Luttant Contre le VIH et le SIDA et pour la Promotion de la Sante | $20,000 | Rwanda | To advocate for the inclusion of persons with disabilities in national water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) policies, programs, and services in Rwanda | DRF | Small Grants | 2017 | (25) Health | (3) Health/Well-Being | |
Nuanua O Le Alofa Inc. | $40,000 | Samoa | (Year One) To ensure the passage of a National Disability Bill in Samoa to address discrimination against persons with disabilities | DRAF | National Coalition | 2017 | |||
Disabled Peoples' Association of Solomon Islands | $20,000 | Solomon Islands | To address three interlinked areas of national policy reform on inclusion of persons with disabilities in the Solomon Islands: access to elections, inclusion in national data collection, and inclusive disaster risk reduction and climate change policies, in line with the CRPD | DRF | Small Grants | 2017 | (11) Risk/Emergency | (10) Reduced Inequalities | |
International Disability Alliance | $83,445 | Switzerland | To provide financial support through December 2017 to the UN Special Rapporteur on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, including hiring of additional administrative support, conducting and completing advocacy work and publications, and travel expenses to the Pacific region | DRAF | Strategic Partnerships | 2017 | |||
International Disability Alliance | $1,384,212 | Switzerland | To the "Advancing Inclusive Development and Human Rights for All Persons with Disabilities" project that will provide grants and technical advice to support persons with disabilities at regional, national, and global levels to advocate for changes in policies, legislation, and programs | DRAF | Strategic Partnerships | 2017 | |||
International Disability Alliance | $81,000 | Switzerland | To increase the capacity and long-term sustainability of the Indigenous Persons with Disabilities Global Network to advocate for the rights of indigenous persons with disabilities on global, regional and local levels. The project will promote participation of the Network in key advocacy fora including: the UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues, the High Level Political Forum, and the Expert Mechanism on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples | DRAF | Strategic Partnerships | 2017 | |||
International Disability Alliance | $71,117 | Switzerland | To provide financial support through June 2020 to the UN Special Rapporteur on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, including administrative support, conducting and completing advocacy work and publications, and travel expenses for the UN Special Rapporteur and team | DRAF | Strategic Partnerships | 2017 | |||
Naunau 'o e 'Alamaite Tonga Association Incorporated | $16,500 | Tonga | To build a strong DPO-led movement for CRPD ratification in Tonga, and to build the rights advocacy capacities of NATA members on the rights of women and girls with disabilities and the right to education | DRAF | Small Grants | 2017 | (24) Education | (4) Education | |
Tonga National Visual Impairment Association | $11,500 | Tonga | To promote community awareness – especially in outer island communities of Tonga – of the CRPD and build support throughout the country for CRPD ratification | DRAF | Small Grants | 2017 | (0) Overall CRPD (not article specific) | ||
Fusi Alofa, Inc. | $14,000 | Tuvalu | To increase Fusi Alofa’s capacity to advocate for inclusive disaster preparedness planning as outlined in CRPD Articles 9 (Accessibility) and 11 (situations of risk and humanitarian emergencies) and to expand their membership across the eight main islands of Tuvalu | DRF | Small Grants | 2017 | (11) Risk/Emergency | (11) Sustainable Cities/Communities | |
Lira NGO Forum | $30,000 | Uganda | (Year One) To strengthen social protection mechanisms and access to education for persons with disabilities in three Ugandan districts: Lira, Alebtong, and Dokolo, in line with CRPD Article 24 (Education) and SDG 4 (Quality education) | DRAF | Mid-Level Coalition | 2017 | (28) Social Protection | (4) Education | |
National Union of Disabled Persons of Uganda | $30,000 | Uganda | (Year One) To track progress on implementation by the Ugandan government of the CRPD Committee’s Concluding Observations, and to advocate for the reform of public service employment laws to enhance job opportunities for persons with disabilities | DRAF | National Coalition | 2017 | (27) Work/Employment | (8) Work/Economic Growth | |
Uganda National Action on Physical Disability | $30,000 | Uganda | (Year Two) To advocate for the implementation of the Building Control Act and related by-laws in Uganda’s Kampala and Mukono districts, to ensure an accessible environment in line with CRPD Article 9 (Accessibility) | DRAF | National Coalition | 2017 | (11) Risk/Emergency | (11) Sustainable Cities/Communities | |
Uganda National Association of the Deaf | $15,000 | Uganda | To continue advocacy efforts with the Ugandan Parliament and the Ministry of Gender, Labour, and Social Development to ensure that a CRPD-compliant disability law, drafted by the disability movement, is passed | DRAF | Small Grants | 2017 | |||
Lira District Disabled Women Association | $10,000 | Uganda | To continue advocating for a disability-inclusive health policy that also addresses sexual and reproductive health rights of women with disabilities in Uganda’s Lira District, in line with CRPD Articles 25 (Health) and 6 (Women with disabilities) | DRAF | Small Grants | 2017 | (25) Health | (3) Health/Well-Being | |
Uganda Parents of Person with Intellectual Disabilities | $20,000 | Uganda | To support changes to Ugandan laws that limit the legal capacity of persons with intellectual disabilities, in line with CRPD Article 12 (Equal recognition before the law) | DRAF | Small Grants | 2017 | (12) Legal Capacity | (10) Reduced Inequalities | |
National Union of Women with Disabilities of Uganda | $35,000 | Uganda | (Year One) To promote the rights of refugee women with disabilities in Uganda by advocating for their inclusion in refugee policies and programs and building the capacities of all relevant stakeholders | DRF | National Coalition | 2017 | (11) Risk/Emergency | (11) Sustainable Cities/Communities | |
National Union of Disabled Persons of Uganda | $14,000 | Uganda | To support a joint convening of Ugandan and Rwandan grantees for purposes of movement building, joint advocacy, awareness raising and training about the SDGs, and technical assistance on the rights outlined in the CRPD | DRF | Off-Docket Grants | 2017 | |||
Youth with Physical Disabilities Development Forum | $20,000 | Uganda | To build the capacity of Ugandan young leaders with disabilities to monitor implementation of the Wakiso District Accessibility Ordinance to ensure district infrastructure is in line with CRPD Article 9 (Accessibility) | DRF | Small Grants | 2017 | (11) Sustainable Cities/Communities | ||
Uganda Albinos Association | $20,000 | Uganda | To ensure the Ugandan national healthcare system addresses the needs of persons with albinism by amending the National Cancer Control Policy to include skin cancer issues | DRF | Small Grants | 2017 | (25) Health | (3) Health/Well-Being | |
Legal Action for Persons with Disabilities Uganda | $20,000 | Uganda | To increase organization's capacity to use strategic litigation as an advocacy mechanism to safeguard the rights of persons with disabilities in Uganda in line with CRPD Article 13 (Access to justice) | DRF | Small Grants | 2017 | (13) Justice | ||
Wakiso Action on Physical Disability | $10,000 | Uganda | To increase retention of students with disabilities in mainstream schools by supporting changes to school water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) programs in Uganda’s Wakiso District so that they are inclusive of and accessible to learners with disabilities | DRF | Small Grants | 2017 | (24) Education | (4) Education | |
Brain Injury Support Organisation of Uganda | $15,000 | Uganda | To support the implementation of curriculum guidelines for learners with acquired brain injuries in selected schools in Uganda’s Kampala District and to build the capacity of teachers in these schools to create inclusive classrooms in line with CRPD Article 24 (Education) | DRF | Small Grants | 2017 | (24) Education | (4) Education | |
Uganda Mental Health Fellowship - Atanekontola | $8,000 | Uganda | To ensure food security programs in Uganda are inclusive of persons with psychosocial disabilities in decision-making processes, in line with CRPD Article 28 (Adequate standard of living and social protection) | DRF | Small Grants | 2017 | (28) Social Protection | (10) Reduced Inequalities | |
Bundibugyo District Deaf Association Bundibugyo | $8,000 | Uganda | To advocate for the inclusion of persons with disabilities in the Bundibugyo District Development Plan as part of the implementation of the SDGs | DRF | Small Grants | 2017 | (28) Social Protection | (0) General SDGs awareness raising | |
Triumph Uganda Mental Health Support and Recovery Program | $20,000 | Uganda | To advocate for changes in health policies and programs to address the rights and needs of women with psychosocial disabilities in Uganda’s Jinja District in line with CRPD Article 25 (Health) | DRF | Small Grants | 2017 | (25) Health | (3) Health/Well-Being | |
Gulu Women with Disabilities Union | $12,000 | Uganda | To strengthen the organization’s capacity for more effective rights-based advocacy programs for women with disabilities in Northern Uganda | DRF | Uganda Capacity Fund | 2017 | |||
National Union of Disabled Persons of Uganda | $50,000 | Uganda | To oversee individualized mentoring and capacity building support to eight disabled persons’ organizations in Uganda and to facilitate sharing of experiences and learning across the organizations | DRF | Uganda Capacity Fund | 2017 | |||
Uganda Federation of the Hard of Hearing | $8,000 | Uganda | To strengthen the organization’s governance, management, and membership structures and build a foundation for more effective advocacy on the rights of hard of hearing people in Uganda | DRF | Uganda Capacity Fund | 2017 | |||
Uganda National Association of Cerebral Palsy | $11,000 | Uganda | To strengthen the organization’s capacity and newly formed membership structures to effectively advocate for and ensure inclusion of persons with Cerebral Palsy national and international development processes, including the SDGs | DRF | Uganda Capacity Fund | 2017 | |||
Vitiligo Association of Uganda | $12,000 | Uganda | To strengthen the organization’s capacity to effectively promote rights-based advocacy for women with Vitiligo in gender-based violence policies | DRF | Uganda Capacity Fund | 2017 | |||
My Story Initiative Ltd. | $12,000 | Uganda | To build the organization’s capacity, including management and governance structures, to lead a strong user-led movement in Uganda to champion the rights of persons with psychosocial disabilities | DRF | Uganda Capacity Fund | 2017 | |||
Masaka Association of Persons with Disabilities Living with HIV & AIDS | $11,000 | Uganda | To build organizational structures that will strengthen capacity to carry out advocacy on the rights of persons with disabilities living with HIV/AIDS in Uganda | DRF | Uganda Capacity Fund | 2017 | |||
Kiboga Disability Rights Initiative | $8,000 | Uganda | To increase the organization’s capacity to provide governance and strategic direction for more effective advocacy on the rights of persons with disabilities in Kiboga District, Uganda | DRF | Uganda Capacity Fund | 2017 | |||
Rights for Disability Development Foundation | $8,000 | Uganda | To build the organization’s capacity to realize their advocacy potential to promote access to education, health services, water and sanitation, and socio-economic empowerment programs for persons with disabilities | DRF | Uganda Capacity Fund | 2017 | |||
Disability Rights Fund | $1,328,086 | United States | To the "Advancing Inclusive Development and Human Rights for All Persons with Disabilities" project that will provide grants and technical advice to support persons with disabilities at regional, national, and global levels to advocate for changes in policies, legislation, and programs | DRAF | Strategic Partnerships | 2017 | |||
Disability Promotion and Advocacy Association | $30,000 | Vanuatu | (Year Two) To increase the capacity of the Disability Promotion Association of Vanuatu to engage in implementation and monitoring of the CRPD in Vanuatu, including through the CRPD Alternative Report drafting process | DRF | National Coalition | 2017 | (16) Abuse | (10) Reduced Inequalities | |
Federation of DPOs Sitakund | $30,000 | Bangladesh | (Year One) To advocate for disability-inclusive climate change and disaster management programs at the national level and in coastal belt districts of Bangladesh through the implementation of CRPD Article 11 (Situations of risk and emergencies) and SDG 11 (Sustainable cities and communities) | DRAF | Mid-Level Coalition | 2016 | (11) Risk/Emergency | (11) Sustainable Cities/Communities | |
SEID (Society for Education and Inclusion of the Disabled) | $30,000 | Bangladesh | (Year One) To build the capacity of self-advocates to lead awareness raising and advocacy efforts on the prevention of violence, abuse, and exploitation of persons with intellectual disabilities in Bangladesh, in line with CRPD Article 16 (Freedom from exploitation, violence and abuse) | DRAF | Mid-Level Coalition | 2016 | (16) Abuse | (16) Peace/Justice | |
Women with Disabilities Development Foundation | $30,000 | Bangladesh | (Year One) To reduce discrimination and end violence against women with disabilities by increasing the capacity of judicial institutions and district legal aid service providers to be inclusive of and accessible to women with disabilities and ensure they have full access to the justice system | DRAF | Mid-Level Coalition | 2016 | (13) Justice | (16) Peace/Justice | |
Jatiyo Trinomul Protibandhi Sangstha | $30,000 | Bangladesh | (Year One) To leverage Bangladesh's CRPD Alternative Report to advocate for changes in laws and policies to implement the CRPD with a focus on laws and policies that will improve access to justice for persons with disabilities in line with CRPD Article 13 (Access to justice); and to integrate the CRPD into national planning, policies and strategies for the implementation of the SDGs | DRAF | National Coalition | 2016 | (13) Justice | (16) Peace/Justice | |
Protibandhi Narider Jatio Parishad | $20,000 | Bangladesh | To advocate key ministries and local governments for the inclusion of women with disabilities in social safety net programs in seven districts of Bangladesh; and to build the capacity women with disabilities leaders' to advocate on CRPD Article 28 (Adequate standard of living and social protection) | DRAF | Small Grants | 2016 | (28) Social Protection | (1) Poverty | |
Turning Point Foundation | $20,000 | Bangladesh | To ensure persons with disabilities, particularly women with disabilities, have access to sexual and reproductive health services and to advocate to national ministries to amend health policies and strategies to be inclusive of persons with disabilities, in line with CRPD Articles 25 (Health) and 23 (Respect for home and the family) | DRAF | Small Grants | 2016 | (23) Family | (3) Health/Well-Being | |
Access Bangladesh Foundation | $40,000 | Bangladesh | (Year Two) To promote implementation of the CRPD through disability-inclusive budget allocations within seven national- and divisional-level government ministries | DRF | Mid-Level Coalition | 2016 | |||
Access Bangladesh Foundation | $40,000 | Bangladesh | (Year One) To advocate for inclusion of persons of disabilities within implementation of the SDGs, with a specific focus on the intersection between CRPD Article 27 (Work and employment) and SDGs Goal 8 (Decent work and economic growth) | DRF | National Coalition | 2016 | (27) Work/Employment | (8) Work/Economic Growth | |
Society of the Deaf and Sign Language Users | $20,000 | Bangladesh | To advocate key national- and district-level departments to address inclusive education, in line with CRPD Article 24 (Education), in Bangladesh's draft Fourth Primary Education Development Program; and to advocate for access to justice for Deaf and Hard of Hearing persons in line with CRPD Article 13 (Access to justice) | DRF | Small Grants | 2016 | (13) Justice | (4) Education | |
Protibandhi Kallyan Songstha | $20,000 | Bangladesh | To strengthen the capacity of indigenous persons with disabilities to advocate for their rights by creating a Chittagong Hill Tracts Disability Forum (CHTDF), a network of indigenous persons with disabilities that would lead collaborative rights-based advocacy to effectively implement the CRPD in Bangladesh | DRF | Small Grants | 2016 | (16) Peace/Justice | ||
Bangladesh Visually Impaired People's Society | $15,000 | Bangladesh | To increase accessibility of banking and financial services for persons with disabilities, including blind and visually-impaired persons, by advocating to national-level banking institutions and national government policymakers in Bangladesh | DRF | Small Grants | 2016 | (12) Legal Capacity | (10) Reduced Inequalities | |
Association for Research Development and Rights Implementation of Disabilities | $15,000 | Bangladesh | To increase access to employment opportunities for youth with disabilities living in Dhaka and Barisal Divisions, including improving access to employment services and removing environmental and attitudinal barriers against persons with disabilities, in line with CRPD Article 27 (Work and employment) | DRF | Small Grants | 2016 | (27) Work/Employment | (8) Work/Economic Growth | |
Fiji Disabled Peoples Federation | $40,000 | Fiji | (Year One) To effectively advance and mainstream the CRPD into national legislation, policies, and programs in various sectors such as health, justice, employment and infrastructure, with the overall goal of achieving CRPD ratification and implementation in Fiji | DRAF | National Coalition | 2016 | |||
Fiji Association of the Deaf | $20,000 | Fiji | To build regional collaboration with Deaf communities in Fiji, Papua New Guinea, and Kiribati in order to build their CRPD advocacy skills on Article 24 (Education), Article 27 (Work and employment), Article 11 (Situations of risk and humanitarian emergencies) and Article 13 (Access to justice); and to continue to involve Deaf advocates in Fiji’s CRPD ratification efforts | DRAF | Small Grants | 2016 | (24) Education | (16) Peace/Justice | |
Ghana Blind Union | $40,000 | Ghana | (Year Two) To continue advocacy to the Ghana government to ratify the Marrakesh Treaty and amend the Copyright Act in line with CRPD Article 21 (Freedom of Expression, Opinion and Access to Information) | DRAF | National Coalition | 2016 | (21) Information | (16) Peace/Justice | |
Ghana Federation of Disability Organisations | $65,000 | Ghana | (Year One) To continue advocacy for passage of an amendment bill to the Persons with Disability Act 715 to comply with the CRPD | DRAF | National Coalition | 2016 | |||
Lakeside Disability Rights Advocacy Initiative | $30,000 | Ghana | (Year Two) To continue advocating for budgetary allocations to the education sectors in Ghana, in light of the new Inclusive Education Policy | DRF | Mid-Level Coalition | 2016 | (24) Education | (4) Education | |
Voice of People with Disability Ghana | $30,000 | Ghana | (Year Two) To advocate for equitable access to social protection programs for persons with disabilities at regional levels in Ghana under CRPD Article 28 (Adequate standard of living and social protection) and for their inclusion in district development plans and budgets | DRF | Mid-Level Coalition | 2016 | (28) Social Protection | (1) Poverty | |
Inclusion Ghana | $30,000 | Ghana | (Year Two) To ensure Ghana's Inclusive Education Policy is implemented and budgetary allocations are in place for its effective implementation | DRF | National Coalition | 2016 | (24) Education | (4) Education | |
Ghana Federation of Disability Organisations | $20,000 | Ghana | To address inclusion of persons with disabilities in the implementation of the SDGs, with active participation of disabled persons' organizations in the process | DRF | Small Grants | 2016 | (32) Int'l Cooperation | (10) Reduced Inequalities | |
Ghana Society of the Physically Disabled | $10,000 | Ghana | To increase access justice for persons with disabilities using CRPD Article 13 (Access to justice) to advocate for access to court structures, accessible information, and to build knowledge of these rights | DRF | Small Grants | 2016 | (13) Justice | (16) Peace/Justice | |
Future Hope International | $20,000 | Ghana | To advocate for inclusive and accessible sexual and reproductive health (SRH) services for women with disabilities by advocating for inclusion in national heath policies and programs in line with CRPD Articles 25 (Health) and 23 (Respect for Home and Family) | DRF | Small Grants | 2016 | (25) Health | (3) Health/Well-Being | |
Kekeli Foundation | $15,000 | Ghana | To contribute to implementation of Ghana's Inclusive Education Policy by supporting persons with intellectual disabilities to advocate for their rights to be included in the community and to access education in line with CRPD articles 19 (Living independently and being included in the community) and 24 (Education) | DRF | Small Grants | 2016 | (24) Education | (4) Education | |
Ghana National Association of the Deaf | $15,000 | Ghana | To build the capacity of Deaf persons to advocate for their rights as outlined in the CRPD in three districts of Northern Ghana focusing on CPRD Articles 13 (Access to justice) and 21 (Freedom of Expression, Opinion and Access to Information) | DRF | Small Grants | 2016 | (13) Justice | (16) Peace/Justice | |
Société Haïtienne d'Aide aux Aveugles | $36,000 | Haiti | (Year Two) To advocate for the establishment of a National Committee to monitor implementation of the CRPD according to Article 33 (National implementation and monitoring); to lobby for ratification of the Marrakesh Treaty in line with Article 21 (Freedom of expression and opinion and access to information) and to lobby for a provision on inclusive education in the draft National Law for Education Funds to ensure that financial resources are allocated to enable access to education in line with Article 24 (Education) | DRAF | National Coalition | 2016 | (10) Reduced Inequalities | ||
Reseau Association National pour l'Integration des Personnes Handicapees | $30,000 | Haiti | (Year One) To promote the full domestication and implementation of the CRPD and the Law on the Integration of Persons with Disabilities in Haiti by drafting and submitting an Alternative Report to the CRPD Committee | DRAF | National Coalition | 2016 | |||
Fondation J'Aime Haïti | $10,000 | Haiti | To advocate for the passage of the draft law establishing a National Solidarity Fund for the Integration of Persons with Disabilities, which will provide financial support to people with disabilities and their families towards their education | DRAF | Small Grants | 2016 | (24) Education | (10) Reduced Inequalities | |
Reseau Association National pour l'Intégration des Personnes Handicapées | $8,000 | Haiti | To advocate for implementation of CRPD Article 27 (Work and employment) so that persons with disabilities can access decent jobs or paid work in workplaces that provide reasonable accommodations | DRF | Small Grants | 2016 | (27) Work/Employment | (8) Work/Economic Growth | |
Fédération Nationale de Sourds d'Haïti | $8,000 | Haiti | To promote the right to adequate standards of living and social protection of Deaf persons and their families in line with CRPD Article 28 (Right to adequate standard of living and social protection) | DRF | Small Grants | 2016 | (28) Social Protection | (1) Poverty | |
Association des Femmes Handicapées du Sud | $8,000 | Haiti | To promote the rights of women with disabilities to a life free of violence and to access to justice in in with CRPD Articles 16 (Freedom from violence, exploitation and abuse) and 13 (Access to justice) | DRF | Small Grants | 2016 | (13) Justice | (5) Gender Equality | |
Organisation des Enfants Demunis et Handicapes d'Haiti | $5,500 | Haiti | To build the capacity of children and youth with disabilities to advocate for access to sports, culture and leisure programs and services in the community in line with CRPD Article 30 (Participation in cultural life, recreation, leisure and sport) | DRF | Small Grants | 2016 | (30) Sports | (4) Education | |
Association Filles et Femmes au Soleil | $20,000 | Haiti | To advocate for the inclusion of women with disabilities in the National Policy for Equality between Men and Women | DRF | Small Grants | 2016 | (16) Abuse | (5) Gender Equality | |
Association des Femmes Handicapées des Gonaéves et l'Union des Femmes a Mobilité Réduite d'Haïti | $8,000 | Haiti | To promote the rights, leadership capacity, and inclusion of women with disabilities within the Haitian disability movement | DRF | Small Grants | 2016 | (5) Gender Equality | ||
Association des Sourds de Leveque, Haïti | $16,000 | Haiti | To build the advocacy capacity of Deaf persons to promote their rights to access paid work and employment in line with CRPD Article 27 (Work and Employment) | DRF | Small Grants | 2016 | (27) Work/Employment | (8) Work/Economic Growth | |
Reseau Association National pour l'Integration des Personnes Handicapees | $20,000 | Haiti | To promote access to inclusive education in line with CRPD Article 24 (Education) by ensuring the recently adopted Inclusive Education Curriculum is implemented in practice | DRF | Small Grants | 2016 | (24) Education | (4) Education | |
Himpunan Wanita Disabilitas Indonesia | $35,000 | Indonesia | (Year Two) To influence the Ministry of Women's Empowerment and Child Protection to develop a national policy on inclusive services for women with disabilities who are victims of violence and sexual abuse | DRAF | Mid-Level Coalition | 2016 | (16) Abuse | (5) Gender Equality | |
Forum Komunikasi Masyarakat Berkebutuhan Khusus Aceh | $20,000 | Indonesia | To advocate for the development of a municipal regulation on accessibility of all public buildings in Banda Aceh municipality in line with CRPD Article 9 (Accessibility) and to promote inclusive disaster risk reduction programs for persons with disabilities in Banda Aceh province in line with CRPD Article 11 (Situations of risk and humanitarian emergencies) | DRAF | Small Grants | 2016 | (9) Accessibility | (11) Sustainable Cities/Communities | |
Paguyuban Penyandang Cacat Klaten | $15,000 | Indonesia | To advocate for the development of a district regulation for inclusive disaster risk reduction (DRR) programs in Klaten District and budget allocations for their implementation in line with CRPD Article 11 (Situations of risk and humanitarian emergencies) | DRAF | Small Grants | 2016 | (11) Risk/Emergency | (11) Sustainable Cities/Communities | |
Lembaga Pemberdayaan Tunanetra | $16,000 | Indonesia | To build knowledge and capacity of Surabaya District policymakers to better understand the rights outlined in CRPD Article 24 (Education) and to advocate for concrete changes in district education policies to support inclusive education | DRAF | Small Grants | 2016 | (24) Education | (4) Education | |
Lembaga Sapda (Sentra Advokasi Perempuan Difabel Dan Anak) | $30,000 | Indonesia | (Year One) To promote inclusive sexual and reproductive health information and services for youth and women with disabilities in East Nusa Tenggara and East Java provinces underpinned by the provisions in CRPD Articles 25 (Health), 23 (Respect for home and the family), and 6 (Women with disabilities) | DRF | Mid-Level Coalition | 2016 | (25) Health | (5) Gender Equality | |
Himpunan Wanita Disabilitas Indonesia | $40,000 | Indonesia | (Year Two) To increase participation of women with disabilities in development planning and budgeting processes to ensure that health and social protection programs at national and provincial levels are disability-inclusive | DRF | Mid-Level Coalition | 2016 | (25) Health | (1) Poverty | |
Center for Improving Qualified Activity in Life | $30,000 | Indonesia | (Year One) To advocate for disability-inclusive disaster risk reduction (DRR) programs to be taught within inclusive schools and special schools throughout Indonesia | DRF | Mid-Level Coalition | 2016 | (11) Risk/Emergency | (11) Sustainable Cities/Communities | |
Perhimpunan Organisasi Harapan Nusantara | $40,000 | Indonesia | (Year One) To advocate for inclusion of persons with disabilities in the implementation of the SDGs at the national level, including inclusion in Indonesia's National Action Plan and representation on the SDG Committee | DRF | National Coalition | 2016 | |||
Pusat Pemilihan Umum Akses Untuk Penyandang Cacat | $40,000 | Indonesia | (Year One) To advocate for the development of implementation regulations for the newly adopted National Persons with Disabilities Law No 8/2016 and to popularize the new legislation throughout the country | DRF | National Coalition | 2016 | |||
Perhimpunan Jiwa Sehat | $20,000 | Indonesia | To promote supported decision-making for persons with psychosocial disabilities to exercise their right to legal capacity in Indonesia in line with CRPD Article 12 (Equal recognition before the law) as well as to end violence against persons with psychosocial disabilities under CRPD Articles 15 (Freedom from torture or cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment) and 16 (Freedom from exploitation, violence and abuse) | DRF | Small Grants | 2016 | (12) Legal Capacity | (16) Peace/Justice | |
Persatuan Penyandang Cacat Indonesia | $20,000 | Indonesia | To ensure persons with disabilities are included in disaster risk reduction (DRR) programs and policies, as required by CRPD Article 11 (Situations of risk and humanitarian emergencies) | DRF | Small Grants | 2016 | (11) Risk/Emergency | (11) Sustainable Cities/Communities | |
Paguyupan Sehati Sukoharjo | $9,000 | Indonesia | To promote inclusive development in Sukoharjo District by ensuring the participation of persons with disabilities in district-level planning and budgeting mechanisms | DRF | Small Grants | 2016 | (10) Reduced Inequalities | ||
Yayasan Dria Manunggal | $12,000 | Indonesia | To advocate for police services that are responsive to the diverse needs of persons with disabilities to ensure equitable access to justice | DRF | Small Grants | 2016 | (13) Justice | (16) Peace/Justice | |
Yaysan Pusat Pemberdayaan Penyandang Disabilitas Indonesia Bali | $15,000 | Indonesia | To advocate for effective implementation of the newly adopted regulation on Protection and Fulfillment of the Rights of Persons with Disabilities in Bali by advocating for implementation regulations, budget allocations and monitoring mechanisms | DRF | Small Grants | 2016 | (10) Reduced Inequalities | ||
Sasana Integrasi dan Advokasi Difabel | $20,000 | Indonesia | To promote legal aid services for persons with disabilities as well as carry out research on the barriers they face in accessing justice at the national level | DRF | Small Grants | 2016 | (13) Justice | (16) Peace/Justice | |
Yayasan Keluarga Tuna Rungu Sehjira | $10,000 | Indonesia | To improve the quality of education for Deaf students in five provincial cities in Indonesia by advocating for adapted teaching curriculum and use of indigenous Sign Language for teaching in special and mainstream schools | DRF | Small Grants | 2016 | (24) Education | (4) Education | |
Himpunan Wanita Penyandang Cacat Indonesia Sulawesi Selatan | $20,000 | Indonesia | To raise awareness of indigenous peoples' organizations in South Sulawesi on the rights of indigenous persons with disabilities, as reflected in the CRPD, and to address inclusion of indigenous persons with disabilities within the indigenous peoples' movement | DRF | Small Grants | 2016 | (10) Reduced Inequalities | ||
Te Toa Matoa | $17,000 | Kiribati | To strengthen CRPD awareness throughout the outer islands of Onotoa and Beru, including through culturally-relevant awareness activities that educate communities on the rights of persons with disabilities to inclusive education and accessibility | DRAF | Small Grants | 2016 | (24) Education | (16) Peace/Justice | |
The Registered Trustees of Disabled Women in Africa | $29,000 | Malawi | (Year One) To advocate for policies and legislative measures that will increase protection against violence for persons with Albinism, as well as women and girls with disabilities in Malawi | DRAF | Mid-Level Coalition | 2016 | (13) Justice | (16) Peace/Justice | |
Federation of Disability Organizations in Malawi | $49,700 | Malawi | (Year One) To finalize the CRPD Alternative Report; follow up on human rights recommendations for Malawi made by the Universal Periodic Review mechanism and the Committee on the Rights of the Child; and conduct national-level advocacy for inclusion of persons with disabilities in the implementation of the SDGs | DRAF | National Coalition | 2016 | |||
The Registered Trustees of the Malawi National Association of the Deaf | $18,500 | Malawi | To increase access to justice for Deaf people in Phalombe District by advocating for the implementation of CRPD Articles 13 (Access to justice) and 9 (Accessibility) and SDG 16 (Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions) | DRAF | Small Grants | 2016 | (13) Justice | (16) Peace/Justice | |
Association of People with Albinism in Malawi | $12,000 | Malawi | To address violence against persons with Albinism in Malawi by providing legal and psychosocial support to victims and their families and by working with government to ensure legal protections to ensure access to justice are in place | DRAF | Small Grants | 2016 | (13) Justice | (16) Peace/Justice | |
The Registered Trustees of Disabled Women in Africa | $20,000 | Malawi | To improve access to inclusive education for children with disabilities by supporting the Teacher's Inclusive Education Alliance to advocate for changes to the National Education Act and accompanying budget in line with CRPD Article 24 (Education) | DRAF | Small Grants | 2016 | (24) Education | (4) Education | |
Nkhotakota Association of Visually Impaired Persons | $5,000 | Malawi | To raise awareness of blind and low-vision persons in Nkotankota District on their rights as outlined in the CRPD and, in particular, Articles 9 (Accessibility) and 24 (Education) | DRF | Small Grants | 2016 | (24) Education | (4) Education | |
The Registered Trustees of the Association of the Physically Disabled of Malawi | $10,000 | Malawi | To improve access to water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) services, programs, and decision-making mechanisms for persons with disabilities and their families in Chikhwawa and Salima districts (central region of Malawi) | DRF | Small Grants | 2016 | (6) Water/Sanitation | ||
The Registered Trustees of Disabled Women in Development | $15,000 | Malawi | To ensure women and girls with disabilities can exercise sexual and reproductive health rights by ensuring they are recognized under the Malawi Sexual and Reproductive Health Rights Policy | DRF | Small Grants | 2016 | (25) Health | (5) Gender Equality | |
Marshall Islands Disabled Persons Organization | $20,000 | Marshall Islands, Republic of the | To increase awareness of persons with disabilities living in remote outer islands of the Marshall Islands on the CRPD and to ensure the draft National Disability Policy fully accords with the CRPD | DRF | Small Grants | 2016 | (16) Peace/Justice | ||
Myanmar Federation for Persons with Disabilities | $40,000 | Myanmar | (Year Two) To build the capacity of disabled persons' organizations to collect, collate, and present findings on CRPD implementation in Myanmar in preparation for the submission of an Alternative Report to the CRPD Committee | DRF | National Coalition | 2016 | |||
Shwe Min Tha Foundation | $20,000 | Myanmar | To increase advocacy capacity of persons with disabilities on access to work and employment in line with CRPD Article 27 (Work and employment) at national, state, and local levels in central and western Myanmar | DRF | Small Grants | 2016 | (27) Work/Employment | (8) Work/Economic Growth | |
Disabled Development Initiative | $17,000 | Myanmar | To raise awareness of indigenous persons with disabilities in Northern Chin state on Myanmar's new Law on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and the CRPD | DRF | Small Grants | 2016 | (7) Children With Disabilities | (10) Reduced Inequalities | |
Disabled People's Development Organization | $12,000 | Myanmar | To build the capacity of staff and members to advocate on Article 24 (Education) and SDG 4 (Quality Education) to include persons with disabilities in the education system of Central Myanmar's Dry Zone | DRF | Small Grants | 2016 | (24) Education | (4) Education | |
Future Stars Self-Advocacy Organization | $7,000 | Myanmar | To build the capacity of persons with intellectual disabilities to be self-advocates for inclusion in the community under CRPD Article 19 (Living independently and being included in the community) in Yangon | DRF | Small Grants | 2016 | (19) Independent Living | (10) Reduced Inequalities | |
Myanmar Deaf Community Development Association | $12,000 | Myanmar | To build the capacity of Deaf persons in n the Chin State to understand and advocate on the CRPD by making it available in local languages and accessible through videos and social media with subtitles and Sign Language interpretation in American and Burmese Sign Language | DRF | Small Grants | 2016 | (16) Peace/Justice | ||
Myanmar Physically Handicapped Association | $16,000 | Myanmar | To promote the rights of victims of landmines and/or explosive remnants of war and other persons with disabilities to access health and social services and take part in decision-making processes relating to social protection programs in the township of Kyaukkyi, East Bago | DRF | Small Grants | 2016 | (28) Social Protection | (1) Poverty | |
Papua New Guinea Assembly of Disabled Persons Association | $35,000 | Papua New Guinea | (Year Two) To advocate for the development and adoption of a CRPD-compliant National Disability Act, while engaging a broad sector of Papua New Guinea’s diverse and geographically-expansive disability community | DRAF | National Coalition | 2016 | |||
Rwanda National Union of the Deaf | $30,000 | Rwanda | (Year One) To advocate for legal recognition of Rwandan Sign Language as an official language, as well as for increased access to elections by Deaf persons, in line with CRPD Article 29 (Participation in political and public life) | DRAF | Mid-Level Coalition | 2016 | (21) Information | (16) Peace/Justice | |
National Union of Disabilities Organisations of Rwanda | $43,000 | Rwanda | (Year Two) To complete the Alternative Report to the CRPD Committee and advocate to the Rwandan government to implement the report recommendations; popularize the Alternative Report throughout the country; and engage in the implementation and monitoring of the SDGs to ensure they are inclusive of persons with disabilities | DRAF | National Coalition | 2016 | |||
Human Rights First Rwanda Association | $20,000 | Rwanda | To provide legal aid services to persons with disabilities to enable greater access to justice and to engage the formal justice system through trainings to address the barriers faced in seeking justice recognizing their rights under CRPD Article 13 (Access to justice) | DRF | Small Grants | 2016 | (13) Justice | (5) Gender Equality | |
Initiative for Refugees with Disabilities | $20,000 | Rwanda | To advocate to authorities and education stakeholders to uphold the rights of refugee children with disabilities to access education in refugee camps, and advocate for removal of barriers that prevent their full inclusion in education programs, in line with CRPD Article 24 (Education) | DRF | Small Grants | 2016 | (24) Education | (4) Education | |
Uwezo Youth Empowerment | $20,000 | Rwanda | To develop a joint advocacy strategy with the National Youth Council to ensure inclusion of youth with disabilities in the implementation of the Rwandan National Employment Policy and the National Youth Council's youth employment programs | DRF | Small Grants | 2016 | (27) Work/Employment | (8) Work/Economic Growth | |
African Initiative for Mankind Progress Organization | $20,000 | Rwanda | To gather evidence on the living conditions of indigenous Batwa persons with disabilities and use the findings to raise awareness on the rights of indigenous person with disabilities, the intersection between ethnic identity and disability, and how this intersection impacts their social and economic conditions | DRF | Small Grants | 2016 | (28) Social Protection | (10) Reduced Inequalities | |
Rwanda National Association of Deaf Women | $13,000 | Rwanda | To advocate for the inclusion of Deaf and Deafblind women in Rwandan social protection programs, including the country's largest social protection program (Vision Umurenge Program), in line with CRPD Article 28 (Adequate standard of living and social protection) | DRF | Small Grants | 2016 | (28) Social Protection | (1) Poverty | |
Rwanda Union of Little People | $7,000 | Rwanda | To expand the membership base and develop members' capacity to advocate for inclusion of little people in development and poverty reduction programs, including the country's largest social protection program (Vision Umurenge Program) | DRF | Small Grants | 2016 | (28) Social Protection | (1) Poverty | |
Organisation d'Integration et de Promotion des Persones Atteintes d'Albinisme | $10,000 | Rwanda | To advocate for the rights of children with Albinism to access primary education in four districts of Rwanda (Nyarugenge, Gasabo, Kicukiro and Musanze) and sensitize the community on the rights of children with Albinism to education, as outlined in CRPD Article 24 (Education) | DRF | Small Grants | 2016 | (24) Education | (4) Education | |
Umuryango Nyarwanda Abagore Bafite Ubumuga | $20,000 | Rwanda | To use previous research findings on violence against women and girls with disabilities to advocate for their inclusion in national gender-based violence prevention programs and national development programs, and to establish new groups of women with disabilities in two districts | DRF | Small Grants | 2016 | (16) Abuse | (5) Gender Equality | |
Deaf Club Samoa | $10,000 | Samoa | To build the capacity of Deaf leaders to advocate for their rights, in line with the CRPD; and to lead inclusive local and national advocacy efforts for CRPD ratification | DRAF | Small Grants | 2016 | (10) Reduced Inequalities | ||
Disabled Peoples' Association of Solomon Islands | $12,000 | Solomon Islands | To review and advocate for amendments to the Solomon Islands Disability Bill, the National Health Strategic Plan, and the Persons with Disabilities Equal Opportunity Protection of Rights and Full Participation Policy, to ensure alignment with the CRPD and to advocate for the inclusion of persons with disabilities in the upcoming national census | DRAF | Small Grants | 2016 | (31) Data Collection | (16) Peace/Justice | |
Fusi Alofa, Inc. | $17,000 | Tuvalu | To raise awareness, knowledge, and understanding amongst Tuvalu disabled persons' organizations about the linkages between the CRPD and the SDGs; and to advocate for the inclusion of persons with disabilities in Tuvaluan national development policies | DRF | Small Grants | 2016 | (28) Social Protection | (10) Reduced Inequalities | |
Uganda National Action on Physical Disability | $30,000 | Uganda | (Year One) To advocate for increased accessibility in Kampala and Mukono districts by advocating for the implementation of the Building Control Act and related by-laws, in line with CRPD Article 9 (Accessibility) | DRAF | National Coalition | 2016 | |||
Uganda National Association of the Deaf | $20,000 | Uganda | To advocate to Ugandan government bodies including, Parliament, the Ministry of Justice, and the Ministry of Gender, Labour and Social Development, to ensure the passage of a CRPD-compliant national disability law | DRAF | Small Grants | 2016 | |||
Youth with Physical Disabilities Development Forum | $30,000 | Uganda | (Year Two) To popularize the Wakiso District Accessibility Ordinance amongst the population, and advocate for necessary budget allocations towards its successful implementation | DRF | Mid-Level Coalition | 2016 | (9) Accessibility | (10) Reduced Inequalities | |
Spinal Injuries Association | $20,000 | Uganda | (Year Two) To build the capacity of persons with disabilities hold local governments accountable by utilizing participatory advocacy strategies to accelerate disability-inclusive local government budgets and plans | DRF | Mid-Level Coalition | 2016 | |||
Integrated Disabled Women Activities | $20,000 | Uganda | (Year Two) To advocate for increased financial allocations for disability inclusion in education and health programs in district budgets and policies in Luuka and Mayuge districts, in line with CRPD Articles 24 (Education) and 25 (Health) | DRF | Mid-Level Coalition | 2016 | (6) Women With Disabilities | (5) Gender Equality | |
Action for Youth with Disabilities Uganda | $30,000 | Uganda | (Year Two) To advocate for a barrier-free environment for students with disabilities in public universities (Makerere and Kyambogo Universities) through advocacy for budget allocations to support the implementation of recently adopted university policies on inclusion | DRF | Mid-Level Coalition | 2016 | (24) Education | (4) Education | |
National Union of Disabled Persons of Uganda | $40,000 | Uganda | (Year Two) To monitor implementation and expand participation of disabled persons' organizations in UN human rights monitoring mechanisms, including Concluding Observations from the CRPD Committee, Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (CESCR), and Universal Periodic Review (UPR) The project will also advocate for inclusion of persons with disabilities in the implementation of the SDGs within national development polices and frameworks | DRF | National Coalition | 2016 | |||
National Union of Women with Disabilities of Uganda | $30,000 | Uganda | (Year Two) To continue advocating for the rights of refugee women with disabilities in Kampala (Central region) and Isingiro (Western region) districts by utilizing results of a baseline report to advocate for policy and program reforms while empowering refugee women with disabilities to mobilize and advocate for their rights | DRF | National Coalition | 2016 | (6) Women With Disabilities | (5) Gender Equality | |
Uganda Albinos Association | $15,000 | Uganda | To engage national government bodies, including the Ministry of Health and the Uganda Cancer Institute, to adopt a national skin cancer policy that addresses the rights of persons with albinism to access needed services | DRF | Small Grants | 2016 | (25) Health | (3) Health/Well-Being | |
Lira District Disabled Women Association | $10,000 | Uganda | To influence the ongoing development of a Lira District health policy to ensure it is fully inclusive of persons with disabilities, including women and girls with disabilities, in line with CRPD Articles 25 (Health), 6 (Women with disabilities), and 23 (Respect for home and the family) | DRF | Small Grants | 2016 | (25) Health | (3) Health/Well-Being | |
Triumph Uganda Mental Health Support and Recovery Program | $8,000 | Uganda | To advocate for better access to sexual and reproductive health services for persons with psychosocial disabilities in Jinja District of Uganda, in line with CRPD Articles 25 (Health) and 23 (Respect for home and the family) | DRF | Small Grants | 2016 | (25) Health | (3) Health/Well-Being | |
Vitiligo Association of Uganda | $8,000 | Uganda | To advocate for increased representation of women with Vitiligo in decision-making processes related to national gender-based violence programs and policies | DRF | Small Grants | 2016 | (16) Abuse | (5) Gender Equality | |
Brain Injury Support Organisation of Uganda | $10,000 | Uganda | To advocate for inclusive education for learners with acquired brain injuries in Kampala and Wakiso Districts in line with CRPD Article 24 (Education) | DRF | Small Grants | 2016 | (24) Education | (4) Education | |
Uganda National Action on Physical Disability | $20,000 | Uganda | To build the capacity of persons with disabilities in disaster prone areas of Eastern Uganda to advocate for inclusive disaster risk reduction and response policies and programs, in line with CRPD Article 11 (Situations of risk and humanitarian emergencies) | DRF | Small Grants | 2016 | (11) Risk/Emergency | (3) Health/Well-Being | |
Disability Promotion and Advocacy Association | $30,000 | Vanuatu | (Year One) To build organizational capacity to engage in implementation and monitoring of the CRPD in Vanuatu through the drafting an Alternative Report to the CRPD Committee | DRF | National Coalition | 2016 | |||
Federation of DPOs Sitakund | $40,000 | Bangladesh | (Year Two) To address disability inclusion in climate change and disaster risk reduction policies, action plans and programs in Chittagong Division and across Bangladesh | DRAF | Mid-Level Coalition | 2015 | |||
Access Bangladesh Foundation | $30,000 | Bangladesh | (Year Two) To develop a national disabled persons' organization network across Bangladesh to better coordinate advocacy on CRPD implementation to the government of Bangladesh, particularly around implementation of the new Disability Rights & Protection Act 2013 and the Neuro-Developmental Trust Act 2013 | DRAF | National Coalition | 2015 | |||
Turning Point Foundation | $20,000 | Bangladesh | To promote equal rights to marriage, family, parenthood and relationships for persons with disabilities, as well as the rights of persons with disabilities to sexual and reproductive planning, in accordance with CRPD Articles 6 (Women with disabilities) and 23 (Respect for home and the family) | DRAF | Small Grants | 2015 | (23) Family | ||
Bangladesh Protibandhi Unnayan Sangstha | $20,000 | Bangladesh | To advocate for reform of the Women and Child Repression Act 2003 to include the rights of women with disabilities to access justice, in line with CRPD Articles 13 (Access to justice), 16 (Freedom from exploitation, violence and abuse), and 6 (Women with disabilities) | DRAF | Small Grants | 2015 | (16) Abuse | ||
Access Bangladesh Foundation | $40,000 | Bangladesh | (Year One) To promote implementation of the CRPD through budgetary advocacy to seven key ministries around national and divisional disability-inclusive budgets for 2016-2017 and 2017-2018 | DRF | Mid-Level Coalition | 2015 | (28) Social Protection | ||
Jatiyo Trinomul Protibandhi Sangstha | $30,000 | Bangladesh | (Year Two) To complete and submit an Alternative Report to the CRPD Committee, which is focused on access to justice (Article 13) for persons with disabilities | DRF | National Coalition | 2015 | (13) Justice | ||
Disabled Women Development Organization | $7,000 | Bangladesh | To build the capacity of women with disabilities to advocate for increased access to justice by improved partnerships with the Gazipur District local bar associations and judicial authorities | DRF | Small Grants | 2015 | (13) Justice | ||
Panchari Upazila Protibandhi Kallyan Songha | $8,000 | Bangladesh | To increase access to social safety net programs for indigenous persons with disabilities in Khagrachari Hill District and contribute to implementation of the Rights and Protection of Persons with Disabilities Act of 2013 | DRF | Small Grants | 2015 | (28) Social Protection | ||
Bangladesh Visually Impaired People's Society | $15,000 | Bangladesh | To increase accessibility of banking services for visually-impaired persons in Bangladesh in line with CRPD Articles 12 (Equal recognition before the law) and 19 (Living independently and being included in the community) | DRF | Small Grants | 2015 | (12) Legal Capacity | ||
Disabled Child Foundation | $18,000 | Bangladesh | To advocate to the garment industry and the government of Bangladesh to uphold rights outlined in CRPD Article 27 (Work and Employment) to ensure reasonable accommodations and workplace safety for persons with disabilities employed in the garment industry | DRF | Small Grants | 2015 | (27) Work/Employment | ||
Women with Disabilities Development Foundation | $20,000 | Bangladesh | To advocate the government of Bangladesh to increase accessibility of roads, bridges, footpaths and other infrastructure for persons with disabilities, particularly women with disabilities, in greater Dhaka | DRF | Small Grants | 2015 | (9) Accessibility | ||
Federation of DPOs Sitakund | $20,000 | Bangladesh | To address increase access to information for persons with disabilities through enhanced disabled persons' organizations' advocacy on the right to information, in line with CRPD Articles 9 (Accessibility) and 21 (Freedom of expression and opinion, and access to information) | DRF | Small Grants | 2015 | (21) Information | ||
Society of the Deaf and Sign Language Users | $20,000 | Bangladesh | To strengthen access to justice for persons with disabilities in Chittagong, Sylhet, Rajshahi, Barisal and Dhaka Districts of Bangladesh | DRF | Small Grants | 2015 | (13) Justice | ||
Protibandhi Narider Jatio Parishad | $20,000 | Bangladesh | To advocate to secure specific quotas for women with disabilities in government and garment sector jobs and reduce discrimination in the employment sector for women with disabilities | DRF | Small Grants | 2015 | (27) Work/Employment | ||
Fiji Association of the Deaf | $15,000 | Fiji | To lobby for finalization of the Draft National Disability Policy and ratification and implementation of the CRPD | DRAF | Small Grants | 2015 | |||
Fiji Disabled Peoples Federation | $20,000 | Fiji | To coordinate advocacy efforts by the disability community, leading to Fiji ratifying the CRPD in 2016 | DRAF | Small Grants | 2015 | |||
Psychiatric Survivors Association of Fiji | $20,000 | Fiji | To increase inclusion and participation of persons with psychosocial disabilities into Fijian communities, and to strengthen disabled persons' organizations' advocacy efforts for CRPD ratification | DRAF | Small Grants | 2015 | |||
Ghana Blind Union | $40,000 | Ghana | (Year One) To advocate for ratification by Ghana of the Marrakesh Treaty and to amend the Copy Right Act to accord with CRPD Article 21 (Freedom of opinion, expression and access to information) | DRAF | National Coalition | 2015 | (21) Information | ||
MindFreedom Ghana | $15,000 | Ghana | To support development of guidelines to regulate prayer camps in Ghana, for integration into the draft Legislative Instrument which will provide an implementation framework for the new Mental Health Act of 2012 | DRAF | Small Grants | 2015 | (12) Legal Capacity | ||
Lakeside Disability Rights Advocacy Initiative | $30,000 | Ghana | (Year One) To advocate for disability-inclusive education budgets in Krachi and Ho districts to ensure that resources are allocated to implementation of Ghana’s new Inclusive Education policy | DRF | Mid-Level Coalition | 2015 | (24) Education | ||
Voice of People with Disability Ghana | $30,000 | Ghana | (Year One) To ensure that disability is mainstreamed in local government planning and development processes in Ghana so that key issues for persons with disabilities are financed in the national budget and through development assistance | DRF | Mid-Level Coalition | 2015 | (28) Social Protection | ||
Inclusion Ghana | $50,000 | Ghana | (Year One) To ensure the Inclusive Education Policy is adopted and budgetary allocations are in place for its effective implementation of inclusive education for persons with intellectual disabilities and other children with severe disabilities | DRF | National Coalition | 2015 | (24) Education | ||
Future Hope International | $17,000 | Ghana | To empower women with disabilities to advocate for access to sexual and reproductive health care in Agortime Ziope District and Ghana at large, engaging with women's rights groups, policymakers, media, and mainstream health rights organizations to ensure inclusive, accessible, and quality reproductive health care | DRF | Small Grants | 2015 | (25) Health | ||
Foundation for Integrated Development and Empowerment | $15,000 | Ghana | To carryout accessibility audits of 25 public places in Ghana to advocate for implementation of the National Disability Act 715 provisions on accessibility and Article 9 (Accessibility) of the CRPD, and engage key stakeholders to adopt Ghana Accessibility Standards | DRF | Small Grants | 2015 | (20) Personal Mobility | ||
Ghana Society of the Physically Disabled | $16,000 | Ghana | To ensure that the national legal aid service scheme is accessible to persons with disabilities in all 10 regions of Ghana and to empower mainstream legal aid service providers with an understanding of the CRPD and disability rights issues so that they are better positioned to provide aid | DRF | Small Grants | 2015 | (13) Justice | ||
Empowerment Through Community Volunteering | $12,000 | Ghana | To work with user-led groups of persons with psychosocial disabilities to document and expose rights violations, engaging the government and legal aid providers to ensure that persons with psychosocial disabilities who are victims of violence and abuse can access justice | DRF | Small Grants | 2015 | (13) Justice | ||
Société Haitienne d'Aide aux Aveugles | $46,000 | Haiti | (Year One) To promote the rights of persons with disabilities through advocacy for the creation of an official National Committee to implement the CRPD, ratification of the Marrakesh Treaty, and inclusion of inclusive education in the draft law to create a National Education Fund | DRAF | National Coalition | 2015 | |||
Reseau Association National pour l'Integration des Personnes Handicapees | $40,000 | Haiti | (Year One) To promote inclusive education for all children with disabilities in the Southern Region of Haiti, according to Article 24 of the CRPD, through advocacy for the adoption of a regional Inclusive Education Policy | DRF | Mid-Level Coalition | 2015 | (24) Education | ||
Association Filles et Femmes au Soleil | $20,000 | Haiti | To advocate for the inclusion of women with disabilities in the National Policy for Equality Between Women and Men, as well as for immediate actions to include women with disabilities in the implementation strategies of this policy, with special emphasis on protection from violence against women (CRPD Article 16) and access to health (CRPD Article 25) | DRF | Small Grants | 2015 | (16) Abuse | ||
Association des Sourds de Leveque, Haïti | $18,000 | Haiti | To advocate for adoption by government of an action plan on inclusion of the Deaf, hard of hearing, and DeafBlind in emergency preparedness planning, according to Article 11 of the CRPD (Situations of risk and humanitarian emergencies) | DRF | Small Grants | 2015 | (11) Risk/Emergency | ||
Association des Femmes Handicapées du Sud | $8,000 | Haiti | To raise visibility about the rights of women with disabilities according to the CRPD, with special emphasis on Article 16 (Freedom from Violence and Abuse) | DRF | Small Grants | 2015 | (16) Abuse | ||
Association des Parents des Personnes Handicapées du Sud | $8,000 | Haiti | To initiate advocacy by parents of children with disabilities in Southern Haiti through increased knowledge of the CRPD, demonstrations, and meetings with local authorities | DRF | Small Grants | 2015 | (24) Education | ||
Union des Femmes Mobilité Réduite d'Haïti | $8,000 | Haiti | To advocate that the government of Haiti fulfill the right to information for persons with disabilities by engaging professional sign language interpreters and producing accessible materials | DRF | Small Grants | 2015 | (21) Information | ||
Fondation Zanmi Timoun | $20,000 | Haiti | To promote the rights of children with disabilities living as “restavek” (domestic servants) in Haiti to be free from violence and live with their families | DRF | Small Grants | 2015 | (16) Abuse | ||
Organisation des Handicapes en Action pour le Progrés | $12,000 | Haiti | To promote the right to inclusive education in line with CRPD Article 24 (Education) working with mainstream schools, parents of children with disabilities and education authorities in the Western regional department of Haiti | DRF | Small Grants | 2015 | (24) Education | ||
Reseau Association National pour l'Integration des Personnes Handicapees | $20,000 | Haiti | To promote the right to inclusive education for children with disabilities, according to CRPD Article 24 (Education), by advocating to the Ministry of Education and school officials in Haiti | DRF | Small Grants | 2015 | (24) Education | ||
Centre Culturel et d'Action Pour les Personnes Handicapées | $20,000 | Haiti | To advocate to authorities in the justice system of the metropolitan area of Port-au-Prince and Delmas for implementation of existing laws to protect persons with disabilities from violence and abuse, and facilitate access to justice for persons with disabilities, including those without legal capacity | DRF | Small Grants | 2015 | (13) Justice | ||
Perhimpunan Organisasi Harapan Nusantara | $35,000 | Indonesia | (Year Two) To continue to build disabled persons' organizations capacity to advocate for the development of local regulations (Perda) in Bali Province | DRAF | Mid-Level Coalition | 2015 | |||
Persatuan Penyandang Cacat Indonesia Provinsi Sulawesi Selatan | $35,000 | Indonesia | (Year Two) To advocate for the adoption of South Sulawesi provincial-level regulations (PERDA), implementing rules, and budgetary measures that aim to protect and promote the rights of persons with disabilities | DRAF | Mid-Level Coalition | 2015 | |||
Center for Improving Qualified Activity in Life | $40,000 | Indonesia | (Year Two) To continue lobbying efforts with executive and legislative branches in five Indonesian districts to ensure local level regulations are consistent with CRPD-aligned national legislation | DRAF | Mid-Level Coalition | 2015 | |||
Pusat Pemilihan Umum Akses Untuk Penyandang Cacat | $33,000 | Indonesia | (Year Two) To advocate for the development of technical regulations for the implementation of the Bill on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities 2013, which is currently before Indonesia Parliament for adoption | DRAF | National Coalition | 2015 | |||
Perhimpunan Jiwa Sehat | $20,000 | Indonesia | To carry out legal analysis and advocacy to amend two laws (Law on the Election of the Head of Province and District and the draft Indonesian Penal Code and Procedures) that impact access to justice and voting rights of persons with psychosocial disabilities in Indonesia | DRAF | Small Grants | 2015 | (12) Legal Capacity | ||
Lembaga Pemberdayaan Tunanetra | $10,000 | Indonesia | To promote legal reform to support inclusive education for children with disabilities in Surabaya City | DRAF | Small Grants | 2015 | (24) Education | ||
Himpunan Wanita Disabilitas Indonesia | $35,000 | Indonesia | (Year One) To influence the Ministry of Women’s Empowerment and Child Protection to develop a national policy to ensure integrated and inclusive services for women with disabilities who are victims of violence and sexual abuse | DRF | Mid-Level Coalition | 2015 | |||
Himpunan Wanita Disabilitas Indonesia | $40,000 | Indonesia | (Year One) To increase the participation of women with disabilities in local development planning and budgeting and to advocate inclusive budgetary measures on health and social protection | DRF | Mid-Level Coalition | 2015 | |||
Lembaga Sapda (Sentra Advokasi Perempuan Difabel Dan Anak) | $20,000 | Indonesia | To continue work to assess whether primary health care centers in Yogyakarta province address the sexual and reproductive health rights (SRHR) in their outreach and services for persons with disabilities | DRF | Small Grants | 2015 | (25) Health | ||
Gerakan Untuk Kesejahteraan Tuna Rungu Indonesia | $16,000 | Indonesia | To promote official government recognition of BISINDO (Indonesian Sign Language) as a national language, including for use in increasing access to education for the Deaf | DRF | Small Grants | 2015 | (21) Information | ||
Persatuan Penyandang Cacat Indonesia | $17,000 | Indonesia | To promote the implementation of CRPD Article 11 (Situations of risk and humanitarian emergencies) by advocating for and implementing inclusive Disaster Risk Reduction programs and activities in Padang City | DRF | Small Grants | 2015 | (11) Risk/Emergency | ||
Paguyuban Penyandang Cacat Klaten | $10,000 | Indonesia | To promote the participation of persons with disabilities in Disaster Risk Reduction activities, particularly in Manisrenggo sub-district in Klaten District | DRF | Small Grants | 2015 | (11) Risk/Emergency | ||
Himpunan Wanita Penyandang Cacat Indonesia Kota Makassar | $8,000 | Indonesia | To advocate Makassar City, South Sulawesi government, service providers, and the broader community on CRPD Article 25 (Health) in order to address lack of access to Sexual and Reproductive Health Rights (SRHR) among women with disabilities, particularly Deaf women | DRF | Small Grants | 2015 | (25) Health | ||
Sasana Integrasi dan Advokasi Difabel | $20,000 | Indonesia | To advocate for and ensure implementation of access to justice for persons with disabilities in Yogyakarta Province, which is in line with CRPD Article 13 (Access to Justice), Perda No 4/2012 on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, and the Governor's Regulation on Legal Assistance for Persons with Disabilities | DRF | Small Grants | 2015 | (13) Justice | ||
Forum Komunikasi Kelluarga Anak Dengan Kecacatan Kabupaten Aceh Besar | $12,000 | Indonesia | To support parents of children with disabilities to advocate for inclusive implementation of local regulations on child protection and social welfare in Aceh Besar | DRF | Small Grants | 2015 | (28) Social Protection | ||
Gerakan Peduli Disabilitas Dan Lepra Indonesia | $15,000 | Indonesia | To train persons with Leprosy on CRPD Article 28 in Java (Jakarta, Medan, Tangerang, Bakasi, and Surabaya) and Bali and to carry out advocacy on the right to adequate standard of living and social protection | DRF | Small Grants | 2015 | (28) Social Protection | ||
Forum Komunikasi Masyarakat Berkebutuhan Khusus Aceh | $8,000 | Indonesia | To conduct accessibility review of public buildings and services in Banda Aceh City, and develop a set of recommendations to reinforce the development of local regulation on accessibility | DRF | Small Grants | 2015 | |||
Forum Peduli Difabel Bantul | $10,000 | Indonesia | To implement CRPD Article 11 by establishing two inclusive Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) activities in two villages in Bantul District of Yogyakarta Province | DRF | Small Grants | 2015 | (11) Risk/Emergency | ||
Persatuan Tunanetra Indonesia | $16,000 | Indonesia | To ensure that persons with visual impairments, in the cities of Jayapura and Manukwari in Papua and West Papua province, are not denied access to banking services based on perceptions of their legal capacity | DRF | Small Grants | 2015 | (12) Legal Capacity | ||
Himpunan Wanita Penyandang Cacat Indonesia Sulawesi Selatan | $18,000 | Indonesia | To increase participation of women with disabilities in local development planning and budgeting in South and West Sulawesi provinces and to promote local inclusive development, reaching out to Indigenous women with disabilities and working with members of the Indigenous community in South Sulawesi | DRF | Small Grants | 2015 | (28) Social Protection | ||
Te Toa Matoa | $17,000 | Kiribati | To increase awareness and support for CRPD implementation in Kiribati and to increase knowledge and support of local development funding for disability-inclusive disaster planning efforts | DRF | Small Grants | 2015 | |||
The Registered Trustees of Disabled Women in Africa | $30,000 | Malawi | (Year Two) To continue to respond to cases of exploitation, violence, and abuse against Albinos and women/girls with disabilities in Malawi, and in Lilongwe and Blantayre, by using existing legislation to protect rights of women/girls with disabilities T | DRF | Mid-Level Coalition | 2015 | (13) Justice | ||
Federation of Disability Organizations in Malawi | $40,000 | Malawi | (Year Two) To promote the full domestication and implementation of the CRPD and the Persons with Disability Act 2012 in Malawi by leading the process for the establishment of an independent monitoring unit on the CRPD, initiating the production of an Alternative Report to the CRPD Committee, and advocating for the submission of the State Report to the CRPD Committee | DRF | National Coalition | 2015 | (33) Nat'l Implementation | ||
Visual Hearing Impairment Membership Association | $10,000 | Malawi | To promote access to inclusive education by Deafblind persons in Malawi, in line with CRPD Article 24 (Education), and to support self-advocates to lead the advocacy process | DRF | Small Grants | 2015 | (24) Education | ||
The Registered Trustees of Disabled Women in Africa | $20,000 | Malawi | To promote access to inclusive education for girls with disabilities, in line with CRPD Article 24 (Education), as a key component for reducing exploitation, violence, and abuse against women and girls with disabilities | DRF | Small Grants | 2015 | (24) Education | ||
Parents of Disabled Children Association of Malawi | $20,000 | Malawi | To empower a group of self-advocates, who are children with intellectual disabilities and Deafblind children, to lead advocacy efforts for their right to inclusive education, in line with Article 24 (Education) of the CRPD | DRF | Small Grants | 2015 | (24) Education | ||
Registered Trustees of the Forum for the Development of Youth with Disabilities | $17,000 | Malawi | To advocate for a disability-inclusive district youth policy in Blantyre District and to advocate for disability inclusion in district economic empowerment programs in both the public and private sectors by 2016 | DRF | Small Grants | 2015 | (27) Work/Employment | ||
Registered Trustees of the Disabilities HIV AIDS Trust | $20,000 | Malawi | To advocate for CRPD-compliant health services in line with Article 25 (Health) and Article 9 (Accessibility) | DRF | Small Grants | 2015 | (25) Health | ||
The Registered Trustees of the Association of the Physically Disabled of Malawi | $8,000 | Malawi | To carry out advocacy aimed at improving physical accessibility to the built environment, as well as at the development of accessibility standards for Malawi | DRF | Small Grants | 2015 | (9) Accessibility | ||
The Registered Trustees of the Malawi National Association of the Deaf | $20,000 | Malawi | To advocate for access to justice including legal aid by Deaf persons in Mwanza and Mulanje districts, which will empower Deaf people to demand their rights and engage government agencies to ensure Deaf people access justice services in Malawi | DRF | Small Grants | 2015 | (13) Justice | ||
The Registered Trustees of Disabled Women in Development | $8,000 | Malawi | To advocate for better access to sexual and reproductive health services by persons with disabilities (primarily women with disabilities) in Lilongwe District | DRF | Small Grants | 2015 | (25) Health | ||
Marshall Islands Disabled Persons Organization | $20,000 | Marshall Islands, Republic of the | To advance knowledge and support of the CRPD across the Marshall Islands | DRF | Small Grants | 2015 | |||
Pohnpei Consumer Organization | $18,000 | Micronesia, Federate | To lobby government to ratify the CRPD in Micronesia, to advocate for revising the National Disability Policy to align with the CRPD, as well as to develop a disability-inclusive disaster and climate change implementation plan | DRAF | Small Grants | 2015 | |||
Myanmar Federation for Persons with Disabilities | $40,000 | Myanmar | (Year One) To build disabled persons' organizations capacity to collect, collate, and present findings on CRPD implementation in Myanmar in preparation for the eventual submission of an Alternative Report to the CRPD Committee | DRF | National Coalition | 2015 | |||
Shwe Min Tha Foundation | $15,000 | Myanmar | To build the capacity of persons with disabilities who are Shwe Min Tha members in Mandalay, Yangon, and the Irrawaddy River Western regions to be CRPD advocates | DRF | Small Grants | 2015 | |||
Association of Myanmar Disabled Women Affairs | $15,000 | Myanmar | To build CRPD knowledge and rights advocacy capacity amongst AMWDA members, and then carry out CRPD awareness and advocacy to local government in Yangon and Shwepyithar Township | DRF | Small Grants | 2015 | |||
Disabled Development Initiative | $7,000 | Myanmar | To build CRPD advocacy capacity by training and empowering membership to carry out advocacy on rights of children with disabilities, and by strengthening cooperation among disabled persons' organizations, civil society organizations, and local authorities to promote rights in Kalaymyo, Sagaing Division of Upper Myanmar | DRF | Small Grants | 2015 | (7) Children With Disabilities | ||
Papua New Guinea Assembly of Disabled Persons Association | $40,000 | Papua New Guinea | (Year One) To build increase the capacity of 20 DPOs across four regions of Papua New Guinea to effectively advocate for a National Disability Act that is compliant with the CRPD | DRAF | National Coalition | 2015 | |||
Human Rights First Rwanda Association | $20,000 | Rwanda | To provide pro-bono legal aid services to persons with disabilities and advocate to justice sector officials for increased access to justice by persons with disabilities; lobby for a constitutional amendment to officially recognize Rwandan Sign Language as key for ensuring access to justice for Deaf and hard-of-hearing | DRAF | Small Grants | 2015 | (13) Justice | ||
Rwanda National Union of the Deaf | $20,000 | Rwanda | To advocate for recognition of Rwandan Sign Language as an official language in the Rwandan Constitution, in line with CRPD Article 21 (Freedom of expression and opinion, and access to information) | DRAF | Small Grants | 2015 | (21) Information | ||
National Union of Disabilities Organisations of Rwanda | $57,000 | Rwanda | (Year One) To monitor implementation of the CRPD in Rwanda by completing and submitting an Alternative Report to the CRPD Committee and to use the data collected from the report for advocacy purposes | DRF | National Coalition | 2015 | |||
Initiative for Refugees with Disabilities | $15,000 | Rwanda | To promote and advocate for inclusive educational opportunities for children with disabilities, including refugee children with disabilities, in line with CRPD Article 24 (Education) | DRF | Small Grants | 2015 | (24) Education | ||
Uwezo Youth Empowerment | $20,000 | Rwanda | To promote access to work and employment, for youth with disabilities, on an equal basis with others, per CRPD Article 27 (Work and employment) | DRF | Small Grants | 2015 | (27) Work/Employment | ||
Rwanda Ex-Combatants and Other People with Disabilities Organization | $15,000 | Rwanda | To advance rights of independent living for persons with disabilities in Rwanda, particularly ex-combatants, through training in self advocacy and independent living, conducting accessibility audits of area healthcare facilities, personal assistance services and peer-counselling; and advocacy and raising awareness in local communities | DRF | Small Grants | 2015 | (19) Independent Living | ||
Organisation d'Integration et de Promotion des Persones Atteintes d'Albinisme | $12,000 | Rwanda | To strengthen rights advocacy capacity, in order to advance the rights of persons with Albinism in Rwanda and promote inclusion in local development programs | DRF | Small Grants | 2015 | |||
Umuryango Nyarwanda Abagore Bafite Ubumuga | $11,000 | Rwanda | To strengthen the voices of women with disabilities, which will enable them to raise issues that affect them, and advocate directly to duty bearers and service providers around CRPD Articles 6 (Women with disabilities) and 16 (Freedom from exploitation, violence and abuse) | DRF | Small Grants | 2015 | (16) Abuse | ||
Rwanda Union of Little People | $6,400 | Rwanda | To support the establishment of the first organization of little people in Rwanda and to build their capacity to advocate for their rights, expand membership, and develop good governance strategies for effective leadership | DRF | Small Grants | 2015 | |||
Fusi Alofa, Inc. | $15,000 | Tuvalu | To build awareness and support for CRPD implementation in Tuvalu | DRF | Small Grants | 2015 | |||
Uganda National Association of the Deaf | $44,000 | Uganda | (Year Two) To advocate for passage of a CRPD-compliant Persons with Disabilities (Amendment) Act and develop regulations to guide its implementation by responsible Ugandan ministries | DRAF | National Coalition | 2015 | |||
Uganda National Action on Physical Disability | $36,200 | Uganda | (Year Two) To advocate for improved accessibility by ensuring that regulations to the Building Control Act include implementation mechanisms for the Ugandan accessibility standards, to model usage of the accessibility standards by working with architects and planners in Kampala and Mukono Districts, and to advocate for a Nabbaale Sub-County By-Law on accessibility | DRAF | National Coalition | 2015 | (9) Accessibility | ||
Uganda Parents of Person with Intellectual Disabilities | $20,000 | Uganda | To ensure persons with intellectual disabilities exercise their right to legal capacity on an equal basis with other Ugandans, in accordance with CRPD Articles 12 (Equal recognition before the law) and 13 (Access to justice) | DRAF | Small Grants | 2015 | (12) Legal Capacity | ||
Youth with Physical Disabilities Development Forum | $40,000 | Uganda | (Year One) To raise awareness about the Wakiso District Accessibility Ordinance and its regulations and duty bearers among district populations and authorities, and to advocate for budget allocations for implementation of the ordinance | DRF | Mid-Level Coalition | 2015 | (9) Accessibility | ||
Action for Youth with Disabilities Uganda | $40,000 | Uganda | (Year One) To advocate for a barrier-free environment for students with disabilities in public universities (Makerere and Kyambogo Universities) through advocacy for budget allocations to support the implementation of recently adopted university policies | DRF | Mid-Level Coalition | 2015 | (24) Education | ||
Hoima District Union of Persons with Disabilities | $23,000 | Uganda | (Year Two) To promote disability-inclusive budgeting for local government benefits and service delivery (in health and inclusive education) that are inclusive of persons with disabilities in Hoima District | DRF | Mid-Level Coalition | 2015 | |||
Integrated Disabled Women Activities | $40,000 | Uganda | (Year One) To advocate for increased financial allocations to disability issues in national and district budgets and policies in Luuka and Mayuge Districts, in line with CRPD Articles 24 (Education) and 25 (Health) | DRF | Mid-Level Coalition | 2015 | (24) Education | ||
Spinal Injuries Association | $30,000 | Uganda | (Year One) To utilize participatory advocacy strategies to accelerate accountability and disability inclusion in Ugandan local government budgets and plans | DRF | Mid-Level Coalition | 2015 | |||
National Union of Disabled Persons of Uganda | $50,000 | Uganda | (Year One) To increase participation of Ugandan disabled persons' organizations in international monitoring mechanisms, including the CRPD State Report review, upcoming Universal Periodical Review, and follow up on concluding observations from the Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights | DRF | National Coalition | 2015 | |||
National Union of Women with Disabilities of Uganda | $35,000 | Uganda | (Year One) To advocate for the rights of refugee women with disabilities in central and western districts of Uganda, as well as mainstream advocacy within larger refugee and disability communities | DRF | National Coalition | 2015 | (6) Women With Disabilities | ||
Legal Action for Persons with Disabilities Uganda | $20,000 | Uganda | To improve access to justice (CRPD Article 13) for persons with disabilities and the indigent in Uganda by continuing to provide legal aid services | DRF | Small Grants | 2015 | (13) Justice | ||
Uganda Albinos Association | $15,000 | Uganda | To ensure the Ugandan government provides cancer-related services (screening, prevention and treatment) to persons with Albinism and that policy guidelines be in place to guide government engagements around Albinism-related cancers | DRF | Small Grants | 2015 | (25) Health | ||
Mbarara District Association of the Deaf | $20,000 | Uganda | To implement the CRPD at district and sub-county levels through the development and implementation advocacy of regulations to existing employment and health ordinances | DRF | Small Grants | 2015 | (24) Education | ||
Brain Injury Support Organisation of Uganda | $10,000 | Uganda | To promote inclusive education for learners with acquired brain injuries in Kampala District through advocacy for the adoption of a curricular that is sensitive to their educational needs | DRF | Small Grants | 2015 | (24) Education | ||
Wakiso Action on Physical Disability | $9,000 | Uganda | To advocate for improved water and sanitation facilities for learners with disabilities within nine inclusive schools within Wakiso District, Uganda | DRF | Small Grants | 2015 | (28) Social Protection | ||
Uganda National Action on Physical Disability | $15,000 | Uganda | To ensure that national disaster programs and post-disaster mechanisms are inclusive of the needs of persons with disabilities living in Eastern Uganda | DRF | Small Grants | 2015 | (11) Risk/Emergency | ||
Federation of DPOs Sitakund | $40,000 | Bangladesh | (Year One) To address the issues of disability inclusion in climate change and disaster risk reduction in Chittagong Division and across Bangladesh | DRAF | Mid-Level Coalition | 2014 | (11) Risk/Emergency | ||
Access Bangladesh Foundation | $42,000 | Bangladesh | (Year Two) To facilitate implementation of the CRPD by working in Coalition on budget advocacy to increase allocations for persons with disabilities in the National Budget, Two City Corporation budgets, 2 Powroshova (Administrative Region) and 10 union budgets | DRAF | Mid-Level Coalition | 2014 | |||
Access Bangladesh Foundation | $30,000 | Bangladesh | (Year One) To develop a national disabled persons' organization network across Bangladesh, building on the Bangladesh DRF Grantee Coordinating Committee (BDGCC) | DRAF | National Coalition | 2014 | |||
SEID (Society for Education and Inclusion of the Disabled) | $20,000 | Bangladesh | To broaden the inclusion of persons with autism, intellectual disabilities, and multiple disabilities in the work and advocacy of disabled persons' organizations across Bangladesh | DRAF | Small Grants | 2014 | (7) Children With Disabilities | ||
Turning Point Foundation | $20,000 | Bangladesh | To promote equal rights of persons with disabilities to marriage, family, parenthood and relationships, in accordance with CRPD Article 23 (Respect for Home and the Family) | DRAF | Small Grants | 2014 | (23) Family | ||
SEID (Society for Education and Inclusion of the Disabled) | $30,000 | Bangladesh | (Year Two) To build self-advocacy strategies to address divisional and national-level policymakers and key policies, around specific CRPD articles relating to children/adolescent/youth with Autism, intellectual disabilities and multiple disabilities including: the right to education, the right to inherit property, independent decision-making | DRF | Mid-Level Coalition | 2014 | (12) Legal Capacity | ||
Jatiyo Trinomul Protibandhi Sangstha | $30,000 | Bangladesh | (Year One) To increase the depth of research done to date and to finalize the Alternative Report that this Coalition has been working on between 2013-2014, which has been focused on access to justice (CRPD Article 13) | DRF | National Coalition | 2014 | (13) Justice | ||
Federation of DPOs Sitakund | $20,000 | Bangladesh | To audit government web and e-services accessibility to make recommendations to policymakers for improving access for persons with disabilities, in line with CRPD Article 21 (Freedom of Expression and Opinion, and Access to Information) | DRF | Small Grants | 2014 | (21) Information | ||
Protibandhi Narider Jatio Parishad | $20,000 | Bangladesh | To improve work and employment opportunities for women with disabilities by taking cases of discriminatory workplace practices to court, in partnership with other disabled persons' organization and the Bangladesh Legal Aid Services Trust | DRF | Small Grants | 2014 | (13) Justice | ||
Society of the Deaf and Sign Language Users | $20,000 | Bangladesh | To strengthen the capacity of disabled persons' organizations of the Deaf in Dhaka and in Netrokona, Tangail, and Gazipur Districts to understand and advocate for access to justice, in line with CRPD Article 13 | DRF | Small Grants | 2014 | (13) Justice | ||
Protibandhi Kallyan Songstha | $12,000 | Bangladesh | To continue to strengthen CRPD knowledge and local level advocacy on health access by indigenous persons with disabilities in the Chittagong Hill Tracts (Bandarban, Rangamati, and Khagrachari Hill Districts), in line with CRPD Article 25 (Health) | DRF | Small Grants | 2014 | (25) Health | ||
Dishary Protibondhi Sangstha | $10,000 | Bangladesh | To expand Grantee's reach within the Dinajpur District of Northern Bangladesh to seven new Upazillas (sub-districts) and to broaden member capacity to advocate on CRPD Articles 25 (Health) and 28 (Social Protection) | DRF | Small Grants | 2014 | (25) Health | ||
Disabled Child Foundation | $10,000 | Bangladesh | To advocate to the business sector, particularly the garment industry, and to the government of Bangladesh to implement the right to work and employment of persons with disabilities, especially women with disabilities, emphasizing reasonable accommodation, in line with CRPD Article 27 (Work and Employment) | DRF | Small Grants | 2014 | (27) Work/Employment | ||
Disabled Development and Research Center | $10,000 | Bangladesh | To strengthen access to justice for persons with disabilities who are victims of rights abuses, including sexual assault, in the Chittagong Division of Bangladesh, including in the Hill Tracts - a region with very marginalized indigenous persons with disabilities | DRF | Small Grants | 2014 | (13) Justice | ||
Cook Islands National Disability Council | $15,000 | Cook Islands | To build the capacity of the Cook Islands Government and local island communities to respond in an inclusive manner to issues of climate change and disaster risk reduction, in line with CRPD Article 11 (Situations of Risk and Humanitarian Emergencies) | DRF | Small Grants | 2014 | (11) Risk/Emergency | ||
Psychiatric Survivors Association of Fiji | $20,000 | Fiji | To promote increased inclusion and acceptance of persons with psychosocial disabilities in rural and remote Fijian communities | DRAF | Small Grants | 2014 | |||
United Blind Persons of Fiji | $20,000 | Fiji | To raise CRPD awareness amongst previously unreached local communities and local government authorities, creating grassroots awareness and support for the CRPD as Fiji moves towards ratification in 2015 | DRAF | Small Grants | 2014 | |||
Fiji Association of the Deaf | $20,000 | Fiji | To increase awareness of the CRPD amongst the Deaf and hard of hearing in rural and remote areas of Fiji and to develop partnerships with government ministries to ensure that Deaf people can actively participate in the development of disability-inclusive policies at both district and national levels | DRAF | Small Grants | 2014 | |||
Fiji Disabled Peoples Federation | $20,000 | Fiji | To support continued coordination of national advocacy from the disability community towards CRPD ratification by Fiji in 2015 | DRAF | Small Grants | 2014 | |||
Inclusion Ghana | $37,500 | Ghana | (Year Two) To guide the development of implementation and monitoring processes in the draft national Inclusive Education Policy which will steer government implementation of education programs for children with disabilities to ensure inclusion of persons with intellectual disabiliites | DRAF | National Coalition | 2014 | (24) Education | ||
Voice of People with Disability Ghana | $39,000 | Ghana | (Year Two) To implement CRPD Article 28 (Adequate Standard of Living and Social Protection) by ensuring that Metropolitan Municipal and District Assemblies (MMDA) mainstream Article 28 into their Medium Term Development Plans (MTDPs), specifically equal access to clean water services, access of persons with disabilities to social protection and poverty reduction programs; support to families with members with disabilities living in extreme poverty; accessible housing in public housing programs; and equal access to retirement benefits and programs | DRF | Mid-Level Coalition | 2014 | |||
Future Hope International | $6,800 | Ghana | To build a peer group of women with disabilities and parents of children with disabilities to spearhead a campaign for inclusion of women with disabilities in programs addressing violence against women, ensuring disability is prioritized within application of domestic violence legislation | DRF | Small Grants | 2014 | (16) Abuse | ||
Kekeli Foundation | $10,500 | Ghana | To address the rights of youth with intellectual disabilities to independent living and inclusive education by advocating at district and municipal assemblies in Ho municipality and Ho West and Adaklu Districts for inclusive higher education | DRF | Small Grants | 2014 | (19) Independent Living | ||
Empowerment Through Community Volunteering | $10,500 | Ghana | To support self-advocacy efforts of persons with psychosocial disabilities to promote inclusion within both the disability movement and the broader community advocating for the elimination of forced treatment and involuntary detention of people with psycho-social disabilities in prayer camps | DRF | Small Grants | 2014 | (25) Health | ||
Lakeside Cross Disability Self-Help Group | $11,000 | Ghana | To further strengthen the capacity of self-help groups, especially those of rural youth and women with disabilities, to advocate for access to local development funds, and to accessible public infrastructure, with a focus on inclusive education and employment | DRF | Small Grants | 2014 | (24) Education | ||
New Horizon Foundation of the Blind | $12,000 | Ghana | To a) enhance availability of disability friendly ICT services for youth with disabilities in the education sector (CRPD Article 21 - Access to Information); b) build capacities of self-advocacy groups of youth with disabilities to better advocate for the right to education, particularly access to instructional materials; and c) advocate for the district Inclusive Education Policy to be fully adopted by Ho Municipality (CRPD Article 24 - Education) | DRF | Small Grants | 2014 | (24) Education | ||
Ghana Society of the Physically Disabled | $11,000 | Ghana | To utilize CRPD Article 13 (Access to Justice) to support access to justice for persons with psychosocial disabilities in rural districts of Ghana (Bolga, Tongo and Chiana-Paga) by providing training and referrals to legal aid providers and engaging actors from the justice sector | DRF | Small Grants | 2014 | (13) Justice | ||
Reseau Association National pour l'Integration des Personnes Handicapees | $40,000 | Haiti | (Year Two) To promote the adoption of a policy supporting inclusive education in the Les Cayes Department in Southern Haiti, as well as continue to develop the first organization of women with disabilities and the first parents' organization in Southern Haiti | DRF | Mid-Level Coalition | 2014 | (24) Education | ||
Federation Haitienne des Associations et Institutions des Personnes Handicapees d'Haiti | $50,000 | Haiti | (Year Two) To collect data that will serve as the basis for production of an Alternative Report to the CRPD Committee in subsequent years | DRF | National Coalition | 2014 | |||
Centre Culturel et d'Action Pour les Personnes Handicapées | $16,000 | Haiti | To build organizational capacity about the CRPD and the Law for the Integration of Persons with Disabilities, in order to carry out advocacy on the right to live a life free of abuse and exploitation (Article 16) | DRF | Small Grants | 2014 | (16) Abuse | ||
Reseau Association National pour l'Integration des Personnes Handicapees | $20,000 | Haiti | To promote the right to vote, according to CRPD Article 29 (Participation in Political and Public Life) and as outlined in the Law for the Integration of Persons with Disabilities of Haiti | DRF | Small Grants | 2014 | (29) Political | ||
Organisation des Handicapes en Action pour le Progrés | $11,000 | Haiti | unities of Carrefour and L√©ogane, through advocacy to the Ministry of Education, professors, parents, and students with and without disabilities | DRF | Small Grants | 2014 | (24) Education | ||
Association Filles et Femmes au Soleil | $10,000 | Haiti | To advocate for improved access to sexual and reproductive health services for women with disabilities, as well as promote access to services for women with disabilities who are survivors of violence and sexual assault | DRF | Small Grants | 2014 | (25) Health | ||
Association des Sourds D'Haiti | $7,000 | Haiti | To empower 100 Deaf leaders to be part of the process of implementation of the CRPD in Haiti, especially when changes to laws and government programs are being discussed, particularly regarding the rights to Work and Employment (Article 27 of the CRPD) and Inclusive Education (Article 24) | DRF | Small Grants | 2014 | (24) Education | ||
Association des Sourds de Leveque, Haïti | $15,000 | Haiti | To strengthen unity within the Deaf community in Haiti through the creation of a National Association of the Deaf (NADH) that will be able to develop more effective advocacy strategies for inclusion of the Deaf in decision-making processes at local and national levels, as well as to gain visibility in the international arena through membership in the World Federation of the Deaf (WFD) | DRF | Small Grants | 2014 | |||
National Disability Network | $40,000 | India | (Year Two) To strengthen national implementation and monitoring of the CRPD in India by continuing advocacy for a CRPD-aligned Rights of Persons with Disabilities Bill (2013); completing a draft Alternative Report to the CRPD Committee; and advocating to key ministries for more effective implementation of disability measures within India's XII Five Year Plan for 2013-2017 | DRAF | National Coalition | 2014 | |||
Network of Persons with disabilities Organisations | $30,000 | India | (Year Two) To continue to build the capacities of disabled persons' organizations in Andhra Pradesh so that they can advocate to ensure that state and district-level budgetary allocations do not fall below 3% for persons with disabilities | DRF | Mid-Level Coalition | 2014 | |||
Himpunan Wanita Disabilitas Indonesia | $30,000 | Indonesia | (Year Two) To advocate that the Draft Law on Justice and Gender Equality (KKG) and the Draft Criminal Procedure Code (KUHAP) are aligned with the CRPD and inclusive of PWDs; and to ensure that Governor Regulations for the implementation of Perda 10/2011 | DRAF | Mid-Level Coalition | 2014 | (13) Justice | ||
Center for Improving Qualified Activity in Life | $40,000 | Indonesia | (Year One) To draft local regulations (Perda) to protect the rights of persons with disabilities at district level in Yogyakarta, based on the CRPD and the 2013 Draft national Bill on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities | DRAF | Mid-Level Coalition | 2014 | |||
Perhimpunan Organisasi Harapan Nusantara | $35,000 | Indonesia | (Year One) To build capacity of disabled persons' organizations in Bali Province to formulate and advocate for local regulations (PERDA) to implement rights of persons with disabilities outlined in the CRPD | DRAF | Mid-Level Coalition | 2014 | |||
Persatuan Penyandang Cacat Indonesia Provinsi Sulawesi Selatan | $35,000 | Indonesia | (Year One) To advocate to the local government of Makassar City to produce derivative rules (PERATURAN WALIKOTA) for implementation of the Local Regulation on Fullfilment of the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, as well as a five-year action plan with an accompanying budget allocation policy | DRAF | Mid-Level Coalition | 2014 | |||
Pusat Pemilihan Umum Akses Untuk Penyandang Cacat | $33,000 | Indonesia | (Year One) To improve on and advocate for enactment of the 2013 draft national Bill on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities | DRAF | National Coalition | 2014 | |||
Perkumpulan Orang Tua Anak Disabilitas Indonesia | $20,000 | Indonesia | To continue to strengthen advocacy by and for parents and children with intellectual, developmental, and related disabilities in Indonesia to ensure that the 2013 Draft national Bill on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities reflects the rights of these children; and to ensure that the CRPD, especially Article 26 (Rehabilitation and Habilitation), is better understood by Portadin members so that they can advocate for its implementation in four provinces (East Kalimantan, North Sulawesi, West Java and Yogyakarta) | DRAF | Small Grants | 2014 | (26) Habilitation/Rehab | ||
Pusat Pemilihan Umum Akses Untuk Penyandang Cacat | $20,000 | Indonesia | To improve disabled persons' organizations' knowledge concerning CRPD advocacy, enhance disabled persons' organizations' capacity to advocate on Article 29 (Political Rights), and raise provincial government awareness and commitment to implementation of political rights for persons with disabilities in East Java, Banten and West Papua | DRF | Small Grants | 2014 | (29) Political | ||
Himpunan Wanita Penyandang Cacat Indonesia Sulawesi Selatan | $10,000 | Indonesia | To build the capacity of women with disabilities to understand and advocate for implementation of the new Makassar City regulations (Perda No 6 Year 2013) on the rights of persons with disabilities, ensuring implementation is inclusive of the rights of women with disabilities | DRF | Small Grants | 2014 | (6) Women With Disabilities | ||
Center for Improving Qualified Activity in Life | $20,000 | Indonesia | To develop and pilot a tool for budget monitoring by disabled persons' organizations, to increase resources for persons with disabilities | DRF | Small Grants | 2014 | |||
DPD Himpunan Wanita Disabilitas Indonesia Sumatera Barat | $10,000 | Indonesia | To conduct research into the nature and incidence of violence against women with disabilities in five districts and cities in Kota Padang in West Sumatra and then build capacity of women with disabilities to understand and utilize the CRPD as a tool against violence and abuse | DRF | Small Grants | 2014 | (16) Abuse | ||
Perhimpunan Organisasi Harapan Nusantara | $14,000 | Indonesia | To build the legal capacity and literacy of disabled persons' organizations so they can better advocate on social protection and access to justice for persons with disabilities, linked to CRPD Articles 13 (Access to Justice) and 28 (Social Protection) | DRF | Small Grants | 2014 | (13) Justice | ||
Lembaga Sapda (Sentra Advokasi Perempuan Difabel Dan Anak) | $20,000 | Indonesia | To advocate on CRPD Article 25 (Health), specifically Sexual and Reproductive Health Rights (SRHR) of women with disabilities | DRF | Small Grants | 2014 | |||
Gerakan Untuk Kesejahteraan Tuna Rungu Indonesia | $20,000 | Indonesia | To address the widespread discrimination facing deaf people across Indonesia by highlighting rights abuses in four key areas of the CRPD: Article 9 (Accessibility); Article 16 (Freedom from Violence, Exploitation and Abuse); Article 24 (Education); and Article 30 (Participation in Cultural Life) | DRF | Small Grants | 2014 | (16) Abuse | ||
Persatuan Penyandang Cacat Indonesia | $18,000 | Indonesia | To focus on the rights of persons with disabilities to inclusive education (primary to tertiary), according to Article 24 of the CRPD o the local government in Kota Padang on accessibility to public buildings (including school buildings) as required by Article 9 | DRF | Small Grants | 2014 | |||
Forum Komunikasi Kelluarga Anak Dengan Kecacatan Kabupaten Aceh Besar | $10,000 | Indonesia | To increase access to inclusive education for children with disabilities in Aceh Province by collecting data on the extent of exclusion of children with disabilties from educational institutions; working with parents, schools and government authorities to build their understanding of the rights of children with disabilities to education (Article 24); and advocating to government officials and schools on implementation of these rights | DRF | Small Grants | 2014 | (24) Education | ||
Gerakan Peduli Disabilitas Dan Lepra Indonesia | $5,000 | Indonesia | To increase understanding and realization of CRPD Article 28 (Adequate Standard of Living and Social Protection) in relation to people with leprosy in Indonesia | DRF | Small Grants | 2014 | (28) Social Protection | ||
Palestinian Disability Forum | $49,900 | Lebanon | (Year One) To produce a submission to Universal Periodic Review for Lebanon on the situation of Palestinian refugees with disabilities in Lebanon | DRF | National Coalition | 2014 | (13) Justice | ||
Youth Association of the Blind | $50,000 | Lebanon | (Year Two) To advocate for inclusion of persons with disabilities in public policies and budgets currently implemented at ministerial levels in Lebanon | DRF | National Coalition | 2014 | (24) Education | ||
Lebanese Universities‚ League for the Blind | $19,000 | Lebanon | To advocate to the Association of Banks in Lebanon (ABL) to revise banking procedures, which prohibit blind persons from opening or managing a bank account (unless jointly opened with a non-visually impaired person) | DRF | Small Grants | 2014 | (12) Legal Capacity | ||
Lebanese Association for Self Advocacy | $20,000 | Lebanon | To advocate for inclusion of the rights of persons with intellectual disabilities within the larger human rights movement in Lebanon | DRF | Small Grants | 2014 | (19) Independent Living | ||
Registered Trustees of the Disabilities HIV AIDS Trust | $20,000 | Malawi | To lobby for domestication and implementation of the CRPD through reform of health related legislation, including HIV/AIDS laws | DRAF | Small Grants | 2014 | (25) Health | ||
The Registered Trustees of Disabled Women in Africa | $50,000 | Malawi | (Year One) To respond to ever-increasing cases of exploitation, violence, and abuse against women with disabilities in Malawi, and in Lilongwe and Blantayre, by using existing legislation to protect rights of women with disabilities | DRF | Mid-Level Coalition | 2014 | (13) Justice | ||
Federation of Disability Organizations in Malawi | $60,000 | Malawi | (Year One) To promote the full domestication and implementation of the CRPD and the Persons with Disability Act 2012 in Malawi by leading the process for the establishment of an independent monitoring unit on the CRPD, and initiating production of an Alternative Report to the CRPD Committee | DRF | National Coalition | 2014 | |||
Visual Hearing Impairment Membership Association | $12,000 | Malawi | To enhance the visibility of Deafblind people to the general public, state institutions, and within the disability movement, as well as advocate for better access to inclusive education for Deafblind children in Chiradzula District | DRF | Small Grants | 2014 | (24) Education | ||
Registered Trustees of the Forum for the Development of Youth with Disabilities | $12,000 | Malawi | To ensure that the District Youth Policy in Blantyre District effectively includes the needs of youth with disabilities | DRF | Small Grants | 2014 | |||
Marshall Islands Disabled Persons Organization | $15,000 | Marshall Islands, Republic of the | To build membership and strengthen the capacity of persons with disabilities across the Marshall Islands in order to increase support for government ratification of the CRPD | DRAF | Small Grants | 2014 | |||
Pohnpei Consumer Organization | $20,000 | Micronesia, Federate | To build CRPD advocacy capacity among members towards increasing national momentum for government ratification of the CRPD | DRAF | Small Grants | 2014 | |||
Federación Departamental de Personas con Discapacidad de Puno | $40,000 | Peru | (Year Two) To promote harmonization of local laws with the new national law on disability and the CRPD and improve skills to participate in the participatory budgeting process in Cusco and Puno Finally, to improve knowledge of the CRPD in the Puno and Cusco region amongst the general public through media | DRAF | Mid-Level Coalition | 2014 | (28) Social Protection | ||
Confederación Nacional de Discapacitados del Perú | $40,000 | Peru | (Year Two) To 1) strengthen the capacity of disabled persons' organizations to advocate for implementation of the Concluding Observations of the CRPD Committee and for passage of legislation and policies according to the Concluding Observations; 2) follow-up on the contribution to the CEDAW alternative report; 3) continue the consultation process with CONFENADIP members and other disabled persons' organizations to provide inputs to adoption of regional and municipal ordinances; 4) continue facilitating activities to advocate to federal, regional, and local ministerial authorities for the adoption of specific ordinances and policies to promote implementation of the Concluding Observations of the CRPD Committee | DRAF | National Coalition | 2014 | |||
National Union of Disabilities Organisations of Rwanda | $36,500 | Rwanda | (Year Two) To establish a baseline data of children with disabilities in four districts segregated by age, sex, impairments and living conditions as well as specific needs | DRF | National Coalition | 2014 | |||
Human Rights First Rwanda Association | $20,000 | Rwanda | To provide legal aid services to persons with disabilities in Rwanda; and to engage officials in the justice sector such as the Ministry of Justice and Local Government officials to ensure that persons with disabilities can access justice | DRF | Small Grants | 2014 | (13) Justice | ||
Initiative for Refugees with Disabilities | $10,000 | Rwanda | To empower local community in Gikondo about rights of refugees with disabilities to enable them live better lives in refuge settlements | DRF | Small Grants | 2014 | (11) Risk/Emergency | ||
Uwezo Youth Empowerment | $20,000 | Rwanda | To increase opportunities for youth with disabilities in Rwanda to access employment and, in particular, to advocate that government bodies and private companies abide by CRPD Article 27 (Work and Employment) by providing reasonable accommodations in the workplace | DRF | Small Grants | 2014 | (27) Work/Employment | ||
Rwanda Ex-Combatants and Other People with Disabilities Organization | $10,000 | Rwanda | To advocate for a rights-based approach to state and other interventions aimed at improving the welfare of ex-combatants in order to enhance effective integration and independent living of ex-combatants with disabilities | DRF | Small Grants | 2014 | (19) Independent Living | ||
National Organisation of Users and Survivors of Psychiatry in Rwanda | $16,000 | Rwanda | To overturn a ruling which prevents people with psychosocial disabilities exercising their right to vote | DRF | Small Grants | 2014 | (12) Legal Capacity | ||
Rwanda National Union of the Deaf | $20,000 | Rwanda | To advocate for participation of grassroots Deaf and Hard of Hearing persons in the development and implementation of national and local-level education and health-related programs | DRF | Small Grants | 2014 | |||
Disabled Peoples' Association of Solomon Islands | $20,000 | Solomon Islands | To build greater national and grassroots support for ratification of the CRPD, including through participation in review of the draft Persons With Disability (Equal Opportunity Protection of Rights and Full Participation) Bill of 2006 and the Gender Empowerment and Women's Development Policy of 2010 | DRAF | Small Grants | 2014 | |||
Fusi Alofa, Inc. | $12,000 | Tuvalu | To raise awareness and support for CRPD implementation amongst persons with disabilities in the Southern islands of Nukulaelae and Niulakita and the Northern island of Nanumaga - outer islands of Tuvalu | DRF | Small Grants | 2014 | |||
Youth with Physical Disabilities Development Forum | $33,000 | Uganda | (Year Two) To to pass a Wakiso District Accessibility Ordinance | DRAF | Mid-Level Coalition | 2014 | |||
United Deaf Women's Organisation | $30,000 | Uganda | (Year Two) The project aims to strengthen integration of Deaf women and girls’ rights into the design and implementation of government and civil society programs in Arua district and at the national level | DRAF | Mid-Level Coalition | 2014 | |||
Uganda National Association of the Deaf | $56,000 | Uganda | (Year One) To draft, consult and cause enactment of the regulations to operationalise the Persons with Disabilities Amendment Act 2012 | DRAF | National Coalition | 2014 | |||
Uganda National Action on Physical Disability | $43,800 | Uganda | (Year One) To carry out further advocacy to improve on the state of physical accessibility in Kampala and neighboring district of Mukono | DRAF | National Coalition | 2014 | |||
Lira District Disabled Women Association | $20,000 | Uganda | To enhance inclusion of persons with disabilities and, in particular, women and girls with disabilities, in Lira District in Uganda by advocating for new District ordinances on disability | DRAF | Small Grants | 2014 | |||
Mbarara District Association of the Deaf | $20,000 | Uganda | To advocate for equal implementation for the Deaf of two recently adopted Mbarara District ordinances on equalization of job opportunities and access to health services by people with disabilities | DRAF | Small Grants | 2014 | |||
Spinal Injuries Association | $19,000 | Uganda | (Year Two) To promote disability-inclusive budgeting – in line with the CRPD – for mainstreaming disability in local government programs in the districts of Kabarole and Mubende | DRF | Mid-Level Coalition | 2014 | |||
Hoima District Union of Persons with Disabilities | $37,000 | Uganda | (Year One) The overall goal of the project is to contribute to the promotion of disability inclusive budgeting local government benefits and service delivery in Hoima district in line with the CRPD | DRF | Mid-Level Coalition | 2014 | |||
Uganda National Association of the Deaf | $14,000 | Uganda | To increase access by Deaf people to governmental and non-governmental poverty alleviation programs in Kole District, supporting implementation of CRPD Article 28 (Adequate Standard of Living and Social Protection) | DRF | Small Grants | 2014 | |||
National Union of Disabled Persons of Uganda | $20,000 | Uganda | To contribute to ensuring disability inclusion in all Ugandan development programs by mainstreaming disability into Local Government Assessment Guidelines which assess performance of district and sub-county governments, and by promoting inclusion of disabled persons' organizations representatives in monitoring their implementation | DRF | Small Grants | 2014 | |||
Youth with Physical Disabilities Development Forum | $20,000 | Uganda | To advocate for equitable and quality inclusive education services for children with disabilities in nine mainstream schools in Mukono District, in line with CRPD Article 24 (Education) | DRF | Small Grants | 2014 | |||
National Association of the Deafblind in Uganda | $20,000 | Uganda | To increase the participation of Deafblind persons in the national election in 2016, which will result in better recognition of Deafblind persons as political rights holders, in line with CRPD Article 29 (Political Rights) | DRF | Small Grants | 2014 | |||
Uganda Albinos Association | $15,000 | Uganda | To advocate to Ugandan national health authorities for access of persons with albinism to health services, particularly skin cancer services, in line with CRPD Article 25 (Health) | DRF | Small Grants | 2014 | |||
Integrated Disabled Women Activities | $20,000 | Uganda | To ensure access to reproductive health services for girls and women with disabilities in Iganga District by advocating for implementation of Section III of the Iganga Persons with Disabilities Ordinance on Health, in line with CRPD Articles 6 (Women and Girls with Disabilities) and 25 (Health) | DRF | Small Grants | 2014 | |||
Action for Youth with Disabilities Uganda | $20,000 | Uganda | To continue working towards improving inclusion and participation of young people with disabilities in mainstream public sector employment | DRF | Small Grants | 2014 | |||
Elgon Foundation for Persons with Albinism | $15,000 | Uganda | To promote inclusion of persons with albinism – a highly marginalized group - in development programs in of Kapchwora, Sironko, Manafwa and Bududa Districts | DRF | Small Grants | 2014 | |||
Brain Injury Support Organisation of Uganda | $17,000 | Uganda | To promote inclusive education for children with acquired brain injury in six primary schools in Kawempe and Makindye divisions of Kampala City Council | DRF | Small Grants | 2014 | |||
National Union of Women with Disabilities of Uganda | $20,000 | Uganda | To strengthen capacity of Grantee and service providers in monitoring the implementation of CRPD Article 16 (Freedom from Exploitation, Violence and Abuse) | DRF | Small Grants | 2014 | |||
SEID (Society for Education and Inclusion of the Disabled) | $40,000 | Bangladesh | (Year One) This project focuses on the rights of children and youth with autism, intellectual disabilities and multiple disabilities to education, inherited property, independent decision-making, and freedom from gender-based violence and harassment T | DRAF | Mid-Level Coalition | 2013 | |||
Access Bangladesh Foundation | $38,000 | Bangladesh | (Year One) To conduct advocacy on budgetary measures and government policies in the Chittagong and Barisal Divisions in order to increase allocations for persons with disabilities in the budgets of these two divisions | DRF | Mid-Level Coalition | 2013 | |||
Jatiyo Trinomul Protibandhi Sangstha | $40,000 | Bangladesh | (Year Two) To collect and collate data on human rights violations and access to justice, and use this information to develop an alternative report for submission to the CRPD Committee | DRF | National Coalition | 2013 | |||
Dishary Protibondhi Sangstha | $10,000 | Bangladesh | To enhance the capacity of women with disabilities in Sadar District, Dinajpur to advocate for social inclusion, better access to health services and supports to be able to live independently in the community, free from discrimination and barriers arising from their disabilities | DRF | Small Grants | 2013 | (25) Health | ||
Women with Disabilities Development Foundation | $10,000 | Bangladesh | To strengthen national advocacy by women with disabilities through the organizational platform of Women with Disabilities Development Foundation, using the CRPD as a primary tool | DRF | Small Grants | 2013 | (6) Women With Disabilities | ||
Protibandhi Kallyan Songstha | $10,000 | Bangladesh | To increase the knowledge and skills of indigenous persons with disabilities in the Bandarban, Khagrachhari and Rangamati Hill tracts so they can become more effective trainers and advocates on the CRPD | DRF | Small Grants | 2013 | (19) Independent Living | ||
Federation of DPOs Sitakund | $20,000 | Bangladesh | To form new self-help groups (SHGs) of persons with disabilities in the Chittagong Division, and to equip them with CRPD training and technical support, especially in the area of climate change and disability inclusion in disaster management | DRF | Small Grants | 2013 | (11) Risk/Emergency | ||
Jatiyo Trinomul Protibandhi Sangstha | $20,000 | Bangladesh | To increase access of persons with disabilities to safety net programs aimed at poverty alleviation (Article 28, Adequate Standard of Living and Social Protection) and to disaster preparedness programs (Article 11, Situations of Risk and Humanitarian Emergencies) | DRF | Small Grants | 2013 | (11) Risk/Emergency | ||
Society of the Deaf and Sign Language Users | $20,000 | Bangladesh | To continue capacity building and networking with the deaf/hard of hearing in Dhaka and reach out to new disabled persons' organizations representing people with hearing loss in the districts of Rangpur (Northern region), Sirajgong (Northwest region) and Rangamati | DRF | Small Grants | 2013 | (12) Legal Capacity | ||
Coastal DPO Alliance | $15,000 | Bangladesh | To build the capacity of members to advocate effectively to NGO and government stakeholders on the issues of climate change and disability rights in Chittagong Division so that local responses to climate change hazards are inclusive of person with disabilities and reflect the CRPD, especially Article 11 (Situations of Risk and Humanitarian Emergencies) | DRF | Small Grants | 2013 | (11) Risk/Emergency | ||
Protibandhi Narider Jatio Parishad | $20,000 | Bangladesh | To ensure the right to employment for women with disabilities (Article 27) in order to promote stronger livelihoods, improved social status and dignity for women with disabilities in 11 mainly grassroots districts | DRF | Small Grants | 2013 | (27) Work/Employment | ||
Psychiatric Survivors Association of Fiji | $15,000 | Fiji | To support the empowerment of persons with psychosocial disabilities through self advocacy as well as systemic advocacy for rights, specifically the rights outlined in CRPD articles 15 (Freedom from Torture), 19 (Living independently and being included in the community), 27 (Work and employment), and 28 (Adequate standard of living and social protection the rights of person with disabilities) | DRAF | Small Grants | 2013 | (10) Right to Life | ||
Fiji Disabled Peoples Federation | $20,000 | Fiji | To build the capacity of disabled persons' organization representatives who are part of the Fiji National Council for Disabled Persons (FNCDP) District and Advisory Committees so that they are able to effectively represent the voices of persons with disabilities at the district and national levels | DRF | Small Grants | 2013 | (29) Political | ||
Fiji Association of the Deaf | $12,000 | Fiji | To increase awareness of the CRPD in rural and remote areas of Fiji on the islands of Lomaiviti, Taveuni and Cakaudrove | DRF | Small Grants | 2013 | (27) Work/Employment | ||
United Blind Persons of Fiji | $10,000 | Fiji | To ensure that blind and visually-impaired persons are aware of the importance of the CRPD as a tool for rights advocacy and awareness-building | DRF | Small Grants | 2013 | (11) Risk/Emergency | ||
Ghana Federation of Disability Organisations | $49,000 | Ghana | (Year Two) To advocate for amendment of Act 715 by Parliament | DRAF | National Coalition | 2013 | |||
Voice of People with Disability Ghana | $28,000 | Ghana | (Year One) To ensure that Municipal and District Assemblies (MMDA) mainstream key components of CRPD Article 28 into their Medium Term Development Plans (MTDPs) | DRF | Mid-Level Coalition | 2013 | |||
Inclusion Ghana | $30,000 | Ghana | (Year One) To address gaps in the draft national Inclusive Education Policy | DRF | National Coalition | 2013 | (24) Education | ||
Empowerment Through Community Volunteering | $14,000 | Ghana | To address inclusion of persons with psychosocial disabilities within the disability community and the broader community | DRF | Small Grants | 2013 | (25) Health | ||
Lakeside Cross Disability Self-Help Group | $15,000 | Ghana | To continue strengthening self-help groups (SHGs) of persons with disabilities, especially those of rural youth and women with disabilities, ensuring their access to the District Assembly Common Fund; and to accessible public infrastructure, with a focus on inclusive education and employment | DRF | Small Grants | 2013 | (24) Education | ||
Ghana Society of the Physically Disabled | $15,000 | Ghana | To train judges, prison staff, police, legal aid providers and persons with disabilities in three poor rural districts of Ghana (Bolga, Tongo and Chiana-Paga) on access to justice (CRPD Article 13) and legal capacity (Article 12), and to advocate to ensure that reasonable accommodations to access justice are provided | DRF | Small Grants | 2013 | (13) Justice | ||
New Horizon Foundation of the Blind | $17,000 | Ghana | To strengthen alliances between self-advocacy groups of youth with visual impairments and mainstream civil society and human rights organizations to further increase access to education for youth with disabilities | DRF | Small Grants | 2013 | (24) Education | ||
Kekeli Foundation | $19,000 | Ghana | To build on previous work ensuring the right of youth with intellectual disabilities to inclusion and freedom from violence by raising awareness about the rights of persons with intellectual disabilities at the district and municipal assemblies in Ho municipal, Ho West District and Adaklu District | DRF | Small Grants | 2013 | (19) Independent Living | ||
Future Hope International | $9,000 | Ghana | To build a peer group of women with disabilities and parents of children with disabilities to spearhead a campaign for inclusion of women with disabilities in programs and services addressing violence against women | DRF | Small Grants | 2013 | (16) Abuse | ||
Reseau Association National pour l'Integration des Personnes Handicapees | $40,000 | Haiti | (Year One) To promote inclusive education in the southern region of Haiti and to establish an organization of women with disabilities to promote their rights in this region | DRF | Mid-Level Coalition | 2013 | (24) Education | ||
Federation Haitienne des Associations et Institutions des Personnes Handicapees d'Haiti | $50,000 | Haiti | (Year One) To create a national civil society-led monitoring mechanism as a basis for production of an alternative report to the CRPD Committee and to improve the advocacy skills of 200 regional leaders of member organizations | DRF | National Coalition | 2013 | |||
Reseau Association National pour l'Integration des Personnes Handicapees | $20,000 | Haiti | To conduct workshops for disabled person' organizations members and awareness-raising for the general society about the CRPD | DRF | Small Grants | 2013 | |||
Network of Persons with disabilities Organisations | $30,000 | India | To support a statewide disabled persons' organization coalition in Andhra Pradesh to carry out coordinated advocacy for new legislation and increased budget allocations to disability | DRAF | Mid-Level Coalition | 2013 | |||
National Disability Network | $50,000 | India | For the National Disability Network's work to strengthen national implementation and monitoring of the CRPD in India by advocating for legislative changes in line with the CRPD | DRAF | National Coalition | 2013 | |||
Socio Legal Information Centre | $32,500 | India | For the Disability Rights Initiative of the Human Rights Law Network's work to ensure that the Right to Health Bill addresses health concerns of all persons with disabilities from a rights-based perspective, aligned with the CRPD | DRAF | National Coalition | 2013 | (25) Health | ||
Shanta Memorial Rehabilitation Centre | $37,500 | India | (Year Two) To strengthen inclusion of women with disabilities in CEDAW reporting and strengthen integration of women with disabilities rights within CRPD implementation in India C | DRF | National Coalition | 2013 | |||
Chaitanya Vikalangula Hakkula Vedika | $20,000 | India | To build the capacity of persons with disabilities, especially women with disabilities, children with disabilities, and persons with psychosocial disabilities to combat violence, in accordance with CRPD Article 16 | DRF | Small Grants | 2013 | (16) Abuse | ||
Himpunan Wanita Disabilitas Indonesia | $30,000 | Indonesia | (Year One) To advocate for establishment of Governor Regulations to accord with the CRPD in Greater Jakarta on Accessibility, Accident and Employment Insurance, and Social Security for persons with disabilities | DRAF | Mid-Level Coalition | 2013 | (28) Social Protection | ||
Persatuan Penyandang Cacat Indonesia | $40,000 | Indonesia | To finalize research and conduct advocacy towards the development of a regulatory framework and budget, in line with the CRPD, for the new national disability law (Law No 19/2011) | DRAF | National Coalition | 2013 | |||
Persatuan Tunanetra Indonesia | $15,000 | Indonesia | To draft CRPD-compliant Governor's Regulations in DKI Jakarta relating to CRPD Articles 24 (Education), 25 (Health), and 27 (Work and Employment) | DRAF | Small Grants | 2013 | (25) Health | ||
Perhimpunan Organisasi Harapan Nusantara | $10,000 | Indonesia | To partner with and build the advocacy capacity of local-level disabled persons' organizations in the five districts of Yogyakarta Special Region on including persons with disabilities into Social Protection regulations | DRAF | Small Grants | 2013 | (28) Social Protection | ||
Persatuan Penyandang Cacat Indonesia Provinsi Sulawesi Selatan | $12,000 | Indonesia | For Persatuan Penyandang Cacat Indonesia South Sulawesi's work to urge the Makassar Parliament to publish local level regulations (PERDA) aligning local laws with the CRPD for South Sulawesi Province | DRAF | Small Grants | 2013 | |||
Perkumpulan Orang Tua Anak Disabilitas Indonesia | $20,000 | Indonesia | To provide skills training for parents/family members of children with disabilities and for children with disabilities themselves as self advocates in CRPD advocacy | DRAF | Small Grants | 2013 | (7) Children With Disabilities | ||
Pusat Pemilihan Umum Akses Untuk Penyandang Cacat | $20,000 | Indonesia | To improve disabled persons' organizations capacities in Southeast Sulawesi, West Papua Provinces, and the Bangka Belitung Islands to protect political rights according to CRPD Article 29 | DRF | Small Grants | 2013 | (29) Political | ||
Center for Improving Qualified Activity in Life | $20,000 | Indonesia | To monitor the extent to which the implementation of the Yogyakarta government policy relating to issues of education and employment is in accordance with the CRPD | DRF | Small Grants | 2013 | (24) Education | ||
Perhimpunan Jiwa Sehat | $20,000 | Indonesia | To break down the stigma facing persons with psychosocial disabilities in Indonesia by developing partnerships with non-governmental organizations, women's organizations, religious leaders, and the media | DRF | Small Grants | 2013 | |||
Persatuan Penyandang Cacat Indonesia | $13,000 | Indonesia | To advocate to the local government in Kota Padang, West Sumatra Province to provide accessibility for persons with disabilities in public buildings as required by Article 9 of the CRPD | DRF | Small Grants | 2013 | (9) Accessibility | ||
Gerakan Untuk Kesejahteraan Tuna Rungu Indonesia | $20,000 | Indonesia | To improve the capacity of provincial-level member disabled persons' organizations in Sumatra, Kalimantan, Maluku, Papua, and West Papua provinces to advocate for the rights of deaf people in line with the CRPD | DRF | Small Grants | 2013 | |||
Palestinian Disability Forum | $22,000 | Lebanon | For Palestinian Disability Forum's work to advocate for attainment of equal opportunities for Palestinian refugees with disabilities living in Lebanon, including through legislative changes | DRAF | National Coalition | 2013 | |||
Youth Association of the Blind | $30,000 | Lebanon | To advocate for the adoption of a law for persons with disabilities in Lebanon harmonized with the CRPD | DRAF | National Coalition | 2013 | |||
National Association for the Rights of Disabled People in Lebanon | $30,000 | Lebanon | To strengthen a disabled persons' organization network in Lebanon to effectively advocate for ratification of the CRPD and adoption of a new disability law Coalition partners include the Lebanese Council of Disabled People (LCDP) and the Forum of Handicapped (FOH) | DRAF | National Coalition | 2013 | |||
Lebanese Association for Self Advocacy | $20,000 | Lebanon | To work with persons with intellectual disabilities and their family members to produce self-advocacy videos promoting the rights of persons with intellectual disabilities | DRF | Small Grants | 2013 | |||
Marshall Islands Disabled Persons Organization | $10,000 | Marshall Islands, Republic of the | To formalize the first national disabled persons' organization for the Republic of Marshall Islands, involving persons with disabilities representatives from across the country, including the majority of its 24 outer atolls | DRF | Small Grants | 2013 | |||
Coalición México por los Derechos de las Personas con Discapacidad | $50,000 | Mexico | For Coalición México por los Derechos de las Personas con Discapacidad's continued work to harmonize national legislation and provincial laws with the CRPD and present the alternative report to the CRPD Committee in September 2014 | DRAF | National Coalition | 2013 | |||
Pohnpei Consumer Organization | $20,000 | Micronesia, Federate | To train disabled persons' organization leaders in all four states of Micronesia on the CRPD to enable these leaders to play a role in the governmental review of state laws and policies that is occuring pre-ratification | DRAF | Small Grants | 2013 | |||
Nauru Persons with Disability Organisation | $8,000 | Nauru | To strengthen knowledge and understanding of the CRPD among persons with disabilities across Nauru | DRF | Small Grants | 2013 | |||
Federación Nicaragüense de Asociaciones de Personas con Discapacidad | $50,000 | Nicaragua | (Year Two) To advocate for submission of the Nicaraguan government State Report to the CRPD Committee; update the 2011 draft alternative report (produced with DRF funding); and lobby for harmonization of specific laws with the CRPD | DRAF | National Coalition | 2013 | (12) Legal Capacity | ||
OMEKESANG | $8,000 | Palau | To lobby for a National Disability Law, through mobilization of community support around advocacy on employment rights (CRPD Article 27) | DRAF | Small Grants | 2013 | |||
Gulf Province Disabled Persons Organisation | $5,000 | Papua New Guinea | To increase awareness and understanding of the CRPD among persons with disabilities in the Gulf Province of Central Southern Papua New Guinea, leading to better advocacy for CRPD implementation at the provincial level, now that Papua New Guinea has ratified (in September 2013) | DRF | Small Grants | 2013 | |||
Federación Departamental de Personas con Discapacidad de Puno | $40,000 | Peru | (Year One) To build collaboration between efforts of disabled persons' organizations in the Cusco and Puno regions to lobby for effective implementation of the CRPD | DRAF | Mid-Level Coalition | 2013 | (28) Social Protection | ||
Sociedad Peruana de Síndrome de Down | $20,000 | Peru | To improve the skills of self-advocates to defend their right to legal capacity and to advocate for actual implementation of this right | DRAF | Small Grants | 2013 | (12) Legal Capacity | ||
Sociedad y Discapacidad | $20,000 | Peru | To promote legal capacity for persons with disabilities both in the juridical and the everyday life realm | DRAF | Small Grants | 2013 | (12) Legal Capacity | ||
Asociacion de Usuarios de Servicios de Salud Mental | $20,000 | Peru | To strengthen their capacity to improve their advocacy skills and promote a culture of respect to the rights of persons with psychosocial disabilities in Peru among themselves, their families, key ministries and the general public | DRAF | Small Grants | 2013 | (19) Independent Living | ||
Association Gènèrale des Handicapès du Rwanda | $20,000 | Rwanda | To promote the implementation of Article 9 (Accessibility) of the CRPD as key to ensuring equalization of opportunities for persons with disabilities | DRAF | Small Grants | 2013 | (9) Accessibility | ||
National Union of Disabilities Organisations of Rwanda | $32,000 | Rwanda | (Year One) To provide a civil society follow up to the draft State Report to the CRPD Committee, which is currently receiving inputs from stakeholders, including Grantee, and is expected to be submitted to the CRPD Committee in 2014 | DRF | National Coalition | 2013 | |||
Rwanda National Union of the Deaf | $20,000 | Rwanda | To increase Grantee membership in three districts in Rwanda (Muhanga, Musanze and Nyagatare) in the Central, Northern and Eastern provinces; and to train district officials and the police about the rights of deaf/hard of hearing people under the CRPD to reduce rights violations by police and district administrators | DRF | Small Grants | 2013 | |||
Disabled Peoples' Association of Solomon Islands | $20,000 | Solomon Islands | To continue to raise awareness about and advocate for CRPD ratification in both urban and rural areas of the Solomon Islands | DRAF | Small Grants | 2013 | |||
Naunau 'o e 'Alamaite Tonga Association Incorporated | $10,000 | Tonga | To enable Grantee's staff to become efficient and effective advocates on the CRPD and eventually lobby the Tongan government to ratify the CRPD | DRF | Small Grants | 2013 | (10) Right to Life | ||
Fusi Alofa, Inc. | $12,000 | Tuvalu | To increase Grantee's membership across eight remote islands of Tuvalu and to improve awareness among persons with disabilities and the broader community of the rights and abilities of persons with disabilities | DRF | Small Grants | 2013 | (27) Work/Employment | ||
Youth with Physical Disabilities Development Forum | $30,000 | Uganda | (Year One) To develop and popularize a regulatory framework for the Wakiso District Persons with Disabilities Accessibility Ordinance/2013 | DRAF | Mid-Level Coalition | 2013 | |||
United Deaf Women's Organisation | $30,000 | Uganda | (Year One) To advocate for enactment of District Ordinances supporting the rights of persons with disabilities, especially deaf women, to education, health, and access to justice in the districts of Kitgum, Gulu and Arua | DRAF | Mid-Level Coalition | 2013 | |||
Uganda National Association of the Deaf | $44,000 | Uganda | (Year Two) To push for an improved Persons with Disabilities Act and once passed, a regulatory framework and a budget to ensure its implementation | DRAF | National Coalition | 2013 | |||
Uganda National Action on Physical Disability | $20,000 | Uganda | To lobby for inclusion of accessibility standards in the regulatory framework for the recently passed 2013 Building Control Act, as means of ensuring improved accessibility for persons with disabilities to public and private facilities | DRAF | Small Grants | 2013 | (9) Accessibility | ||
Mbarara District Association of the Deaf | $10,000 | Uganda | To lobby for the passage of ordinances on education, health, access to information, access to justice and work and employment in four districts in accordance with the CRPD | DRAF | Small Grants | 2013 | |||
Integrated Disabled Women Activities | $36,000 | Uganda | (Year One) To ensure that there are budgetary allocations at District level for Parts II and III of the Iganga Persons with Disabilities Ordinance on inclusive education and health | DRF | Mid-Level Coalition | 2013 | |||
Spinal Injuries Association | $41,000 | Uganda | (Year One) To promote disability-inclusive budgeting - in line with the CRPD - for local government benefits and service delivery in the districts of Kabarole and Mubende | DRF | Mid-Level Coalition | 2013 | |||
National Union of Disabled Persons of Uganda | $45,000 | Uganda | (Year Two) To continue follow-up to CEDAW and UPR recommendations through national workshops, building consensus on a proposed advocacy plan | DRF | National Coalition | 2013 | |||
Youth with Physical Disabilities Development Forum | $20,000 | Uganda | To build on Grantee's previous advocacy for better access to inclusive education for children with disabilities at District level and expand their work to national level with advocacy on the national education curriculum | DRF | Small Grants | 2013 | (24) Education | ||
Uganda National Association of the Deaf | $20,000 | Uganda | To carry out a baseline survey to gather data on challenges, such as communication barriers and negative attitudes, faced by the deaf in accessing the Special Grant scheme, and from analyzing this data, to compile a set of key recommendations for the government to improve deaf access | DRF | Small Grants | 2013 | (28) Social Protection | ||
Action for Youth with Disabilities Uganda | $20,000 | Uganda | To review policy and structural issues which influence inclusion of persons with disabilities in the public sector job market | DRF | Small Grants | 2013 | (27) Work/Employment | ||
Legal Action for Persons with Disabilities Uganda | $20,000 | Uganda | To provide legal aid to 50 indigent persons with disabilities (20 ongoing cases and 30 newly registered cases) throughout Uganda | DRF | Small Grants | 2013 | (13) Justice | ||
Little People of Uganda | $20,000 | Uganda | To increase access to education for Little People in 25 mainstream schools (20 primary and 5 secondary schools) in Wakiso, Mukono, Mpigi and Jinja districts | DRF | Small Grants | 2013 | (24) Education | ||
Uganda Association for the Mentally Handicapped / Inclusion Uganda | $10,000 | Uganda | To promote full inclusion of persons with intellectual disabilities into the community through raising awareness of the general public, persons with intellectual disabilities and their families about their right to Work and Employment (Article 27) and Independent Living (Article 19) | DRF | Small Grants | 2013 | |||
Wakiso Action on Physical Disability | $5,000 | Uganda | To advocate for increasing enrollment and retention of children with physical disabilities in school, using the existing Universal Primary Education Program (UPE) as a basis, as well as Articles 24 (Education) and 9 (Accessibility) of the CRPD as advocacy tools | DRF | Small Grants | 2013 | |||
United Deaf Women's Organisation | $20,000 | Uganda | To increase access to justice for deaf and hard of hearing women and girls who have had their rights violated in the districts of Kitgum (Northern Uganda) and Ngora (Eastern Uganda) | DRF | Small Grants | 2013 | (13) Justice | ||
Elgon Foundation for Persons with Albinism | $8,000 | Uganda | To build capacity on the CRPD among membership in the districts of Mbale and Bulajbuuli, so they can use it as an advocacy tool to promote the acknowledgment of albinism as a disability amongst policy-makers in the region and advocate for inclusion in poverty reduction programs | DRF | Small Grants | 2013 | |||
Creavita | $33,500 | Ukraine | To promote changes in legislation at the regional level and use strategic litigation to ensure compliance with Article 9 on accessibility as outlined in CRPD | DRAF | Mid-Level Coalition | 2013 | (9) Accessibility | ||
All Ukrainian NGO Coalition for People with Intellectual Disabilities | $40,000 | Ukraine | (Year Two) To pilot and introduce a Supported Decision-Making (SDM) Model for persons with intellectual disabilities and persons with psychsocial disabilities as an alternative to guardianship, and to develop a sub-law to establish this as a legal right | DRAF | National Coalition | 2013 | (12) Legal Capacity | ||
Generation of Successful Action - Volyn Branch | $20,000 | Ukraine | To identify gaps in accessibility in the transportation system and to establish the right of persons with disabilities (in particular persons with visual impairments) to use personal assistants (as part of the concept of reasonable accommodation) to access medical and social services | DRF | Small Grants | 2013 | (20) Personal Mobility | ||
Disability Promotion and Advocacy Association | $20,000 | Vanuatu | To complete CRPD awareness-raising in remote and as yet unreached parts of Vanuatu, especially targeting village chiefs, women with disabilties and children with disabilities | DRF | Small Grants | 2013 | (5) Equality/Non-Discrimination | ||
Federation of DPOs Sitakund | $20,000 | Bangladesh | To consolidate a South Bangladesh network of Disabled Persons' Organizations (DPOs) in Chittagong Division and increase local DPOs capacity on CRPD advocacy to government rights of women with disabilities, increasing budget allocations for persons with disabilities, and increasing access to information through information technology | DRAF | Small Grants | 2012 | (21) Information | ||
Protibandhi Narider Jatio Parishad | $20,000 | Bangladesh | To address the issue of violence against women with disabilities and strengthen the capacity of National Council of Disabled Women (NCDW) member organizations in 11 Bangladeshi districts to understand and advocate on CRPD Articles 6 (Women with Disabilities), 15 (Freedom from Torture), and 16 (Freedom From Exploitation, Violence and Abuse), and to increase national awareness on issues relating to equal justice and freedom from torture and cruel and inhumane treatment | DRAF | Small Grants | 2012 | (16) Abuse | ||
Jatiyo Trinomul Protibandhi Sangstha | $40,000 | Bangladesh | (Year One) To build the capacity of key national disabled persons' organizations (Jatiyo Trinomul Protibandhi Sangstha and the National Council of Disabled Women), and to collect data and investigate human rights violations in regard to access to justice for persons with disabilities In partnership with Bangladesh Legal Aid Service Trust, this work will form the basis for preparation of an alternative CRPD report for Bangladesh, focused on access to justice | DRF | National Coalition | 2012 | (13) Justice | ||
Access Bangladesh Foundation | $20,000 | Bangladesh | To consolidate a national network of DRF grantees and other Disabled Persons' Organizations with the aim of advocating to the government of Bangladesh to strengthen CRPD implementation and inclusion of persons with disabilities in government development programs | DRF | Small Grants | 2012 | |||
Coastal DPO Alliance | $15,000 | Bangladesh | To build the capacity of disabled persons' organization's in Bangladesh coastal areas in order to increase community awareness and government action on climate change and the increased vulnerability faced by persons with disabilities | DRF | Small Grants | 2012 | (11) Risk/Emergency | ||
Jatiyo Trinomul Protibandhi Sangstha | $20,000 | Bangladesh | To build a national platform around CRPD Article 29 (Participation in Political and Public Life) to ensure the political and voting rights of persons with disabilities are recognized and upheld at both district and national levels in future Bangladesh elections | DRF | Small Grants | 2012 | (29) Political | ||
Society of the Deaf and Sign Language Users | $5,000 | Bangladesh | To continue to promote Bangla Sign Language as a Bangladesh national language through sign language training and promotion of bi-lingual inclusive education and early childhood development programs for deaf and hearing impaired children; and to promote access to justice for deaf and hearing impaired persons who experience human rights violations | DRF | Small Grants | 2012 | (13) Justice | ||
Bangladesh Protibandhi Unnayan Sangstha | $10,000 | Bangladesh | To strengthen Agailjhara District advocacy program, which targets local government authorities, and other actors, to ensure implementation of the CRPD, by addressing Article 27 (Employment) | DRF | Small Grants | 2012 | (27) Work/Employment | ||
SEID (Society for Education and Inclusion of the Disabled) | $20,000 | Bangladesh | To build the capacity of organization's self-advocacy groups (SAG) and parent support groups (PSG) through training on CRPD Articles 12 (Equal Recognition Before the Law), 16 (Freedom from Exploitation, Violence, and Abuse), 19 (Living Independently in the Community), and 21 (Freedom of Expression and Opinion, and Access to Information); and to support self-advocacy | DRF | Small Grants | 2012 | (19) Independent Living | ||
Dishary Protibondhi Sangstha | $10,000 | Bangladesh | To expand the capacity of up to 500 women with disabilities in Bangladesh's Dinajpur District to advocate for advancement of the CRPD, particularly Articles 19 (Living Independently in the Community) and 6 (Women with Disabilities) | DRF | Small Grants | 2012 | (19) Independent Living | ||
Women with Disabilities Development Foundation | $10,000 | Bangladesh | To strengthen Women with Disabilities Development Foundation's organizational capacity on the CRPD; to strengthen national-level advocacy for inclusion of women with disabilities in work on CEDAW; and to raise awareness at sub-district and national-levels on the issue of violence against women with disabilities | DRF | Small Grants | 2012 | (16) Abuse | ||
Turning Point Foundation | $15,000 | Bangladesh | To consolidate organization as a disabled persons' organization training facility and to expand its technical support to five additional Bangladesh DPOs to build their capacity as CRPD advocates | DRF | Small Grants | 2012 | |||
Cook Islands National Disability Council | $6,000 | Cook Islands | To expand organization's reach and CRPD awareness raising efforts to persons with disabilities on Mitiaro Island and the Northern Group of Islands | DRF | Small Grants | 2012 | |||
Fiji Disabled Peoples Federation | $16,000 | Fiji | (Year Two) To unify Disabled Persons' Organizations in their advocacy for ratification of the CRPD by Fiji and to mainstream the CRPD into government policies and plans developed by the Ministries of Labor, Health, Education, Transport, Provincial Development, and Justice | DRAF | National Coalition | 2012 | |||
United Blind Persons of Fiji | $10,000 | Fiji | To strengthen United Blind Persons’ ability to raise awareness of the CRPD among blind and visually-impaired persons in outlying communities and among different language groups of Fiji, to build greater support for ratification | DRAF | Small Grants | 2012 | |||
Psychiatric Survivors Association of Fiji | $15,000 | Fiji | To ensure that persons with psychosocial disabilities are included in the policy revision process, which is a pre-cursor to ratification of the CRPD in Fiji, as well as to continue to build the capacity of Psychiatric Survivors Association Fiji's membership on the CRPD | DRF | Small Grants | 2012 | |||
Ghana Federation of Disability Organisations | $50,000 | Ghana | (Year One) To conduct a comprehensive review of the existing Ghana Disability Act 715 to ensure compliance with the CRPD and to lobby government to amend it as needed | DRAF | National Coalition | 2012 | |||
Lakeside Cross Disability Self-Help Group | $17,000 | Ghana | To build the leadership and advocacy capacity of leaders of 18 self-help groups in order to empower leaders to guide their groups and advocate for the rights of their members to local governments, non-governmental organizations, and other Disabled Persons' Organizations to bring about mainstreaming of persons with disabilities into community programs | DRF | Small Grants | 2012 | (6) Women With Disabilities | ||
Empowerment Through Community Volunteering | $9,000 | Ghana | To create awareness about the rights of persons with psychosocial disabilities in the Asikuma-Odoben-Brakwa District, and to begin to integrate persons with psychosocial disabilities and their families and community | DRF | Small Grants | 2012 | (19) Independent Living | ||
New Horizon Foundation of the Blind | $14,000 | Ghana | To increase the capacity of New Horizon Foundation of the Blind (NHFB) and children’s advocacy groups to advocate for the education rights of children and young people with visual impairments in the Ho region | DRF | Small Grants | 2012 | (24) Education | ||
Special Attention Project | $19,000 | Ghana | To increase access to education and justice for children with learning disabilities in the Accra region of Ghana by adapting existing laws, policies, and practices in order align them with the Articles 10 (Access to Justice) and 24 (Education) of the CRPD | DRF | Small Grants | 2012 | (13) Justice | ||
Kekeli Foundation | $15,000 | Ghana | To build the capacity of self-advocates with intellectual disabilities to advocate for inclusion in Ghanaian communities | DRF | Small Grants | 2012 | (19) Independent Living | ||
Inclusion Ghana | $20,000 | Ghana | To ensure equal recognition before the law and effective access to justice in Ghana for persons with intellectual disabilities through raising awareness, training, and court actions | DRF | Small Grants | 2012 | (13) Justice | ||
Socio Legal Information Centre | $32,500 | India | (Year One) To amend India’s draft Right to Health Bill to ensure that it promotes access to quality healthcare for persons with disabilities, including persons with psychosocial disabilities, in accordance with the CRPD | DRAF | National Coalition | 2012 | (25) Health | ||
Ganjam District Orthopaedically Handicapped Welfare Association | $20,000 | India | To educate state and local planners and service providers about the importance of the CRPD and to increase the participation of persons with disabilities in decision-making processes | DRAF | Small Grants | 2012 | |||
Centre for Action on Disabled Rights and Empowerment | $15,000 | India | To create awareness about the importance of the CRPD among district and state level officials and departments | DRAF | Small Grants | 2012 | |||
Shanta Memorial Rehabilitation Centre | $35,000 | India | (Year One) To empower women with disabilities to provide input and unique perspectives into India’s 2014 Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW) reporting process | DRF | National Coalition | 2012 | (6) Women With Disabilities | ||
Akshaya Rehabilitation Trust | $20,000 | India | To develop additional disabled persons organization partnerships in Tamil Nadu State and to ensure persons with disabilities have equal rights and participation in social and economic development opportunities | DRF | Small Grants | 2012 | (28) Social Protection | ||
Chaitanya Vikalangula Hakkula Vedika | $15,000 | India | To strengthen the rights of persons with disabilities, reduce discrimination, and address the implementation of CRPD | DRF | Small Grants | 2012 | |||
Prathibha Vikalangula Mutually Aided Cooperative Thrift Society Limited | $15,000 | India | To strengthen the organization's effectiveness and develop training materials in Telugu to promote CRPD implementation | DRF | Small Grants | 2012 | |||
Parivaar National Confederation of Parents Organizations | $20,000 | India | To educate adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities about supported decision making, which will enable them to exercise their full legal capacity | DRF | Small Grants | 2012 | (12) Legal Capacity | ||
Network of Persons with disabilities Organisations | $20,000 | India | To promote inclusive education and advocacy efforts for children with disabilities in Andhra Pradesh | DRF | Small Grants | 2012 | (24) Education | ||
People with Hearing Impaired Network | $12,000 | India | To ensure hearing impaired persons enjoy full and equal access to all human rights per CRPD Article 1 (Purpose) | DRF | Small Grants | 2012 | |||
Chattisgharh Viklang Manch | $20,000 | India | To enable disabled activists in Chhattisgarh to combat exclusion and enjoy their human rights and live with dignity | DRF | Small Grants | 2012 | |||
Tejaswi Mahila Vikalanula Network | $11,000 | India | To build the capacity of the women with disabilities in order to raise rights violation issues | DRF | Small Grants | 2012 | (6) Women With Disabilities | ||
Persatuan Penyandang Cacat Indonesia | $40,000 | Indonesia | (Year One) To empower persons with disabilities to educate local and national representatives about the CRPD and advocate for its adoption in regulatory frameworks at provincial levels throughout the country | DRAF | National Coalition | 2012 | |||
Persatuan Penyandang Cacat Indonesia | $12,000 | Indonesia | To advocate for CRPD implementation in West Sumatra and assist Padang City in the development of local disability discrimination laws | DRAF | Small Grants | 2012 | |||
DPC Gerkatin Kota Surakarta | $10,000 | Indonesia | To build a network of deaf organizations in seven districts of Solo Region to advance the CRPD | DRF | Small Grants | 2012 | |||
Perhimpunan Jiwa Sehat | $12,000 | Indonesia | To build regional advocacy groups of persons with psychosocial disabilities within the Indonesia Mental Health Association | DRF | Small Grants | 2012 | |||
UCP Roda Untuk Kemanusiaan Indonesia | $20,000 | Indonesia | To monitor the implementation of provincial regulations related to CRPD Article 20 (Personal Mobility) | DRF | Small Grants | 2012 | (20) Personal Mobility | ||
Center for Improving Qualified Activity in Life | $20,000 | Indonesia | To improve the participation of DPOs in Yogyakarta Special Province to monitor CRPD implementation | DRF | Small Grants | 2012 | |||
Himpunan Wanita Disabilitas Indonesia | $20,000 | Indonesia | To increase awareness of the CRPD among women with disabilities and build skills to advocate for their rights | DRF | Small Grants | 2012 | (6) Women With Disabilities | ||
Pusat Pemilihan Umum Akses Untuk Penyandang Cacat | $20,000 | Indonesia | To increase the awareness of policy makers and other stakeholders on the importance equal treatment and access to opportunities through effective priority programs for persons with disabilities | DRF | Small Grants | 2012 | |||
National Association for the Rights of Disabled People in Lebanon | $48,000 | Lebanon | (Year One) To support the Lebanese Council of Disabled People and the Forum of Handicapped Association in their efforts to advocate for CRPD ratification | DRAF | National Coalition | 2012 | |||
Youth Association of the Blind | $49,000 | Lebanon | (Year Two) To advocate that Lebanese parliamentarians and other concerned officials abolish existing discriminatory legislation related to persons with disabilities and adopt new legislation that accords with the CRPD | DRAF | National Coalition | 2012 | |||
Palestinian Disability Forum | $37,000 | Lebanon | (Year One) This coalition aims to advocate through UNRWA and Lebanese DPOs to promote the creation of equal opportunities, protections, and rights under existing Lebanese laws for Palestinian refugees with disabilities living in Lebanon and Lebanese nationals with disabilities | DRAF | National Coalition | 2012 | |||
National Association for the Rights of Disabled People in Lebanon | $20,000 | Lebanon | To encourage creation of new organization serving the needs of women with disabilities in five regions of Lebanon | DRF | Small Grants | 2012 | (6) Women With Disabilities | ||
Coalición México por los Derechos de las Personas con Discapacidad | $50,000 | Mexico | (Year One) To continue harmonization of local and federal laws with the CRPD and to strengthen disabled persons organizations in at least five states throughout the country | DRAF | National Coalition | 2012 | |||
Centro Transitorio de Capacitacion y Educacion Recreativa El Caracol A.C. | $15,000 | Mexico | To promote the rights of homeless persons with disabilities and their access to quality healthcare | DRF | Small Grants | 2012 | (25) Health | ||
La Pirinola: Actividades Culturales Educativas y de Desarrollo para Educacion Especial A.C. | $15,000 | Mexico | To increase awareness of the CRPD and rights of persons with disabilities through the media and online communication platforms | DRF | Small Grants | 2012 | |||
Colectivo Chuhcan, A.C. | $15,000 | Mexico | To promote independent living and community inclusion of persons with psychosocial disabilities through CRPD trainings | DRF | Small Grants | 2012 | (19) Independent Living | ||
Integracion Social, Familiar y Educativa A.C. | $17,000 | Mexico | To educate and promote the rights of persons with disabilities in rural areas of San Luis Potosi | DRF | Small Grants | 2012 | |||
Instituto Bilingüe Intercultural Para Sordos | $15,000 | Mexico | To educate deaf/hearing impaired persons and their families about the CRPD | DRF | Small Grants | 2012 | |||
Estudiantes o Trabajadores Ciegos y Debiles Visuales del Estado de Veracruz | $17,000 | Mexico | To ensure that persons with visual disabilities in the state of Veracruz have access to quality medical care | DRF | Small Grants | 2012 | (25) Health | ||
Fundación Paso a Paso A.C. | $20,000 | Mexico | To create a model for inclusion of indigenous persons with disabilities in local governmental decision-making processes in four municipalities in Hidalgo state | DRF | Small Grants | 2012 | |||
Nexos y Soluciones A.C. | $20,000 | Mexico | To ensure persons with disabilities perspectives are reflected in CRPD compliance plans and to monitor government CRPD implementation | DRF | Small Grants | 2012 | |||
Planeta Inclusion | $18,000 | Mexico | To promote and monitor CRPD compliance and the rights of persons with disabilities using a rights-based approach | DRF | Small Grants | 2012 | |||
Pohnpei Consumer Organization | $20,000 | Micronesia, Federate | To form a national Disabled Persons' Organization for the Federated States of Micronesia and formalize the vision, mission, and five-year plan of this organization including lobbying for ratification of the CRPD | DRAF | Small Grants | 2012 | |||
Federación Nicaragüense de Asociaciones de Personas con Discapacidad | $50,000 | Nicaragua | (Year One) To advocate that the Nicaraguan government issue its State Report to the CRPD Committee, update the 2011 alternative report and lobby for harmonization of local and national laws with the CRPD U | DRAF | National Coalition | 2012 | |||
Organizacion de Ciegos de Matagalpa "Luis Braille" | $20,000 | Nicaragua | To improve Organizacion de Ciegos de Matagalpa Luis Braille's alliances with Disabled Persons' Organizations of persons with intellectual disabilities and women with disabilities, local governments, institutions, and human rights organizations in all the municipalities of Matagalpa to continue to enhance the level of participation of persons with disabilities | DRF | Small Grants | 2012 | (6) Women With Disabilities | ||
Asociacion de Personas con Discapacidad Fisico Motor | $20,000 | Nicaragua | To continue advocacy activities around inclusion of persons with disabilities in the labor market and accessible and safe public transportation, centered on CRPD Articles 9 (Accessibility), 27 (Work and Employment), and Law 763 | DRF | Small Grants | 2012 | (27) Work/Employment | ||
Asociacion de Sordociegos de Nicaragua | $20,000 | Nicaragua | To empower deafblind persons in Nicaragua through activities that utilize the CRPD to advocate for inclusion of the deafblind in poverty reduction programs | DRF | Small Grants | 2012 | (28) Social Protection | ||
Red de Asociaciones de Personas con Discapacidad Psicosocial de Nicaragua | $20,000 | Nicaragua | To increase the membership of Red de Asociaciones de Personas con Discapacidad Psicosocial de Nicaragua and to build their capacity to advocate for implementation of the rights of persons with psychosocial disabilities continue their efforts to harmonize Law 650 (Law for the Human Rights Protection of Persons with Mental Disabilities) with the CRPD and the General Law for Persons with Disabilities (Law 763) and ensure sustainability of their work through the newly-created Mental Health Commission | DRF | Small Grants | 2012 | (12) Legal Capacity | ||
Confederación Nacional de Discapacitados del Perú | $50,000 | Peru | (Year One) To strengthen the capacity of Disabled Persons' Organizations to advocate for implementation of the Concluding Observations of the CRPD Committee and for passage of the new Peruvian disability law The project will also present a document to the Convention Eliminating All Forms of Discrimination Against Women detailing the situation of women with disabilities | DRAF | National Coalition | 2012 | |||
Asociacion para la Defensa de los Derechos de las Mujeres y Ninos con Discapacidad-Region Piura | $15,000 | Peru | To improve the skills of persons with disabilities, including children with disabilities, in Piura to address the rights contained in Articles 5 (Children with Disabilities), 6 (Women with Disabilities), 15 (Freedom from Torture), and 16 (Freedom from Exploitation, Violence and Abuse) | DRAF | Small Grants | 2012 | (16) Abuse | ||
Sociedad y Discapacidad | $20,000 | Peru | To ensure that the text of Peru's General Persons with Disabilities Act is not altered during the approval process and that it remains harmonized with the CRPD; to initiate advocacy for a regulatory framework for the new law; and to advocate for harmonization of the Civil Code with CRPD Article 12 (Equality Before the Law) | DRAF | Small Grants | 2012 | (12) Legal Capacity | ||
Musas Inspiradoras de Cambios | $19,000 | Peru | To advocate for regulations that will mainstream disability in the municipal programs of San Juan de Miraflores; advocate for ordinances for the inclusion of children with disabilities in daycare programs; work together with the Association of Parents to advocate for full physical accessibility of public schools in Lima | DRAF | Small Grants | 2012 | (28) Social Protection | ||
Asociación de Personas con Discapacidad "Dignidad" | $17,000 | Peru | To create a comprehensive campaign with other Disabled Persons' Organizations to increase accessibility to the transportation system in fluvial communities of the Peruvian Amazon | DRAF | Small Grants | 2012 | (19) Independent Living | ||
Asociación Femenina de Discapacitados del Perú | $18,000 | Peru | To create an alliance between Asociación Femenina de Discapacitados del Perú and the newly formed women with disabilities Disabled Persons' Organizations in Huancayo, Ica, and Lima to enhance their capacity to advocate for access to poverty reduction programs; to defend their right to have a decent job (CRPD Article 27); and to promote empowering images of women with disabilities through the mass media | DRAF | Small Grants | 2012 | (27) Work/Employment | ||
Federacion Regional de Personas Con Discapacidad de Junin | $17,000 | Peru | To empower persons with disabilities in four Peru Junán provinces to advocate for inclusion in poverty reduction programs | DRF | Small Grants | 2012 | (28) Social Protection | ||
Asociacion Nuevo Amanecer de Personas con Discapacidad Psicosocial | $14,000 | Peru | To continue to build advocacy skills and collaboration with other Peruvian Disabled Persons' Organizations to defend the rights of persons with psychosocial disabilities | DRF | Small Grants | 2012 | |||
Abriendo Caminos para el Desarrollo e Inclusión Social de Personas con Discapacidad y Demós Grupos Vulnerables | $20,000 | Peru | To better promote access to justice and empowerment of persons with disabilities in Peru through strategic litigation and increased information about rights | DRF | Small Grants | 2012 | (13) Justice | ||
Federación Departamental de Personas con Discapacidad de Puno | $20,000 | Peru | To continue to promote the participation of Disabled Persons' Organizations in participatory budgeting processes in the Puno region and to improve Indigenous Disabled Persons' Organizations knowledge about how municipal offices of persons with disabilities work in relation to implementation of rights contained in the CRPD | DRF | Small Grants | 2012 | (28) Social Protection | ||
Federación Departamental en Pro del Desarrollo de la Persona con Discapacidad | $17,000 | Peru | To launch and disseminate a plan for including especially Indigenous persons with disabilities in development ‚Äì the "Development Plan for Persons with Disabilities in the Cusco Region" - which is currently being produced by Federación Departamental en Pro del Desarrollo de las Personas con Discapacidad with DRF support | DRF | Small Grants | 2012 | (28) Social Protection | ||
Sociedad Peruana de Síndrome de Down | $20,000 | Peru | To include the perspective of persons with intellectual disabilities and their families into broader disability community advocacy for follow up to the Concluding Observations of the CRPD Committee | DRF | Small Grants | 2012 | |||
Asociacion de Usuarios de Servicios de Salud Mental | $20,000 | Peru | To strengthen Asociacion de Usuarios de Servicios de Salud Mental's participation in the broader Peruvian disability movement in order to promote a human rights-based approach to persons with psychosocial disabilities and to initiate collaborative advocacy activities | DRF | Small Grants | 2012 | |||
Nuanua O Le Alofa Inc | $20,000 | Samoa | To build Nuanua O Le Alofa's capacity as a CRPD trainer to position them to build national CRPD awareness through media strategies and community awareness activities, and to support their efforts towards ratification of the CRPD | DRAF | Small Grants | 2012 | |||
Disabled Peoples' Association of Solomon Islands | $20,000 | Solomon Islands | To facilitate dialogue between persons with disabilities and the government of the Solomon Islands in support of ratification of the CRPD | DRAF | Small Grants | 2012 | |||
Uganda National Association of the Deaf | $56,000 | Uganda | (Year One) To lobby for the enactment of a regulatory framework for the Persons with Disabilities Amendment Act of 2012, as well as to ensure broad awareness about the new Act The project will also encompass a review of current disability policies in order to ensure they are aligned with the amended law, its regulations, and the CRPD | DRAF | National Coalition | 2012 | |||
Wakiso District Union of Persons with Disabilities | $40,000 | Uganda | To lobby the Wakiso District local government to enact a district accessibility ordinance | DRAF | Small Grants | 2012 | (9) Accessibility | ||
National Union of Disabled Persons of Uganda | $55,000 | Uganda | (Year One) To enhance the Ugandan government's compliance with Universal Periodic Review and CEDAW recommendations through advocacy, monitoring government programs and policies, and strengthening the rights monitoring capacity of Disabled Persons' Organizations | DRF | National Coalition | 2012 | |||
Uganda National Association of the Deaf | $20,000 | Uganda | To strengthen inclusive education for deaf children in Soroti District, Uganda | DRF | Small Grants | 2012 | (24) Education | ||
Youth with Physical Disabilities Development Forum | $20,000 | Uganda | To promote access to quality inclusive education for children with disabilities in five schools in theMukono District | DRF | Small Grants | 2012 | (24) Education | ||
National Association of the Deafblind in Uganda | $15,000 | Uganda | To consolidate previously funded work in four Ugandan districts (Rwengo, Kalungu, Masindi and Amuru) and expand into a fifth district, Buyende | DRF | Small Grants | 2012 | |||
Little People of Uganda | $19,000 | Uganda | To increase the capacity of little people to participate in CRPD implementation activities at national and local levels | DRF | Small Grants | 2012 | |||
Legal Action for Persons with Disabilities Uganda | $20,000 | Uganda | To continue previous work raising awareness of and training the national, regional, and local judiciary on issues affecting persons with disabilities, including legal capacity and access to information, and to continue provision of legal aid to persons with disabilities in the Central and Eastern regions of Uganda | DRF | Small Grants | 2012 | (13) Justice | ||
Integrated Disabled Women Activities | $18,000 | Uganda | To advocate to Iganga District, Uganda representatives to enact a policy to implement the amended District Disability Ordinance | DRF | Small Grants | 2012 | |||
Iganga District Action on Physical Disability | $18,500 | Uganda | To continue to increase persons with disabilities advocacy for accessible health facilities and services in Iganga District, Uganda | DRF | Small Grants | 2012 | (25) Health | ||
Action for Youth with Disabilities Uganda | $19,500 | Uganda | To use the survey data from the current DRF-funded project to ensure the effective inclusion of youth with disabilities in the mainstream labor market in Uganda | DRF | Small Grants | 2012 | (27) Work/Employment | ||
Lira District Disabled Women Association | $15,000 | Uganda | To increase community and local leaders' awareness on the CRPD in three newly created sub-counties within the Lira District | DRF | Small Grants | 2012 | (6) Women With Disabilities | ||
Heartsounds Uganda | $10,000 | Uganda | To develop the internal capacity of Heartsounds Uganda to champion peer support for persons with psychosocial disabilities in Kampala through board and member training on the CRPD as a tool for advocacy | DRF | Small Grants | 2012 | |||
Moyo District Disabled Persons Union | $10,000 | Uganda | To promote the rights of Moyo District persons with disabilities to access education, health services, and employment by advocating to local district and sub-county governments and councils | DRF | Small Grants | 2012 | (24) Education | ||
Uganda Association for the Mentally Handicapped / Inclusion Uganda | $17,500 | Uganda | To advance inclusive education and promote independent living for persons with intellectual disabilities and to build the organization's internal capacity to implement associated CRPD Articles (19 and 24) | DRF | Small Grants | 2012 | (24) Education | ||
Uganda National Action on Physical Disability | $16,000 | Uganda | To conduct a baseline survey on the state of physical accessibility of specific public buildings and facilities (including hospitals, police stations, hotels, universities, and court buildings) in Kampala Capital City Authority | DRF | Small Grants | 2012 | (9) Accessibility | ||
United Deaf Women's Organisation | $19,500 | Uganda | To promote the rights of Ugandan deaf girls and women by addressing CRPD Articles 6 (Women with disabilities), 8 (Awareness), 16 (Freedom from exploitation, violence and abuse), 19 (Living independently in the community), and 21 (Access to information) through mobilizing deaf women into district groups, building the capacities of the leaders of deaf women’s district associations to advocate for the rights of deaf women, and networking the deaf women’s group to NGO programs | DRF | Small Grants | 2012 | (6) Women With Disabilities | ||
Gulu Women with Disabilities Union | $18,500 | Uganda | To increase the realization of human rights and fundamental freedoms for women and girls with disabilities in Gulu through dialogues with local leaders, empowerment of women with disabilities at grassroots levels, establishment of human rights monitors, and the development of a District Disability Human Rights Platform | DRF | Small Grants | 2012 | (6) Women With Disabilities | ||
All Ukrainian NGO Coalition for People with Intellectual Disabilities | $60,000 | Ukraine | (Year One) To pilot a Supported Decision-Making (SDM) model and promote it at national levels with key stakeholders in government and the media | DRAF | National Coalition | 2012 | |||
All-Ukrainian Civil Society Organization of People with Disabilities "Active Rehabilitation Group" | $20,000 | Ukraine | To develop national protocols which would ensure full accessibility of public buildings and facilities by persons with disabilities, and to lobby the Ministry of Regional Development for approval of the protocols | DRAF | Small Grants | 2012 | (20) Personal Mobility | ||
Creavita | $20,000 | Ukraine | To assess barriers to accessibility outside the city limits of Kharkiv and educate others about the CRPD, focusing on accessibility, and building partnerships to advance implementation of Article 9 (Accessibility) at the local level | DRF | Small Grants | 2012 | (9) Accessibility | ||
Parents Club | $13,500 | Ukraine | To introduce inclusive education models for children with intellectual disabilities in preschool facilities in the Kharkov city region | DRF | Small Grants | 2012 | (24) Education | ||
Djerela 1 | $20,000 | Ukraine | To improve Public Monitoring Boards functions and disseminate information to disabled persons organizations and parent groups to ensure effective monitoring of institutions where persons with intellectual disabilities live | DRF | Small Grants | 2012 | (17) Protecting Integrity | ||
Cherkassy Youth | $20,000 | Ukraine | To introduce and monitor inclusive education programs in Cherkasy city schools and advocate for the adoption of the specific regional programs | DRF | Small Grants | 2012 | (24) Education | ||
All-Ukrainian Organization of Users and Survivors of Psychiatry - National Branch | $20,000 | Ukraine | To strengthen the organization's internal capacity by increasing disabled persons participation in decision-making processes regarding the CRPD | DRF | Small Grants | 2012 | (17) Protecting Integrity | ||
Generation of Successful Action - Volyn Branch | $20,000 | Ukraine | To provide education on accessibility rights to persons with disabilities in rural parts of the Volyn region and build their capacity to advocate | DRF | Small Grants | 2012 | |||
Generation of Successful Action - Kiev | $10,000 | Ukraine | To ensure that the visually impaired individuals fully enjoy their rights to accessibility, access to information, and individual mobility | DRF | Small Grants | 2012 | (21) Information | ||
Disability Promotion and Advocacy Association | $20,000 | Vanuatu | To build the capacity of Disability Promotion and Advocacy Association's coordinating committee members and 14 affiliates to advocate for CRPD implementation | DRF | Small Grants | 2012 | |||
Turning Point Foundation | $10,000 | Bangladesh | To establish Turning Point as a training facility for rural and emergent DPOs in Bangladesh to build their capacity for CRPD advocacy | Tides Fdn | Small Grants | 2011 | |||
Access Bangladesh Foundation | $20,000 | Bangladesh | To build the capacity of DPOs in Bangladesh to advocate for employment in Dhaka City in line with Article 27 (Work and Employment) of the CRPD | Tides Fdn | Small Grants | 2011 | (27) Work/Employment | ||
Alliance of Urban DPOs Chittagong | $15,000 | Bangladesh | To develop the capacity of DPO members in Chittagong Division in Bangladesh, including a self help group of persons with pyschosocial disabilities, on CRPD advocacy | Tides Fdn | Small Grants | 2011 | |||
Coastal DPO Alliance | $15,000 | Bangladesh | To build the advocacy capacity of DPOs in coastal regions of Bangladesh and raise awareness on the rights of persons with disabilities in these regions | Tides Fdn | Small Grants | 2011 | |||
Federation of DPOs Sitakund | $20,000 | Bangladesh | To strengthen rights advocacy capacity of persons with disabilities in the Chittagong Hill Tracts and Chittagong Division | Tides Fdn | Small Grants | 2011 | |||
Society of the Deaf and Sign Language Users | $20,000 | Bangladesh | To expand rights advocacy and protection for the deaf and hearing impaired across four districts of Bangladesh | Tides Fdn | Small Grants | 2011 | (13) Justice | ||
Jatiyo Trinomul Protibandhi Sangstha | $20,000 | Bangladesh | To increase access to education and employment in line with CRPD Articles 24 (Education) and 27 (Work and Employment) by strengthening grassroots DPOs across Bangladesh | Tides Fdn | Small Grants | 2011 | (27) Work/Employment | ||
Parbattya Protibandi Kalyan Sangstha | $15,000 | Bangladesh | To build the capacity of the organization and member DPOs, composed of indigenous peoples with disabilities in the Chittagong Hill Tracts of Bangladesh, to be effective CRPD trainers and advocates | Tides Fdn | Small Grants | 2011 | |||
Protibandhi Narider Jatio Parishad | $20,000 | Bangladesh | To protect women with disabilities from violence and discrimination by strengthening links between DPOs of women with disabilities and legal aid across eleven districts of Bangladesh | Tides Fdn | Small Grants | 2011 | (16) Abuse | ||
Mymensingh Disabled Peoples’ Organization to Development | $8,000 | Bangladesh | To enable persons with disabilities in Mymensingh District in Bangladesh to advocate to local government and partner with legal advocates for access to justice for persons with disabilities | Tides Fdn | Small Grants | 2011 | (13) Justice | ||
SEID (Society for Education and Inclusion of the Disabled) | $10,000 | Bangladesh | To increase access in Bangladesh to inclusive education for children with disabilities; reduce gender-based violence against girls with disabilities; and strengthen independent decision making in line with the CRPD | Tides Fdn | Small Grants | 2011 | |||
Bangladesh Protibandhi Unnayan Sangstha | $12,000 | Bangladesh | To strengthen grassroots organizations of persons with disabilities in Agailjhara District of Bangladesh on CRPD advocacy | Tides Fdn | Small Grants | 2011 | |||
Cook Islands National Disability Council | $15,000 | Cook Islands | To build the capacity of the Council to advocate and raise awareness on rights as set out in the CRPD across the Cook Islands | Tides Fdn | Small Grants | 2011 | |||
Fiji Disabled Peoples Federation | $41,000 | Fiji | To unify DPO advocacy efforts towards CRPD ratification and implementation in Fiji by mainstreaming the CRPD into policies and plans of key government ministries | Tides Advocacy Fdn | National Coalition | 2011 | |||
Psychiatric Survivors Association of Fiji | $10,000 | Fiji | To develop the capacity of the Psychiatric Survivors Association to advance the CRPD among persons with psychosocial disabilities in Fiji | Tides Fdn | Small Grants | 2011 | |||
Empowerment Through Community Volunteering | $10,000 | Ghana | To ensure that children with disabilities in the area around Asikuma, Central Region in Ghana are able to exercise their right to inclusive education | Tides Fdn | Small Grants | 2011 | (24) Education | ||
Lakeside Cross Disability Self-Help Group | $12,000 | Ghana | To advocate for greater inclusion of persons with disabilities in public sector staffing and programs and for representation of persons with disabilities in the Krachi-East District Assembly | Tides Fdn | Small Grants | 2011 | |||
Special Attention Project | $20,000 | Ghana | To educate stakeholders in the Ghana education sector on inclusion of homeless children and youth with learning disabilities, and to build capacity of the justice system for rights of youth with disabilities | Tides Fdn | Small Grants | 2011 | (24) Education | ||
New Horizon Foundation of the Blind | $10,400 | Ghana | To build the capacity of children and youth with visual impairments to voice their rights, and to promote inclusive education in the communities of Abutia, Dodome, and Dzolo in the Volta Region | Tides Fdn | Small Grants | 2011 | (24) Education | ||
MindFreedom Ghana | $18,000 | Ghana | To prevent passage of the current draft of a new Mental Health Bill (which is not up to standards outlined in the CRPD), and to ensure persons with psychosocial disabilities are able to exercise their right to vote | Tides Fdn | Small Grants | 2011 | (29) Political | ||
Kekeli Foundation | $10,400 | Ghana | To promote independent living and community inclusion of persons with intellectual disabilities in Helekpe village in the Volta region | Tides Fdn | Small Grants | 2011 | (24) Education | ||
Shanta Memorial Rehabilitation Centre | $25,000 | India | (Year Two) To advocate for equal opportunities and rights of women with disabilities, with a focus on ensuring that amendments to existing national disability laws in India take women with disabilities into account | Tides Advocacy Fdn | National Coalition | 2011 | |||
Parivaar National Confederation of Parents Organizations | $40,000 | India | (Year Two) To build capacity among DPOs to assess and report (via a shadow report) on India's obligations to protect, promote, and fulfill rights of persons with disabilities, epecially in rural communities, under the CRPD | Tides Fdn | National Coalition | 2011 | |||
Socio Legal Information Centre | $20,000 | India | To build capacity of DPOs in Kerala and Chhattisgarh on legal advocacy and using the justice system to address the rights of persons with disabilities | Tides Fdn | Small Grants | 2011 | (13) Justice | ||
Ganjam District Orthopaedically Handicapped Welfare Association | $20,000 | India | To create new DPOs and new DPO networks across Ganjam District to expand CRPD rights advocacy and rights awareness activities at grassroots level | Tides Fdn | Small Grants | 2011 | |||
Centre for Action on Disabled Rights and Empowerment | $20,000 | India | To build advocacy capacity amongst tribal persons with disabilities in 4 mandals of Khammam District, Andhra Pradesh State, to address village committees on rights issues | Tides Fdn | Small Grants | 2011 | |||
Chaitanya Vikalangula Hakkula Vedika | $20,000 | India | To reduce discrimination based on gender and disability, and raise community awareness and understanding on the CRPD and its linkages with local laws | Tides Fdn | Small Grants | 2011 | |||
Akshaya Rehabilitation Trust | $20,000 | India | To build the capacity of persons with disabilities on the CRPD in another two districts in Tamil Nadu and to develop a Disability Rights Network across Tamil Nadu State to advocate for CRPD implementation | Tides Fdn | Small Grants | 2011 | |||
Prathibha Vikalangula Mutually Aided Cooperative Thrift Society Limited | $20,000 | India | To extend the organization's CRPD awareness raising to the most marginalized sectors of the disability community in 96 villages in Ananthapur District of Andhra Pradesh | Tides Fdn | Small Grants | 2011 | |||
Orissa Viklang Manch | $15,000 | India | To build capacity of grassroots and marginalized persons with disabilities to advocate on Articles 27 and 28 of the CRPD in ten districts of Orissa | Tides Fdn | Small Grants | 2011 | |||
Network of Persons with disabilities Organisations | $20,000 | India | To ensure the rights of children with disabilities are protected and promoted through effective grassroots advocacy on the CRPD at district and state level in Andhra Pradesh | Tides Fdn | Small Grants | 2011 | (24) Education | ||
Swamy Vivekananda Angavikalara Kshemabhivrudhi Samsthe | $12,000 | India | To reach out to marginalized and remote persons with disabilities, identify and address cases of discrimination against PWDs, and work with local government to increase their awareness of the CRPD | Tides Fdn | Small Grants | 2011 | |||
Chattisgharh Viklang Manch | $12,000 | India | To ensure adequate representation and active participation by persons with disabilities in 6 districts of Chhattisgarh in decision-making processes which affect their lives | Tides Fdn | Small Grants | 2011 | |||
People with Hearing Impaired Network | $12,000 | India | To build the capacity of people with hearing impairments to pressure policy makers for the effective implementation and protection of their human rights | Tides Fdn | Small Grants | 2011 | |||
Persatuan Penyandang Cacat Indonesia | $40,000 | Indonesia | (Year Two) In coalition with the Parents Association of Children with Disabilities (Portupencanak), the Center for Citizens with Disabilities - Access to Election (PPUA PENCA), and the Indonesian Association of Women with Disabilities (HWPCI), to ensure the participation of persons with disabilities in the design of legislation and in advocacy for the protection and promotion of rights | Tides Advocacy Fdn | National Coalition | 2011 | |||
UCP Roda Untuk Kemanusiaan Indonesia | $14,000 | Indonesia | To support the creation of Indonesian regional regulations (PERDA) to implement the CRPD in 5 regions of Yogyakarta province | Tides Advocacy Fdn | Small Grants | 2011 | |||
Persatuan Tunanetra Indonesia | $20,000 | Indonesia | To build the capacity of the organisation to be an effective advocate on CRPD ratification nationally, and to strengthen CRPD awareness within chapters of the organization across Sulawesi and Sumatra Islands | Tides Advocacy Fdn | Small Grants | 2011 | |||
Pusat Pemilihan Umum Akses Untuk Penyandang Cacat | $20,000 | Indonesia | To build capacity of rural persons with disabilities in 4 provinces to advocate to policymakers on political rights, including CRPD ratification | Tides Advocacy Fdn | Small Grants | 2011 | (29) Political | ||
Center for Improving Qualified Activity in Life | $19,000 | Indonesia | To increase DPO advocacy on the CRPD to the local government and the House of Representatives for the 5 regions of Yogyakarta Province | Tides Fdn | Small Grants | 2011 | |||
Himpunan Wanita Penyandang Cacat Indonesia Sulawesi Selatan | $12,000 | Indonesia | To support replicable workshops on the CRPD in South Sulawesi for PWDs and local government | Tides Fdn | Small Grants | 2011 | (6) Women With Disabilities | ||
Himpunan Wanita Disabilitas Indonesia | $18,000 | Indonesia | To increase national awareness on the rights of women with disabilities and the CRPD; and to further build HWPCI’s skills to advocate for these rights | Tides Fdn | Small Grants | 2011 | (6) Women With Disabilities | ||
Yayasan Keluarga Tuna Rungu Sehjira | $15,000 | Indonesia | To build the organization's capacity on rights based advocacy and empowering the deaf to be more effective self advocates on the CRPD | Tides Fdn | Small Grants | 2011 | |||
Mimi Institute | $15,000 | Indonesia | To partner with local DPOs and universities to implement rights-based advocacy training on the CRPD amongst university students, the local government, and the broader community in Jakarta and West Jakarta | Tides Fdn | Small Grants | 2011 | |||
Te Toa Matoa | $8,000 | Kiribati | To advance the rights of persons with disabilities across Kiribati | Tides Advocacy Fdn | Small Grants | 2011 | |||
National Association for the Rights of Disabled People in Lebanon | $47,775 | Lebanon | To promote legislative changes and ratification of the CRPD by the Lebanese Parliament | Tides Advocacy Fdn | National Coalition | 2011 | |||
Youth Association of the Blind | $50,820 | Lebanon | To ensure that legislation in Lebanon protects the human rights of persons with disabilities, according to the CRPD | Tides Advocacy Fdn | National Coalition | 2011 | |||
Confederación Mexicana de Organizaciones en Favor de la Persona con Discapacidad Intelectual, A.C. | $50,000 | Mexico | (Year Two) To disseminate a shadow report, and in doing so, to advance the harmonization process of national laws with the CRPD | Tides Fdn | National Coalition | 2011 | |||
Coalición de Personas Sordas del D F | $20,000 | Mexico | To raise awareness of the hearing community in Mexico on deaf rights, especially access to information and Mexican Sign Language | Tides Fdn | Small Grants | 2011 | |||
Fundacion Por Un Mejor Andar | $17,800 | Mexico | To raise awareness on the rights of persons with disabilities in Sonora in order to eradicate discrimination and advocate for CRPD implementation | Tides Fdn | Small Grants | 2011 | |||
Instituto Bilingüe Intercultural Para Sordos | $11,980 | Mexico | To increase awareness and implementation of the rights of deaf people, as well as respect for deaf culture and the use of Mexican Sign Language (MSL) as a primary language | Tides Fdn | Small Grants | 2011 | |||
Integracion Social, Familiar y Educativa A C | $16,650 | Mexico | To train persons with and without disabilities, from government and DPOs, on the CRPD, with the objective of increasing understanding of disability rights and ensuring wide involvement in policy reform regarding persons with disabilities | Tides Fdn | Small Grants | 2011 | |||
Colectivo Chuhcan, A.C. | $20,000 | Mexico | To establish Colectivo Chuhcan as a peer-support network helping activists with psychosocial disabilities live in the community, advocate for their rights, and promote laws, policies and practices in accordance with the CRPD | Tides Fdn | Small Grants | 2011 | |||
Confederación Mexicana de Organizaciones en Favor de la Persona con Discapacidad Intelectual, A.C. | $10,000 | Mexico | To create a handbook on promotion of self advocacy among persons with intellectual disabilities | Tides Fdn | Small Grants | 2011 | |||
Planeta Inclusion | $15,000 | Mexico | To raise the awareness of key public entities, universities, and other civil society organizations on the CRPD | Tides Fdn | Small Grants | 2011 | |||
Fundación Paso a Paso A.C. | $20,000 | Mexico | To create a group of indigenous women with disabilities in the community of Tepepa and train them on the CRPD, and promote their full participation in their communities | Tides Fdn | Small Grants | 2011 | (6) Women With Disabilities | ||
Nexos y Soluciones A.C. | $20,000 | Mexico | To build the capacity of disabled persons' organizations to work in partnership both within the disability community and in civil society, to achieve full participation for persons with disabilities | Tides Fdn | Small Grants | 2011 | |||
Estudiantes o Trabajadores Ciegos y Debiles Visuales del Estado de Veracruz | $15,670 | Mexico | To increase the number of persons with disabilities advocating for CRPD implementation in Veracruz by raising the awareness of relevant stakeholders on the CRPD | Tides Fdn | Small Grants | 2011 | |||
Pohnpei Consumer Organization | $20,000 | Micronesia, Federate | To expand the knowledge and skills of Pohnpei Consumer Organization to advance ratification of the CRPD and expand its network of persons with disabilities | Tides Fdn | Small Grants | 2011 | |||
Federación Nicaragüense de Asociaciones de Personas con Discapacidad | $44,300 | Nicaragua | To enable this DPO Coalition to monitor CRPD implementation in Nicaragua through production of an alternative report, and to ensure that the rights of persons with disabilities are encoded in national law | Tides Advocacy Fdn | National Coalition | 2011 | |||
Organizacion de Ciegos de Nicaragua "Marisela Toledo" | $20,000 | Nicaragua | To increase the capacity of the judiciary on the CRPD and to build CRPD leadership and managerial capacity among blind women in Nicaragua | Tides Fdn | Small Grants | 2011 | (13) Justice | ||
Organizacion de Ciegos de Matagalpa "Luis Braille" | $20,000 | Nicaragua | To ensure inclusion of a diversity of persons with disabilities (including women and persons with psychosocial disabilities) in CRPD advancement at municipal level in Matagalpa | Tides Fdn | Small Grants | 2011 | |||
Asociacion de Sordociegos de Nicaragua | $17,000 | Nicaragua | To train six leaders from the deafblind community in Nicaragua as field officers who, in turn, will build the capacity of 36 other deafblind persons from target rural areas through peer support, advice, and training on the CRPD | Tides Fdn | Small Grants | 2011 | |||
Federación Nicaragüense de Asociaciones de Personas con Discapacidad | $20,000 | Nicaragua | To contribute to CRPD Article 24 (Education) advancement by supporting the Ministry of Education to implement an inclusive education system | Tides Fdn | Small Grants | 2011 | (24) Education | ||
Asociacion Nacional de Sordos de Nicaragua | $20,000 | Nicaragua | To build the capacity of deaf leaders on the CRPD by training 250 members of this organization from thirteen branch organizations and two new deaf groups | Tides Fdn | Small Grants | 2011 | |||
Asociacion de Personas con Discapacidad Fisico Motor | $18,000 | Nicaragua | To advance implementation of Article 27 (Work and Employment) of the CRPD on the right to work by increasing understanding among persons with disabilities, the private sector, and public authorities about the rights and obligations set out in the article and in the new Disability Act, Law 763 | Tides Fdn | Small Grants | 2011 | (27) Work/Employment | ||
Asociacion Civil de Discapacitados de la Resistencia Nicaraguense | $20,000 | Nicaragua | To build the CRPD advocacy skills of ten municipal chapters of Asociación Civil de Discapacitados de la Resistencia Nicarag√ºense | Tides Fdn | Small Grants | 2011 | |||
Organizacion de Revolucionarios Deshabilitados | $17,000 | Nicaragua | As a component of a broader project sponsored by the European Union , increase the capacity of DPOs in 19 municipalities on rights advocacy and strategic planning skills | Tides Fdn | Small Grants | 2011 | (29) Political | ||
Red de Asociaciones de Personas con Discapacidad Psicosocial de Nicaragua | $20,000 | Nicaragua | To build the capacity of network members on the CRPD and to contribute to reform of Law 650 on the Protection of the Rights of Persons with Psychosocial Disabilities, in accordance with the CRPD in Nicaragua | Tides Fdn | Small Grants | 2011 | (12) Legal Capacity | ||
OMEKESANG | $10,000 | Palau | To build the capacity of persons with disabilities in Palau to raise awareness on the CRPD and advocate for ratification | Tides Advocacy Fdn | Small Grants | 2011 | |||
Papua New Guinea Assembly of Disabled Persons Association | $20,000 | Papua New Guinea | To mainstream the CRPD within government ministry plans and policies and ensure CRPD ratification in Papua New Guinea | Tides Advocacy Fdn | Small Grants | 2011 | |||
Abriendo Caminos para el Desarrollo e Inclusión Social de Personas con Discapacidad y Demós Grupos Vulnerables | $20,000 | Peru | To promote implementation of national legislation (that accords with the CRPD) in Peru through strategic litigation and rights advocacy | Tides Advocacy Fdn | Small Grants | 2011 | (13) Justice | ||
Asociacion para la Defensa de los Derechos de las Mujeres y Ninos con Discapacidad-Region Piura | $15,000 | Peru | To build the capacity of DPOs - including marginalized sectors of the disability community such as women with disabilities, persons with psychosocial disabilities, and persons with intellectual disabilities - and others on the social model and the CRPD and to advocate for CRPD implementation at the local level in Piura | Tides Advocacy Fdn | Small Grants | 2011 | |||
Confederación Nacional de Discapacitados del Perú | $50,000 | Peru | To enhance the capacity of Peruvian DPOs to monitor the implementation of the CRPD, via reporting to the CRPD Committee as well as through other UN mechanisms such as the Universal Periodic Review | Tides Fdn | National Coalition | 2011 | |||
Asociacion de Usuarios de Servicios de Salud Mental | $17,000 | Peru | To continue work to solidify organization-wide understanding and utilization of CRPD Articles 12 (Legal Capacity) and 19 (Living Independently), as well as to continue to build the organizational management skills of mental health users | Tides Fdn | Small Grants | 2011 | |||
Asociacion de Personas con Discapacidad (Renacer) | $8,000 | Peru | To strengthen the CRPD capacity of the new Board of this Indigenous DPO as well as the membership of RENACER to enhance advocacy efforts towards CRPD implementation | Tides Fdn | Small Grants | 2011 | |||
Sociedad y Discapacidad | $20,000 | Peru | To advance implementation of CRPD Article 9 (Accessibility) in Lima, Peru | Tides Fdn | Small Grants | 2011 | (9) Accessibility | ||
Asociación de Personas con Discapacidad "Dignidad" | $16,000 | Peru | To build CRPD capacity and advocacy among indigenous people with disabilities from the rural districts of Loreto in Peru, with a focus on Articles 9 (Accessibility), 12 5 (legal capacity especially equal access to banking services), and 29 (Participation in Political and Public Life ‚ especially the right to vote) | Tides Fdn | Small Grants | 2011 | |||
Asociación Femenina de Discapacitados del Perú | $13,000 | Peru | To support women with disabilities in the districts of Ayacucho, Huancayo, Tarma, Ica, Huaycan, Canto Grande, and Villa El Salvador of Peru to improve living conditions in accordance with CRPD Article 28 (Adequate Standard of Living and Social Protection) | Tides Fdn | Small Grants | 2011 | (28) Social Protection | ||
Asociacón de Mujeres con Discapacidad de la Provincia de Requena | $12,000 | Peru | To continue a CRPD training program for licensed and unlicensed citizen-judges of the Court of Peace system, municipal authorities and administrators, and local grassroots leaders | Tides Fdn | Small Grants | 2011 | (13) Justice | ||
Asociación de Sordos del Perú | $20,000 | Peru | To support the creation of new branch DPOs of deaf people in seven regions of Peru and to build their capacity to effectively advocate for CRPD implementation | Tides Fdn | Small Grants | 2011 | |||
Sociedad Peruana de Síndrome de Down | $20,000 | Peru | To train leaders with Down Syndrome and their families on the CRPD, especially in the areas of awareness-raising, autonomy and self determination, legal capacity, independent living, and the right to political participation | Tides Fdn | Small Grants | 2011 | |||
Federación Departamental en Pro del Desarrollo de la Persona con Discapacidad | $17,000 | Peru | To elaborate a regional plan for persons with disabilities for 2013-2023 that could be used as a basis for the development of inclusive programs and policies, including Indigenous PWDs | Tides Fdn | Small Grants | 2011 | (28) Social Protection | ||
Musas Inspiradoras de Cambios | $15,000 | Peru | To strengthen the capacity of MUSAS members, parents and teachers on CRPD Articles 5 (Non-discrimination), 8 (Awareness-raising), and 24 (Education), and support and facilitate the inclusion of children with disabilities into mainstream schools in Lima | Tides Fdn | Small Grants | 2011 | (24) Education | ||
Federación Departamental de Personas con Discapacidad de Puno | $20,000 | Peru | To promote and strengthen the participation of Indigenous persons with disabilities in decision making processes at local levels to ensure advancement of CRPD implementation in Puno, Peru | Tides Fdn | Small Grants | 2011 | |||
Federacion Departamental de Personas Con Discapacidad FEDEDIP - PIURA | $10,000 | Peru | To increase membership among persons with disabilities from rural and marginalized communities | Tides Fdn | Small Grants | 2011 | |||
Federacion Nacional de Mujeres Con Discapacidad | $10,000 | Peru | To utilize a partnership between the Federation, Asociación para la Defensa de los Derechos de las Mujeres y Niños con Discapacidad de Piura (ADEMUNIDIS), and Organización de Mujeres Ciegas del Perú (OMUCIP) to increase the rights advocacy skills of rural and poor women with disabilities in Lima, Loreto, Ucayali, Ancash, Arequipa, and Tacna regions of Peru, and to lobby for the approval of a Municipal Ordinance on women with disabilities | Tides Fdn | Small Grants | 2011 | (6) Women With Disabilities | ||
Federacion Regional de Personas Con Discapacidad de Junin | $10,000 | Peru | To build the CRPD capacity of 300 members of FEREDIJ from the nine Peruvian provinces of Junín ‚Huancayo, Chupaca, Concepción, Juaja,Yauli la Oroya, Tarma, Junín, Chamchamayo, and Satipo - with special emphasis on Article 28 (Adequate Standard of Living and Social Protection) and advocate for the inclusion of persons with disabilities as beneficiaries of poverty reduction programs | Tides Fdn | Small Grants | 2011 | (28) Social Protection | ||
Asociacion Nuevo Amanecer de Personas con Discapacidad Psicosocial | $10,000 | Peru | To obtain organizational legal registration and to build board and member capacity of this Peruvian group of persons with psychosocial disabilities on the CRPD and on advocacy and management | Tides Fdn | Small Grants | 2011 | |||
Disabled Peoples' Association of Solomon Islands | $20,000 | Solomon Islands | To facilitate dialogue between persons with disabilities and the government of Solomon Islands on the CRPD with the aim of building national support and consensus for ratification | Tides Advocacy Fdn | Small Grants | 2011 | |||
Uganda National Association of the Deaf | $50,000 | Uganda | To continue development of and advocacy toward passage of a new Ugandan Disability Act in line with the CRPD | Tides Advocacy Fdn | National Coalition | 2011 | |||
Wakiso District Union of Persons with Disabilities | $40,000 | Uganda | To increase inclusion of persons with disabilities and a disability perspective within Uganda’s Wakiso District’s government structure, policies, and programs | Tides Advocacy Fdn | Small Grants | 2011 | |||
National Union of Disabled Persons of Uganda | $40,630 | Uganda | To continue to strengthen the capacity of Ugandan DPOs to monitor CRPD implementation and to finalize and submit an alternative report to the CRPD Committee | Tides Fdn | National Coalition | 2011 | |||
Uganda National Association of the Deaf | $19,200 | Uganda | To support the ability of the Soroti Deaf Association Executive Committee to plan and implement activities to advance the CRPD in Soroti District | Tides Fdn | Small Grants | 2011 | |||
Nangabo Sub County Association of Disabled Persons | $18,000 | Uganda | To continue current work toward inclusive education and pursuit of better health outcomes, especially for women and children with disabilities, in Nangabo sub-county in Wakiso District | Tides Fdn | Small Grants | 2011 | (24) Education | ||
Uganda Albinos Association | $10,500 | Uganda | To strengthen the capacity of Uganda Albinos’ Association’s local leaders to use the CRPD to protect and advance the rights of albinos in Uganda | Tides Fdn | Small Grants | 2011 | |||
Legal Action for Persons with Disabilities Uganda | $20,000 | Uganda | To provide legal aid in thirty cases involving persons with disabilities in central and eastern Uganda, and to raise awareness among the judiciary on ensuring access to justice for persons with disabilities | Tides Fdn | Small Grants | 2011 | (13) Justice | ||
Little People of Uganda | $20,000 | Uganda | To strengthen the capacity of the broader membership of Little People Uganda to understand and use the CRPD for advocacy purposes | Tides Fdn | Small Grants | 2011 | |||
National Association of the Deafblind in Uganda | $20,000 | Uganda | To build the capacity of two branches of the National Association of the Deafblind of Uganda in newly created districts to pursue advocacy to ensure that persons with deafblindness are included in district plans and budgets | Tides Fdn | Small Grants | 2011 | |||
Action for Youth with Disabilities Uganda | $20,000 | Uganda | To review laws and regulations on employment and collect data on employment of persons with disabilities as a basis for a campaign to promote employment of youth with disabilities in Uganda | Tides Fdn | Small Grants | 2011 | (27) Work/Employment | ||
Gulu Disabled Persons Union | $17,000 | Uganda | To mobilize grassroots advocacy efforts in Gulu District in Uganda for a rights-based approach to disability in development programs, and to ensure persons with disabilities can access land rights | Tides Fdn | Small Grants | 2011 | (28) Social Protection | ||
Iganga District Action on Physical Disability | $18,000 | Uganda | To continue to improve the health facilities and services offered to persons with disabilities in Iganga District in Uganda | Tides Fdn | Small Grants | 2011 | (25) Health | ||
Integrated Disabled Women Activities | $20,000 | Uganda | To build capacity of persons with disabilities in Iganga District in Uganda to monitor implementation of a local ordinance on disability | Tides Fdn | Small Grants | 2011 | |||
Iganga Disabled People's Cooperative Savings and Credit Society | $18,900 | Uganda | To ensure financial products and services in Iganga District in Uganda are fully accessible to persons with disabilities in line with CRPD Articles 27 (Work and Employment) and 28 (Adequate Standard of Living) | Tides Fdn | Small Grants | 2011 | (27) Work/Employment | ||
United Deaf Women's Organisation | $17,000 | Uganda | To strengthen the capacity of branch organizations in Bududa and Kabale Districts in Uganda to promote the rights of deaf women and women with hearing impairments | Tides Fdn | Small Grants | 2011 | (6) Women With Disabilities | ||
Gulu Women with Disabilities Union | $10,000 | Uganda | To empower girls and women with disabilities in the Gulu District to advocate for and exercise their rights | Tides Fdn | Small Grants | 2011 | (6) Women With Disabilities | ||
All Ukrainian NGO Coalition for People with Intellectual Disabilities | $50,000 | Ukraine | (Year Two) In coalition with USER and the Charity Foundation "Law Initiative," to educate authorities and develop draft proposals and legislation for facilitating the rights of persons with intellectual and psychosocial disabilities to personal assistance and longer-term support mechanisms | Tides Advocacy Fdn | National Coalition | 2011 | |||
All-Ukrainian Public Association "National Assembly of Persons with Disabilities of Ukraine" | $33,000 | Ukraine | (Year Two) To train disabled persons' organizations in producing a shadow report to ensure the Ukranian government undertakes obligations to improve conditions for persons with disabilities in accordance with the CRPD | Tides Fdn | National Coalition | 2011 | |||
Sokal District Association of Disabled | $9,000 | Ukraine | To educate and hold local government officials accountable for implementation of the CRPD in Sokal district | Tides Fdn | Small Grants | 2011 | |||
Parents Club | $10,500 | Ukraine | To educate officials on the CRPD and inclusive education, and to advocate for a city policy on inclusive education | Tides Fdn | Small Grants | 2011 | (24) Education | ||
Creavita | $20,000 | Ukraine | To undertake advocacy to improve accessibility in the built environment in Kharkiv | Tides Fdn | Small Grants | 2011 | (9) Accessibility | ||
Kharkiv Blind Lawyers | $19,000 | Ukraine | To improve access to justice for persons with disabilities through educating key stakeholders in the judicial system on the CRPD and providing legal aid to persons with disabilities | Tides Fdn | Small Grants | 2011 | (13) Justice | ||
All-Ukrainian Organization of Users and Survivors of Psychiatry- Crimean Branch | $12,000 | Ukraine | To build a broader base of knowledge on investigative monitoring and reporting amongst activists and users associated with the Crimean Branch of USER, which will enable better documentation and reporting on human rights violations | Tides Fdn | Small Grants | 2011 | |||
All-Ukrainian Organization of Users and Survivors of Psychiatry - National Branch | $20,000 | Ukraine | To raise awareness of users of psychiatric services and medical personnel about the rights of persons with psychosocial disabilities in five districts | Tides Fdn | Small Grants | 2011 | |||
Cherkassy Youth | $19,000 | Ukraine | To strengthen a network of DPOs to assess accessibility of health facilities and work with media to improve representation of persons with disabilities | Tides Fdn | Small Grants | 2011 | (25) Health | ||
Generation of Successful Action - Volyn Branch | $17,000 | Ukraine | To mobilize persons with disabilities to advocate for a Volyn regional government disability strategy | Tides Fdn | Small Grants | 2011 | |||
Aurveda | $20,000 | Ukraine | To advocate for inclusive education in ten districts of Ukraine | Tides Fdn | Small Grants | 2011 | (24) Education | ||
Disability Promotion and Advocacy Association | $20,000 | Vanuatu | To increase awareness about the CRPD among persons with disabilities in the six provinces of Vanuatu and increase national action on CRPD implementation | Tides Fdn | Small Grants | 2011 | |||
Access Bangladesh Foundation | $20,000 | Bangladesh | To further strengthen the capacity of two Self Help Groups (SHGs) and to establish a new SHG made up of disabled hawkers and peddlers In addition, to raise awareness of the CRPD amongst key sub-district private and governmental stakeholders to promote its implementation | Tides Fdn | Small Grants | 2010 | |||
Alliance of Urban DPOs Chittagong | $20,000 | Bangladesh | To build the capacity of the AUDC executive committee, staff, and members to conduct advocacy on the CRPD, with a particular focus on psychosocial issues; and to formally organize persons with psychosocial disabilities in Chittagong into a self-help group | Tides Fdn | Small Grants | 2010 | |||
Rural Association for People with Disabilities | $20,000 | Bangladesh | To promote the rights of ethnic persons with disabilities in the Chittagong Hill Tracts Region | Tides Fdn | Small Grants | 2010 | |||
Bogra Zilla Bondhon Prothibondhi Songstha | $7,500 | Bangladesh | To strengthen capacity of member DPOs to promote inclusive education for children with disabilities, especially children with intellectual disabilities | Tides Fdn | Small Grants | 2010 | |||
Coastal DPO Alliance | $20,000 | Bangladesh | To develop understanding of and advocacy capacity on the CRPD amongst an alliance of ten DPOs operating in an underserved region of coastal Bangladesh | Tides Fdn | Small Grants | 2010 | |||
Protibandhi Narider Jatio Parishad | $20,000 | Bangladesh | To create national awareness on the rights of women with disabilities, especially the rights to freedom from violence and to integrity, through advocacy and legal action and through empowerment of grassroots organizations of women with disabilities | Tides Fdn | Small Grants | 2010 | (13) Justice | ||
Jatiyo Trinomul Protibandhi Sangstha | $20,000 | Bangladesh | To increase DPO advocacy skills and partnerships in promoting accessibility in buildings, transportation, and health facilities as part of a broader goal to advance the CRPD nationally and expand NGDO’s membership | Tides Fdn | Small Grants | 2010 | (9) Accessibility | ||
Society of the Deaf and Sign Language Users | $20,000 | Bangladesh | To promote the rights and dignity of deaf persons and persons with hearing impairment | Tides Fdn | Small Grants | 2010 | |||
Parbattya Protibandi Kalyan Sangstha | $20,000 | Bangladesh | To build capacity of DPOs working in Rangamati and Naniachar sub-districts of the Chittagong Hill Tracts on the CRPD and the rights of Indigenous Persons with disabilities, with a focus on new DPO formation, community mobilization, and advocacy with local government and tribal leaders | Tides Fdn | Small Grants | 2010 | |||
Federation of DPOs Sitakund | $20,000 | Bangladesh | To expand the Federation to include persons with disabilities from marginalized groups in the sub-districts of Sitakund; and to build partnerships to advance the CRPD | Tides Fdn | Small Grants | 2010 | |||
Fiji Disabled Peoples Federation | $20,000 | Fiji | To build capacity of persons with disabilities at the village and community level so they can actively participate in their communities and more effectively advocate on the CRPD | Tides Advocacy Fdn | Small Grants | 2010 | |||
Fiji Association of the Deaf | $18,894 | Fiji | To mobilize the membership of the Fiji Association of the Deaf, especially in underserved areas, to advance the CRPD | Tides Fdn | Small Grants | 2010 | |||
United Blind Persons of Fiji | $20,000 | Fiji | To ensure that blind and visually impaired persons are aware of the CRPD and can effectively lobby and advocate for its ratification to promote their rights | Tides Fdn | Small Grants | 2010 | |||
MindFreedom Ghana | $20,000 | Ghana | To improve organizational capacity so that MindFreedom Ghana can enhance advocacy with key government stakeholders for the Mental Health Bill | Tides Advocacy Fdn | Small Grants | 2010 | |||
Alliance of Women With Disabilities | $14,000 | Ghana | To ensure that officials in six districts in the Northern Region are held accountable to implement district development action plans that are inclusive of persons with disabilities | Tides Fdn | Small Grants | 2010 | |||
Lakeside Cross Disability Self-Help Group | $8,500 | Ghana | To create awareness of the CRPD amongst persons with disabilities in remote and marginalized communities in Dambai district | Tides Fdn | Small Grants | 2010 | |||
Empowerment Through Community Volunteering | $9,000 | Ghana | To continue to raise awareness about the CRPD among local authorities in Asikuma (Central Region) with the aim of gaining greater commitments towards inclusion of persons with disabilities in all locally administered programs | Tides Fdn | Small Grants | 2010 | |||
Special Attention Project | $20,000 | Ghana | To advocate for rights of homeless youth with intellectual and psychosocial disabilities within the juvenile justice and educational systems as per the CRPD | Tides Fdn | Small Grants | 2010 | (24) Education | ||
New Horizon Foundation of the Blind | $6,000 | Ghana | To enhance possibilities for inclusive education for children who are blind or partially sighted in remote communities near Ho (Volta Region) | Tides Fdn | Small Grants | 2010 | (24) Education | ||
Shanta Memorial Rehabilitation Centre | $25,000 | India | To advocate for equal opportunities and rights of women with disabilities, with a focus on ensuring that amendments to existing national disability laws in India take women with disabilities into account | Tides Advocacy Fdn | National Coalition | 2010 | (6) Women With Disabilities | ||
Parivaar National Confederation of Parents Organizations | $40,000 | India | To build capacity among DPOs to assess and report (via a shadow report) on India's obligations to protect, promote, and fulfill rights of persons with disabilities, epecially in rural communities, under the CRPD | Tides Fdn | National Coalition | 2010 | |||
Disability Initiatives in Sustainable Action India Society | $20,000 | India | To advance disability rights by building the capacity of up to 100 DPOs in nine districts in coastal Andhra Pradesh to address the CRPD | Tides Fdn | Small Grants | 2010 | |||
Ganjam District Orthopaedically Handicapped Welfare Association | $20,000 | India | To raise awareness of key decision makers and service providers in Ganjam District and in Orissa about the CRPD; and to increase DPO participation in decision-making | Tides Fdn | Small Grants | 2010 | |||
Chaitanya Vikalangula Hakkula Vedika | $20,000 | India | To strengthen the rights of persons with disabilities, especially women, and reduce discrimination by popularizing the CRPD at the village level | Tides Fdn | Small Grants | 2010 | (6) Women With Disabilities | ||
Akshaya Rehabilitation Trust | $20,000 | India | To train 2,500 persons with disabilities in ten districts of Tamil Nadu to ensure their equal rights, to participation in socio-economic development in accordance with the CRPD | Tides Fdn | Small Grants | 2010 | |||
Centre for Action on Disabled Rights and Empowerment | $15,000 | India | To strengthen DPO capacity in Khamman District to conduct effective interventions using the CRPD at a grassroots level Outreach will focus on the most marginalized sectors of the community | Tides Fdn | Small Grants | 2010 | |||
The Deafway Foundation | $19,000 | India | To create awareness of the provisions of the CRPD among the deaf community in Delhi; and to set up an advocacy watchdog group of deaf persons and interepreters | Tides Fdn | Small Grants | 2010 | |||
Parivaar National Confederation of Parents Organizations | $20,000 | India | To demonstrate, through a supported decision-making model, how CRPD Article 12 (Equal Recognition Before the Law) can be advanced throughout India | Tides Fdn | Small Grants | 2010 | (12) Legal Capacity | ||
Prathibha Vikalangula Mutually Aided Cooperative Thrift Society Limited | $20,000 | India | To enhance organizational capacity on the CRPD; and to increase government awareness on the CRPD | Tides Fdn | Small Grants | 2010 | |||
Network of Persons with disabilities Organisations | $20,000 | India | To build the capacity of persons with disabilities, DPOs, and self help groups to lobby with the Andhra Pradesh State and local officials for the implementation of CRPD Article 27 (Work and Employment) | Tides Fdn | Small Grants | 2010 | (27) Work/Employment | ||
Orissa Viklang Manch | $10,000 | India | To build the capacity of activists with disabilities and their groups and federations in Orissa on the CRPD in order to better access rights and entitlements | Tides Fdn | Small Grants | 2010 | (28) Social Protection | ||
Persatuan Penyandang Cacat Indonesia | $40,000 | Indonesia | In coalition with the Parents Association of Children with Disabilities (Portupencanak), the Center for Citizens with Disabilities - Access to Election (PPUA PENCA), and the Indonesian Association of Women with Disabilities (HWPCI), to ensure participation of persons with disabilities in the design of legislation and in advocacy for the protection and promotion of rights | Tides Advocacy Fdn | National Coalition | 2010 | |||
Persatuan Tunanetra Indonesia | $20,000 | Indonesia | To lead a national training initiative on the CRPD with the aim of building the capacity of the PERTUNI national membership towards supporting the ratification process | Tides Advocacy Fdn | Small Grants | 2010 | |||
Pusat Pemilihan Umum Akses Untuk Penyandang Cacat | $20,000 | Indonesia | To increase awareness amongst policy makers legislators, and stakeholders at local levels on the importance of fulfillment and protection of political rights of persons with disabilities | Tides Advocacy Fdn | Small Grants | 2010 | |||
Mimi Institute | $10,000 | Indonesia | To build support for Indonesia’s ratification of the CRPD by developing an advocacy and CRPD training module and raising the awareness of 5,000 persons in Jakarta, including government and community members | Tides Fdn | Small Grants | 2010 | |||
Yayasan Keluarga Tuna Rungu Sehjira | $12,000 | Indonesia | To promote equal rights of persons with disabilities, especially the deaf, through trainings on the CRPD and gender equity | Tides Fdn | Small Grants | 2010 | |||
Himpunan Wanita Disabilitas Indonesia | $8,000 | Indonesia | To train government officials at state and local levels on disability rights, conduct an accessability review of local public health facilities, and present a report to authorities for Article 9 (Accessibility) | Tides Fdn | Small Grants | 2010 | (25) Health | ||
Confederación Mexicana de Organizaciones en Favor de la Persona con Discapacidad Intelectual, A C | $50,000 | Mexico | In this second year of the coalition, COAMX aims to to disseminate the shadow report; and in doing so, to advance the harmonization process of national laws with the CRPD | Tides Advocacy Fdn | National Coalition | 2010 | |||
Confederación Mexicana de Organizaciones en Favor de la Persona con Discapacidad Intelectual, A.C. | $20,000 | Mexico | To prepare a proposal to harmonize the General Education Act with CRPD Article 24 by working with 160 organizational members; and raising public awareness | Tides Advocacy Fdn | Small Grants | 2010 | (24) Education | ||
Asociacion de Padres de Personas con Necesidades Especiales AC | $14,000 | Mexico | To promote the social inclusion of persons with intellectual disabilities through awareness raising on the CRPD with families, persons with intellectual disabilities themselves, and teachers | Tides Fdn | Small Grants | 2010 | |||
Fundación Paso a Paso A.C. | $20,000 | Mexico | To promote the CRPD in the rural Indigenous communities of Hidalog in order to promote a culture of rights including disseminating information in Nahualt language | Tides Fdn | Small Grants | 2010 | |||
Nexos y Soluciones A.C. | $14,000 | Mexico | To train a group of twenty law students (including persons with disabilities) on the CRPD so that they can ensure that persons with disabilities have access to justice | Tides Fdn | Small Grants | 2010 | (13) Justice | ||
Planeta Inclusion | $10,000 | Mexico | To create a new organization of youth with disabilities based on the CRPD so that they can become self-advocates for their rights | Tides Fdn | Small Grants | 2010 | |||
Pohnpei Consumer Organization | $20,000 | Micronesia, Federate | To conduct a national disability survey to determine accessibility of services (in line with the CRPD), changes needed, and a timeframe for change | Tides Advocacy Fdn | Small Grants | 2010 | (9) Accessibility | ||
Federación Nicaragüense de Asociaciones de Personas con Discapacidad | $55,704 | Nicaragua | To support a national DPO coalition to monitor CRPD implementation through the production of an alternative report and to ensure that rights of persons with disabilities are encoded in law | Tides Advocacy Fdn | National Coalition | 2010 | |||
Asociacion de Personas con Discapacidad Fisico Motor | $20,000 | Nicaragua | To promote the implementation of Article 9 (Accessibility), especially for physical accessibility Also, to encourage the creation of a roster of volunteers who could serve as personal assistants | Tides Fdn | Small Grants | 2010 | (9) Accessibility | ||
Organizacion de Ciegos de Nicaragua "Marisela Toledo" | $20,000 | Nicaragua | To enhance the use of the CRPD among members as an effective tool for advocacy and defense of the rights of blind and visually impaired persons | Tides Fdn | Small Grants | 2010 | |||
Organizacion de Ciegos de Matagalpa "Luis Braille" | $20,000 | Nicaragua | To strengthen alliances between DPOs, human rights institutions, and mass media with the aim of increasing participation of persons with disabilities in decision-making processes related to the implementation of rights | Tides Fdn | Small Grants | 2010 | |||
Asociacion Nicaraguense de No Videntes | $15,000 | Nicaragua | To provide DPOs and persons with visual impairments with tools for effective advocacy for rights; and to disseminate information about the CRPD and equality of opportunities in health, education, and the labor market | Tides Fdn | Small Grants | 2010 | |||
Asociacion Nacional de Sordos de Nicaragua | $20,000 | Nicaragua | To create an expert trainer team on the CRPD within ANSNIC, supported by audiovisual training materials in Nicaraguan Sign Language, to disseminate information about the CRPD among deaf persons and interpreters with the aim of improving advocacy from the deaf community for rights | Tides Fdn | Small Grants | 2010 | |||
Asociacion Civil de Discapacitados de la Resistencia Nicaraguense | $20,000 | Nicaragua | To promote progressive realization of physical accessibility as a basic human right, especially in public spaces and health and education facilities in the northern and central regions of Nicaragua | Tides Fdn | Small Grants | 2010 | (9) Accessibility | ||
Asociacion de Sordociegos de Nicaragua | $13,500 | Nicaragua | To increase awareness of the rights of Deafblind persons in Nicaragua, enhancing the visibility of this marginalized group, as well as the visibility of ASCN, their representative association | Tides Fdn | Small Grants | 2010 | |||
Papua New Guinea Assembly of Disabled Persons Association | $20,000 | Papua New Guinea | To continue ratification efforts and CRPD awareness-raising amongst key stakeholders | Tides Advocacy Fdn | Small Grants | 2010 | |||
Abriendo Caminos para el Desarrollo e Inclusión Social de Personas con Discapacidad y Demós Grupos Vulnerables | $20,000 | Peru | To promote implementation of the CRPD by facilitating access to justice for persons with disabilities and advocating for adoption of new policies and regulations in accordance with the CRPD | Tides Advocacy Fdn | Small Grants | 2010 | (13) Justice | ||
Sociedad y Discapacidad | $20,000 | Peru | To achieve approval of the pending draft Disability Act, in part by raising awareness of influential media in Peru on the social model and the rights-based approach to disability, as promoted by the CRPD | Tides Advocacy Fdn | Small Grants | 2010 | |||
Federación Departamental en Pro del Desarrollo de la Persona con Discapacidad | $17,000 | Peru | To build awareness of public and private sectors of the Cusco region as well as the general public about the rights of persons with disabilities with the aim of reducing discrimination and social exclusion | Tides Advocacy Fdn | Small Grants | 2010 | |||
Confederación Nacional de Discapacitados del Perú | $50,000 | Peru | To complete an alternative report to the CRPD Committee, empower DPOs to monitor rights implementation, and advocate for the inclusion of information on the rights of persons with disabilities in the civil society submission to the Universal Periodic Review | Tides Fdn | National Coalition | 2010 | |||
Asociacion de Usuarios de Servicios de Salud Mental | $20,000 | Peru | To empower persons with psychosocial disabilities and build their capacity to demand respect for the right to make their own decisions and to be included in the community, according to Articles 12 (Legal Capacity) and 19 (Independent Living) of the CRPD | Tides Fdn | Small Grants | 2010 | |||
Asociación Civil de Personas con Discapacidad "Corazones Unidos con Esperanza" del Bajo Piura | $18,720 | Peru | To enhance the capacity of persons with disabilities of Bajo Piura to advocate for their rights as outlined in the CRPD | Tides Fdn | Small Grants | 2010 | |||
Asociación de Mujeres con Discapacidad de la Provincia de Requena | $5,000 | Peru | To improve access to justice for persons with disabilities in the rural communities of the Requena Province through training peace judges, municipal officials, and other local authorities about the CRPD | Tides Fdn | Small Grants | 2010 | (13) Justice | ||
Federación Departamental de Personas con Discapacidad de Puno | $20,000 | Peru | To assess the activities of governmental offices responsible for the affairs of persons with disabilities (CONADIS, OREDIS and OMAPED) in the Puno region to determine their fit with the CRPD | Tides Fdn | Small Grants | 2010 | |||
Musas Inspiradoras de Cambios | $19,060 | Peru | To promote CRPD implementation in Lima and Piura, through dissemination of information, training, and research to women with disabilities | Tides Fdn | Small Grants | 2010 | (6) Women With Disabilities | ||
Sociedad Peruana de Síndrome de Down | $20,000 | Peru | To change perceptions about persons with Down Syndrome among persons with Down Syndrome themselves, their families and society through promoting the CRPD principles | Tides Fdn | Small Grants | 2010 | |||
Asociación de Usuarios y Familiares de Salud Mental Luz y Esperanza | $7,000 | Peru | To strengthen members of this organization of persons with psychosocial disabilities to achieve autonomy and independence and to actively participate in society | Tides Fdn | Small Grants | 2010 | |||
Asociación Femenina de Discapacitados del Perú | $15,000 | Peru | To train five groups of women with disabilities to learn about their rights as outlined in the CRPD and to learn how to use the CRPD as a tool for self-advocacy for social inclusion, especially in poverty reduction programs | Tides Fdn | Small Grants | 2010 | (28) Social Protection | ||
Asociación de Personas con Discapacidad "Dignidad" | $20,000 | Peru | To strengthen the capacity of persons with disabilities living in the Amazonia region to advocate for their rights through training on the CRPD | Tides Fdn | Small Grants | 2010 | |||
Asociación de Sordos del Perú | $20,000 | Peru | To strengthen this national organization of deaf persons by building member awareness about rights, as well as leadership in advocating for implementation of the CRPD | Tides Fdn | Small Grants | 2010 | |||
Asociación Para la Defensa de los Derechos de las Mujeres y Niños con Discapacidad - Region Piura | $6,745 | Peru | To train Piura region judges and legal specialists about CRPD Article 13 (Access to Justice) and violations of the rights of persons with disabilities; and to train Piura governmental authorities on Article 9 (Accessibility) | Tides Fdn | Small Grants | 2010 | (13) Justice | ||
Asociación Regional de Voluntarias, Niñas, Niños y Mujeres con discapacidad | $9,000 | Peru | To raise awareness of health providers in the region about the CRPD in order to improve access to healthcare for women and children with disabilities | Tides Fdn | Small Grants | 2010 | (25) Health | ||
Disabled Peoples' Association of Solomon Islands | $20,000 | Solomon Islands | To build the capacity of PWDSI's membership to be effective advocates on the CRPD; to help identify, establish and work with self-help groups of persons with disabilities in rural communities; and to build partnerships with other organizations working with people with disabilities | Tides Advocacy Fdn | Small Grants | 2010 | |||
Fusi Alofa, Inc | $20,000 | Tuvalu | To increase awareness and understanding among persons with disabilities and community leaders across Tuvalu about the rights of people with disabilities as outlined in the CRPD; and to encourage persons with disabilities in the outer islands to form their own DPOs | Tides Fdn | Small Grants | 2010 | |||
Uganda National Association of the Deaf | $60,000 | Uganda | In coalition with Legal Action for Persons with Disabilities (LAPD) and Mental Health Uganda (MHU), to support the passage of new and amended national legislation to accord with the CRPD | Tides Advocacy Fdn | National Coalition | 2010 | |||
Integrated Disabled Women Activities | $20,000 | Uganda | To ensure passage of an amendment to the 2007 Iganga District Disability Ordinance to accord it with the CRPD | Tides Advocacy Fdn | Small Grants | 2010 | |||
National Union of Disabled Persons of Uganda | $57,000 | Uganda | To ensure integration of disability rights in the national development framework by strengthening DPO capacity to monitor governmental activities, culminating in the production of an alternative report to the CRPD Committee | Tides Fdn | National Coalition | 2010 | |||
Wakiso District Union of Persons with Disabilities | $15,000 | Uganda | To increase the capacity of six sub-county disabled persons organizations in the Wakiso District by educating their leadership about the CRPD and advocacy | Tides Fdn | Small Grants | 2010 | |||
Youth with Physical Disabilities Development Forum | $20,000 | Uganda | To increase partnerships between YPDDF and mainstream youth organizations in Wakiso District, and to enhance the understanding those organizations have of the CRPD | Tides Fdn | Small Grants | 2010 | |||
Uganda National Association of the Deaf | $20,000 | Uganda | To support deaf persons in Mayuge and Kitgum Districts to achieve equality, human rights, access to opportunities, and participation, in line with the CRPD | Tides Fdn | Small Grants | 2010 | |||
Uganda Albinos Association | $15,000 | Uganda | To raise public awareness about the importance of Article 5 (Equality and Non-Discrimination), Article 10 (Right to Life), Article 14 (Liberty and Security of Person), and Article 15 (Freedom from Torture) as a way of protecting albinos from severe rights violations | Tides Fdn | Small Grants | 2010 | |||
Spinal Injuries Association | $20,000 | Uganda | To lobby for changes in how persons with spinal injuries are treated by the health care system and to promote integration of persons with disabilities in local government planning | Tides Fdn | Small Grants | 2010 | (25) Health | ||
Nangabo Sub County Association of Disabled Persons | $7,500 | Uganda | To promote an understanding of the CRPD among persons with disabilities in Nangobo sub-county through human rights education; and to enhance understanding between local government leaders and persons with disabilities | Tides Fdn | Small Grants | 2010 | (24) Education | ||
National Association of the Deafblind in Uganda | $20,000 | Uganda | To improve capacity among persons with Deafblindness and their caregivers to influence policies and practices in the districts of Pader and Masaka to ensure that they are compliant with the CRPD | Tides Fdn | Small Grants | 2010 | |||
Little People of Uganda | $15,000 | Uganda | To strengthen organizational capacity in using information gathered about human rights abuses to advocate with state and district human rights officers; and to improve the way in which little people are portrayed in the media | Tides Fdn | Small Grants | 2010 | |||
Legal Action for Persons with Disabilities Uganda | $20,000 | Uganda | To ensure that persons with disabilities are afforded access to justice through legal aid and strategic litigation | Tides Fdn | Small Grants | 2010 | (13) Justice | ||
Kabale Association of People with Disabilities | $11,000 | Uganda | To educate KAPD members in Kabale District on rights as outlined in the CRPD to enable them to conduct advocacy with local government | Tides Fdn | Small Grants | 2010 | |||
Iganga Disabled People's Cooperative Savings and Credit Society | $16,000 | Uganda | To conduct advocacy for inclusion of persons with disabilities in microfinance institutions in the Iganga District in line with Article 28 (Adequate Standard of Living and Social Protection) of the CRPD | Tides Fdn | Small Grants | 2010 | (28) Social Protection | ||
Iganga District Action on Physical Disability | $18,000 | Uganda | To increase advocacy for accessibility to health facilities by people with physical disabilities in accordance with Article 9 (Accessibility) of the CRPD | Tides Fdn | Small Grants | 2010 | (25) Health | ||
Hoima District Union of Persons with Disabilities | $20,000 | Uganda | To advocate for inclusive education and greater involvement of persons with disabilities in budget decision-making processes at the sub-county level in Hoima District | Tides Fdn | Small Grants | 2010 | |||
Gulu Disabled Persons Union | $15,000 | Uganda | To train person with disability representatives in local councils on Articles 8 (Awareness-Raising) and 9 (Accessibility) to enhance their advocacy efforts with technical planning committees at sub-county levels in Gulu and Amuru | Tides Fdn | Small Grants | 2010 | (28) Social Protection | ||
United Deaf Women's Organisation | $20,000 | Uganda | To work with authorities to enhance implementation of CRPD Articles 24 (Education), 25 (Health), and 27 (Work and Employment) to benefit deaf women and girls in Uganda | Tides Fdn | Small Grants | 2010 | |||
All Ukrainian NGO Coalition for People with Intellectual Disabilities | $50,000 | Ukraine | In coalition with USER and the Charity Foundation Law Institute to educate authorities and draft proposals and legislation for facilitating the rights of persons with intellectual and psychosocial disabilities | Tides Advocacy Fdn | National Coalition | 2010 | |||
Kharkiv Blind Lawyers | $19,500 | Ukraine | To provide disabled lawyers and DPO leaders with information and support to improve access to justice for persons with disabilities | Tides Advocacy Fdn | Small Grants | 2010 | (13) Justice | ||
Aurveda | $19,000 | Ukraine | To improve DPO capacity to implement the CRPD by disseminating a model for inclusive education and lobbying for legal changes to accord Ukrainian educational legislation with the CRPD | Tides Advocacy Fdn | Small Grants | 2010 | (24) Education | ||
All-Ukrainian Public Association "National Assembly of Persons with Disabilities of Ukraine" | $33,000 | Ukraine | To train disabled persons' organizations in producing a shadow report to ensure the Ukranian government undertakes obligations to improve conditions for persons with disabilities in accordance with the CRPD | Tides Fdn | National Coalition | 2010 | |||
All-Ukrainian Organization of Users and Survivors of Psychiatry - National Branch | $20,000 | Ukraine | To educate activists and users of mental health services about their rights; and to increase understanding of obligations under the CRPD among medical personnel, resulting in an improvement of care and protection of users' rights | Tides Fdn | Small Grants | 2010 | (25) Health | ||
All-Ukrainian Organization of Users and Survivors of Psychiatry- Crimean Branch | $20,000 | Ukraine | To increase awareness of persons with psycho-social disabilities and medical personnel in psychiatric wards about the rights of persons with psycho-social disabilities | Tides Fdn | Small Grants | 2010 | (12) Legal Capacity | ||
Kiev Municipal League of Public Organizations of People with Disabilities | $19,000 | Ukraine | To document and disseminate positive examples of independent living that will motivate persons with disabilities to advocate for their right to live independently | Tides Fdn | Small Grants | 2010 | (19) Independent Living | ||
Djerela 2 | $20,000 | Ukraine | To promote small, community-based group homes as an alternative to large institutions where most children and adults with intellectual disabilities reside | Tides Fdn | Small Grants | 2010 | (19) Independent Living | ||
Generation of Successful Action - Volyn Branch | $11,500 | Ukraine | To promote the rights of persons with disabilities to gain employment through establishing agreements on internship programs with local authorities and the private sector | Tides Fdn | Small Grants | 2010 | (27) Work/Employment | ||
Disability Promotion and Advocacy Association | $20,000 | Vanuatu | To increase the capacity of persons with disabilities to advocate for implementation of the CRPD as well as to increase progress toward implementation by provincial officials | Tides Fdn | Small Grants | 2010 | |||
Protibandhi Narider Jatio Parishad | $25,000 | Bangladesh | To strengthen the voice of women with disabilities and to develop mechanisms, including litigation, to reduce violence against women by addressing causes of violence, developing the capacity of women and DPOs, and advocating for better laws and policies | Tides Advocacy Fdn | Small Grants | 2009 | (16) Abuse | ||
Access Bangladesh Foundation | $30,000 | Bangladesh | To organize CRPD trainings with government officials and journalists, strengthen community awareness through campaigns, assist groups in advocacy strategies on the CRPD, and track rights violations with the help of lawyers' associations | Tides Fdn | Small Grants | 2009 | |||
Chittagong Society for the Disabled | $20,000 | Bangladesh | To build DPO capacity in Chittagong through this network of 45 organizations, including facilitating DPO formation and registration, improving advocacy skills around access to built infrastructure, and ensuring development agency funding will be more accessible to DPOs | Tides Fdn | Small Grants | 2009 | |||
Natore Zila Protibandhi Sangshta | $15,000 | Bangladesh | To increase political participation by persons with disabilities by promoting their involvement in local government electoral processes; and to encourage elected officials to become more sensitive to the rights and needs of persons with disabilities | Tides Fdn | Small Grants | 2009 | (29) Political | ||
National Forum of Organizations Working with the Disabled | $30,000 | Bangladesh | To build the capacity of disability rights groups in five regions to influence disability policy on a national scale | Tides Fdn | Small Grants | 2009 | |||
Federation of DPOs Sitakund | $15,000 | Bangladesh | To promote the inclusion of persons with disabilities in education and employment by increasing awareness among DPOs and government on the CRPD; and training DPOs on advocacy to lead campaigns | Tides Fdn | Small Grants | 2009 | |||
Society of the Deaf and Sign Language Users | $15,000 | Bangladesh | To promote the rights of a marginalized group -- the deaf community and other sign language users -- through advocacy and use of the Right To Information Act | Tides Fdn | Small Grants | 2009 | (21) Information | ||
Jatiyo Trinomul Protibandhi Sangstha | $20,000 | Bangladesh | To build organizational and membership capacity to advocate for CRPD implementation; to expand the network to include marginalized groups; and to raise awareness at governmental level and with service providers | Tides Fdn | Small Grants | 2009 | |||
Fundacion Futuro | $30,000 | Ecuador | To disseminate information on the rights of persons with disabilities among military personnel and to conduct assesments of the military norms and regulations in order to harmonize them with the CRPD | Tides Advocacy Fdn | Small Grants | 2009 | |||
Asociacion de Ciegos de Manabi | $12,000 | Ecuador | To raise awareness about the CRPD in the province of Manabi to achieve recognition of rights and social inclusion of persons with disabilities | Tides Fdn | Small Grants | 2009 | |||
Fundacion Ecuatoriana de Investigacion, Lucha y Apoyo de Esquizofrenia | $16,000 | Ecuador | To raise public awareness about and fight stigma against psychosocial disabilities | Tides Fdn | Small Grants | 2009 | |||
Federación Nacional de Ecuatorianos con Discapacidad Física | $30,000 | Ecuador | To disseminate CRPD information in accessible formats and indigenous languages in rural areas | Tides Fdn | Small Grants | 2009 | |||
Fiji Disabled Peoples Federation | $30,000 | Fiji | To lobby for CPRD ratification and to educate the disability community and the public to understand and promote the CRPD | Tides Advocacy Fdn | Small Grants | 2009 | |||
Youth Champs for Mental Health | $15,500 | Fiji | To increase the number of youth who are willing to speak out about their experience with psycho-social disabilities by establishing a speakers’ bureau | Tides Fdn | Small Grants | 2009 | |||
Ghana Federation of Disability Organisations | $60,550 | Ghana | To lobby for CRPD ratification and an amended mental health law through a coalition of GFD, MindFreedom, and the Network of Journalists for the promotion of rights of persons with disabilities | Tides Advocacy Fdn | National Coalition | 2009 | |||
MindFreedom Ghana | $27,000 | Ghana | To influence social policies to ensure CRPD ratification; to deepen awareness around the CRPD; and to conduct an assessment of Ghana's disability policies as they apply to persons with psycho-social disabilities | Tides Advocacy Fdn | Small Grants | 2009 | |||
Alliance of Women With Disabilities | $20,000 | Ghana | To give members (women with disabilities) and DPO partners a voice in distict governance, thereby reducing barriers that limit full and active participation in community life | Tides Fdn | Small Grants | 2009 | (6) Women With Disabilities | ||
Empowerment Through Community Volunteering | $7,000 | Ghana | To promote knowledge of the CRPD within a local community in central Ghana as a means of improving the quality of life of persons with disabilities through trainings of district assembly representatives, and by recruiting volunteers to visit remote persons with disabilities | Tides Fdn | Small Grants | 2009 | |||
Lakeside Cross Disability Self-Help Group | $4,000 | Ghana | To build capacity of this emerging organization to enable it to advocate for the rights of persons with disabilities with the district assembly | Tides Fdn | Small Grants | 2009 | |||
Special Attention Project | $23,000 | Ghana | To create awareness of the challenges street children with learning disabilities face, and to empower them to advocate for their reintegration into educational and family structures | Tides Fdn | Small Grants | 2009 | (24) Education | ||
Socio Legal Information Centre | $63,000 | India | Together with the Deaf Way Foundation, and the National Association of the Deaf, to provide a national platform for DPOs to propose amendments in line with the CRPD, to disability specific laws and other laws impacting persons with disabilities | Tides Advocacy Fdn | National Coalition | 2009 | |||
Chaitanya Vikalangula Hakkula Vedika | $20,000 | India | To increase awareness about the CRPD among persons with disabilities on topics such as domestic violence and sexual harassment, gender discrimination, economic and political exclusion, and access to legal and health services | Tides Fdn | Small Grants | 2009 | (6) Women With Disabilities | ||
Network of Persons with disabilities Organisations | $24,000 | India | To strengthen DPOs in three states -- Andhra Pradesh, Orissa and Chhattisgarh -- by providing state and district trainings for disability leaders and community organizers on the CRPD | Tides Fdn | Small Grants | 2009 | |||
Prathibha Vikalangula Mutually Aided Cooperative Thrift Society Limited | $20,000 | India | To create new cross disability, self-advocacy groups in 50 villages in Anantapur; to increase understanding and ability of these groups to make use of the CRPD; and to increase advocacy efforts for implementation of the CRPD | Tides Fdn | Small Grants | 2009 | |||
Parivaar National Confederation of Parents Organizations | $30,000 | India | To develop and demonstrate local systems for supported decision-making by persons with intellectual disabilities at two pilot sites in Bangalore and Dehradun, in conjunction with Inclusion International and the Canadian Association for Community Living, and with the agreement of the National Trust of the Government of India | Tides Fdn | Small Grants | 2009 | (19) Independent Living | ||
Confederación Mexicana de Organizaciones en Favor de la Persona con Discapacidad Intelectual, A C | $70,000 | Mexico | COAMX, a coalition comprised of CONFE, APAC, Libre Acceso, Fundacion Paso a Paso, and EXCELEDUC, aims to produce the first Mexican CRPD shadow report by assessing the situation of persons with disabilities, elaborating concrete proposals for implementation of the CRPD, and strengthening DPOs | Tides Advocacy Fdn | National Coalition | 2009 | |||
Centro de Atención Infantil Pia Palmera | $18,000 | Mexico | To promote the rights of persons with disabilities in six municipalities in Oaxaca, especially among Indigenous and rural populations, and to increase the knowledge and implementation of the CRPD through strengthening self-help groups, and promoting a culture of accessibility | Tides Fdn | Small Grants | 2009 | |||
Estudiantes o Trabajadores Ciegos y Debiles Visuales del Estado de Veracruz | $17,000 | Mexico | To increase knowledge of the rights-based approach by providing accessible human rights information (in Braille and audio) to persons, especially women, with visual and multiple disabilities | Tides Fdn | Small Grants | 2009 | |||
Pohnpei Consumer Organization | $20,000 | Micronesia, Federate | To build the capacity of the disability movement in MIcronesia with the long-term goal of advocating for ratification of the CRPD | Tides Fdn | Small Grants | 2009 | |||
Namibian Association of Differently Abled Women | $20,000 | Namibia | To build organizational capacity for CRPD implementation, broaden membership to women with intellectual disabilities, document human rights abuses, and conduct advocacy with the Ministry of Transport to ensure accessible roads and transport | Tides Fdn | Small Grants | 2009 | |||
Organizacion de Ciegos de Nicaragua "Marisela Toledo" | $25,000 | Nicaragua | To promote the rights of persons with disabilities by building their capacity on the CRPD and by reviewing the national legal framework to ensure accordance with the CRPD | Tides Advocacy Fdn | Small Grants | 2009 | |||
Asociacion de Personas con Discapacidad Fisico Motor | $25,000 | Nicaragua | To advocate for implementation of the CRPD, in particular, national technical regulations on accessibiity | Tides Fdn | Small Grants | 2009 | (9) Accessibility | ||
Organizacion de Ciegos de Matagalpa "Luis Braille" | $25,000 | Nicaragua | To promote alliances between DPOs, journalists, human rights organizations, and public entities to achieve the full participation of persons with disabilities in decision-making processes regarding implementation of the CRPD | Tides Fdn | Small Grants | 2009 | |||
Federación Nicaragüense de Asociaciones de Personas con Discapacidad | $20,000 | Nicaragua | To promote the CRPD by advocating for inclusive education policies, training national and local authorities, and supporting alliances among DPOs | Tides Fdn | Small Grants | 2009 | (24) Education | ||
Asociacion de Sordociegos de Nicaragua | $10,000 | Nicaragua | To enhance the quality of life of deafblind people by identifying them (and their families) and providing them with information on rights and communication skills to increase their inclusion in their communities | Tides Fdn | Small Grants | 2009 | |||
Asociacion Civil de Discapacitados de la Resistencia Nicaraguense | $19,000 | Nicaragua | To promote recognition and implementation of Article 9 (Accessibility) for persons with reduced mobility | Tides Fdn | Small Grants | 2009 | (9) Accessibility | ||
Asociacion Nicaraguense de No Videntes | $20,000 | Nicaragua | To disseminate and implement the CRPD by promoting disabled persons' organization alliances at the municipal level | Tides Fdn | Small Grants | 2009 | |||
Papua New Guinea Assembly of Disabled Persons Association | $30,000 | Papua New Guinea | To lobby for CPRD ratification and the establishment of a Disability Act; and to strengthen DPOs at the provincial level by training persons with disabilities on the CRPD | Tides Advocacy Fdn | Small Grants | 2009 | |||
Sociedad y Discapacidad | $20,000 | Peru | To increase understanding of and support for a new draft disability law by conducting a national signature campaign for presentation of the law to Congress | Tides Advocacy Fdn | Small Grants | 2009 | |||
Confederación Nacional de Discapacitados del Perú | $70,000 | Peru | To produce a shadow report and raise awareness of the CRPD's monitoring mechanism for rights implementation | Tides Fdn | National Coalition | 2009 | |||
Asociacion de Usuarios de Servicios de Salud Mental | $13,500 | Peru | To promote the inclusion of persons with psycho-social Disabilities by building the organization's capacity and awareness of the CRPD | Tides Fdn | Small Grants | 2009 | |||
Abriendo Caminos para el Desarrollo e Inclusión Social de Personas con Discapacidad y Demós Grupos Vulnerables | $5,000 | Peru | To disseminate and promote the CRPD among DPOs and public and private institutions in the Cusco region; and to strengthen leaders with disabilities to advocate for their rights | Tides Fdn | Small Grants | 2009 | |||
Asociacion de Personas con Discapacidad (Renacer) | $6,000 | Peru | To disseminate the CRPD among Quechua-speaking persons with disabilities, especially blind and deaf persons, and to increase their advocacy skills to promote treaty implementation | Tides Fdn | Small Grants | 2009 | |||
Asociacion Departamental de Personas Con Discapacidad Huancavelica | $19,500 | Peru | To strengthen DPOs understanding of the CRPD and their ability to advocate for its implementation | Tides Fdn | Small Grants | 2009 | |||
Asociación de Personas con Discapacidad "Dignidad" | $15,000 | Peru | To build the capacity of persons with disabilities in the Peruvian Amazon to advocate for their rights | Tides Fdn | Small Grants | 2009 | |||
Asociación Femenina de Discapacitados del Perú | $10,000 | Peru | To actively promote conditions for the full participation of women with disabilities in society through dissemination of and advocacy for implementation of the CRPD | Tides Fdn | Small Grants | 2009 | (6) Women With Disabilities | ||
Sociedad Peruana de Síndrome de Down | $15,000 | Peru | To promote understanding of the CRPD among persons with Down Syndrome and their families | Tides Fdn | Small Grants | 2009 | |||
Federación Departamental en Pro del Desarrollo de la Persona con Discapacidad | $15,000 | Peru | To achieve social inclusion of persons with disabilities in the Cusco region through broad recognition of their rights | Tides Fdn | Small Grants | 2009 | |||
Federación Departamental de Personas con Discapacidad de Puno | $20,000 | Peru | To identify human rights violations faced by persons with disabilities; and to formulate new public policy proposals | Tides Fdn | Small Grants | 2009 | |||
Federacion Regional de Personas con Discapacidad de Ancash | $20,000 | Peru | To promote access to education for persons with disabilities via supporting implementation of Article 24 (Education) of the CRPD, in Ancash | Tides Fdn | Small Grants | 2009 | (24) Education | ||
Asociacion Civil Derecho a Vivir | $5,000 | Peru | To build the capacity of Board members, persons with psychosocial disabilities and their families on the CRPD | Tides Fdn | Small Grants | 2009 | |||
Disabled Peoples' Association of Solomon Islands | $20,000 | Solomon Islands | To expand CRPD awareness by conducting outreach and workshops in rural areas of Honiara, Guadalcanal, and Malaita; and to build partnerships with organizations working with persons with disabilities | Tides Fdn | Small Grants | 2009 | |||
Uganda National Association of the Deaf | $70,000 | Uganda | In coalition with Mental Health Uganda (MHU) and Legal Action for Persons with Disabilities (LAPD), to ensure passage of national legislation that accords with the CRPD | Tides Advocacy Fdn | National Coalition | 2009 | |||
Mental Health Uganda | $30,000 | Uganda | To improve quality of life and access to justice for persons with psycho-social disabilities in four districts in Uganda | Tides Advocacy Fdn | Small Grants | 2009 | |||
Integrated Disabled Women Activities | $30,000 | Uganda | To promote the CRPD for inclusive development in Iganga District by increasing knowledge, self-advocacy, and capacity of persons with disabilities to engage local authorities; and to increase knowledge of the CRPD among district leaders | Tides Advocacy Fdn | Small Grants | 2009 | |||
National Union of Disabled Persons of Uganda | $50,000 | Uganda | To produce a shadow report on CRPD implementation in Uganda in coalition with the National Union of Women with Disabilities of Uganda (NUWODU) and the Ugandan Child Rights NGO Network (UCRNN) | Tides Fdn | National Coalition | 2009 | |||
Wakiso District Union of Persons with Disabilities | $10,000 | Uganda | To use the CRPD to advance the human rights of persons with disabilities in eleven sub-counties in Wakiso District | Tides Fdn | Small Grants | 2009 | |||
Youth with Physical Disabilities Development Forum | $20,000 | Uganda | To empower youth with disabilities in Wakiso District to demand inclusion in development planning and budgeting; and to strengthen their rights protection | Tides Fdn | Small Grants | 2009 | |||
Uganda National Association of the Deaf | $30,000 | Uganda | To build on the achievements and challenges of the 2009 project to strengthen UNAD’s (board, staff, and district member associations) capacity to plan and implement CRPD-related advocacy activities | Tides Fdn | Small Grants | 2009 | |||
People with Disabilities Counsellors' Association Rakai | $10,000 | Uganda | To empower persons with disabilities, especially those living with HIV, their caregivers, and medical personnel, in the right to access health services | Tides Fdn | Small Grants | 2009 | |||
Uganda Association for Employment and Economic Empowerment of Persons | $20,000 | Uganda | To ensure that employment rights of persons with disabilities, as stipulated in Article 27 of the CRPD, are observed | Tides Fdn | Small Grants | 2009 | |||
Uganda Parents of Children with Learning Disabilities | $25,000 | Uganda | To address stigma by enhancing the capacity of self-advocates (children with intellectual disabilities) to speak out for their rights, as outlined in the CRPD | Tides Fdn | Small Grants | 2009 | |||
Uganda Albinos Association | $10,000 | Uganda | To increase organizational reach by expanding UAA's membership, building partnerships with other DPOs, and raising awareness of the rights of persons with albinism | Tides Fdn | Small Grants | 2009 | |||
Legal Action for Persons with Disabilities Uganda | $26,000 | Uganda | To monitor and report on human rights abuses and to promote and protect rights of persons with disabilities through litigation, including preparing a strategic litigation case on physical accessibility to public buildings | Tides Fdn | Small Grants | 2009 | |||
Little People of Uganda | $20,000 | Uganda | To increase the ability of the organization to address the CRPD by collecting data on human rights violations against "Little People " | Tides Fdn | Small Grants | 2009 | |||
Gulu Disabled Persons Union | $30,000 | Uganda | To scale up activities in eight sub-counties to raise awareness and monitor the rights of persons with disabilities (through paralegals); and to increase access to public buildings and services by conducting accessibility assessments | Tides Fdn | Small Grants | 2009 | |||
Action for Youth with Disabilities Uganda | $12,000 | Uganda | To promote the rights of youth with disabilities in university settings, utilizing the CRPD | Tides Fdn | Small Grants | 2009 | |||
Buganda Disabled Union | $5,000 | Uganda | To utilize the CRPD to engage the administration of the Kingdom of Buganda to mainstream disability into its programs | Tides Fdn | Small Grants | 2009 | |||
Lira District Disabled Women Association | $10,000 | Uganda | To ensure that the organization and its constituency (women, girls, and children with disabilities) understand and utilize the CRPD to reduce violence against women and girls with disabilities in Lira | Tides Fdn | Small Grants | 2009 | |||
Hoima District Union of Persons with Disabilities | $20,000 | Uganda | To popularize the CRPD in Hoima District to increase the participation of persons with disabilities in community development and rights protection | Tides Fdn | Small Grants | 2009 | |||
United Deaf Women's Organisation | $10,000 | Uganda | To build organizational capacity to address promotion and protection of the rights of deaf young women and girls by utilizing the CRPD | Tides Fdn | Small Grants | 2009 | |||
All-Ukrainian Public Association "National Assembly of Persons with Disabilities of Ukraine" | $68,000 | Ukraine | In coalition with three youth-focused advocacy organizations, Educational and Cultural Center for Kids, Mart, and Protect the Rights of Children, to promote the ratification of the CRPD, provide a detailed review of current legislation to accord with CRPD, build capacity of members on the CRPD, and raise public awareness | Tides Advocacy Fdn | National Coalition | 2009 | |||
All Ukrainian NGO Coalition for People with Intellectual Disabilities | $70,000 | Ukraine | In coalition with the Ukrainian Psychiatric Association and the Ukrainian Public Organization for Users and Survivors of Mental Health Services (USER), to achieve legislative reform regarding the provision of habilitation and rehabilitation services, using Article 26 (Rehabilitation) of the CRPD | Tides Advocacy Fdn | National Coalition | 2009 | |||
Home for Independent Living | $15,000 | Ukraine | To promote independent and supported community living for persons with severe disabilities in accordance with the CRPD, with an ultimate aim of making an impact on Ukrainian laws concerning institutional care | Tides Advocacy Fdn | Small Grants | 2009 | (19) Independent Living | ||
All-Ukrainian Organization of Users and Survivors of Psychiatry- Crimean Branch | $19,000 | Ukraine | To monitor and advocate for the implementation of specific articles of the CRPD in eleven Crimean psychiatric hospitals and wards | Tides Fdn | Small Grants | 2009 | (17) Protecting Integrity | ||
Djerela 1 | $30,000 | Ukraine | To expand the knowledge and skills of organizational members to advance the CRPD at local and national levels, including how to address institutionalization of children with intellectual disabilities | Tides Fdn | Small Grants | 2009 | (19) Independent Living | ||
Friends' Union | $12,000 | Ukraine | To strengthen the voice of users and survivors of psychiatry by carrying out rights advocacy and research among the organization’s membership, related to legal capacity, liberty and security of person, and independent living | Tides Fdn | Small Grants | 2009 | |||
Public Organization of Young People with Disabilities Rehabilitation Center | $15,000 | Ukraine | To advance the CRPD in Crimea by buliding coalitions between DPOs and other groups, increasing knowledge on the rights of persons with disabilities, and recommending accessibility improvements for health and social facilities | Tides Fdn | Small Grants | 2009 | (9) Accessibility | ||
Odessa Regional DPO of All-Ukrainian Organization of DPOS | $30,000 | Ukraine | To monitor violations, through a hotline and polls, of the human rights of persons with disabilities in 18 of Odessa’s districts and to develop strategic recommendations to implement the CRPD in Odessa | Tides Fdn | Small Grants | 2009 | |||
Cherkassy Youth | $30,000 | Ukraine | To increase skills of youth to address the rights of persons with disabilities by expanding this network of DPOs and other NGOs and ensuring a collaborative and inclusive effort to implement the CRPD | Tides Fdn | Small Grants | 2009 | |||
Association for Rural Society | $7,000 | Bangladesh | To strengthen the voice of rural women with disabilities in the Chowgacha district of Jessore through the formation of grassroots self-advocacy groups | Tides Fdn | Historical Grants | 2008 | (6) Women With Disabilities | ||
Access Bangladesh Foundation | $18,500 | Bangladesh | To increase DPO participation in decision-making processes at the local level, to establish self-help groups in two districts, and to provide CRPD advocacy training | Tides Fdn | Historical Grants | 2008 | |||
Protibandhi Narider Jatio Parishad | $10,500 | Bangladesh | To empower women with disabilities through raising awareness amongst women leaders, 127 DPO network members, and governmental counterparts about the CRPD and violence against women and girls; to build stronger organizations and reach out to organizations not focused on disability | Tides Fdn | Historical Grants | 2008 | (16) Abuse | ||
Jatiyo Trinomul Protibandhi Sangstha | $21,500 | Bangladesh | To strengthen a grassroots network of DPOs, including marginalized groups, in 11 districts of Bangladesh, and to enhance CRPD advocacy efforts among government agencies, service providers, and the media | Tides Fdn | Historical Grants | 2008 | |||
National Forum of Organizations Working with the Disabled | $39,000 | Bangladesh | To monitor human rights progress of and by persons with disabilities; disseminate the CRPD; advocate for appropriate laws and policies that protect the rights of persons with disabilities; and raise public awareness about the CRPD | Tides Fdn | Historical Grants | 2008 | |||
Federación Nacional de Ecuatorianos con Discapacidad Física | $40,000 | Ecuador | To strengthen relationships between DPOs and the government; to monitor CRPD implementation by raising awareness nationwide about the CRPD and rights of persons with disabilities; and to create a "Citizens‚Äô Observatory" to promote public policies that accord with the CRPD | Tides Fdn | Historical Grants | 2008 | |||
Voice of People with Disability Ghana | $15,500 | Ghana | To raise awareness about the CRPD in 20 small communities in the Volta region of Ghana, and to promote rights of persons with disabilities through consultations with District Assemblies and community leaders | Tides Fdn | Historical Grants | 2008 | |||
MindFreedom Ghana | $17,000 | Ghana | To secure commitment to implement the Ghanaian Disability Act, especially for people with psycho-social disabilities, by facilitating meetings between policy makers and persons with disabilities | Tides Fdn | Historical Grants | 2008 | |||
Ghana Society of the Physically Disabled | $30,000 | Ghana | To educate DPOs, NGOs, the media, and rights-based groups about the Ghanaian Disability Act and the CRPD and to advocate for the ratification of the CRPD | Tides Fdn | Historical Grants | 2008 | |||
Alliance of Women With Disabilities | $25,000 | Ghana | To train 180 women with disabilities about basic human rights, the CRPD, and the Ghanaian Disability Act; to raise awareness of key stakeholders involved in the decentralization process; and to train AWWD members (women with disabilities) | Tides Fdn | Historical Grants | 2008 | (6) Women With Disabilities | ||
Ghana Federation of Disability Organisations | $37,500 | Ghana | To raise public awareness and engage district and national government officials towards ratification of the CRPD through training, public fora, and media campaigns | Tides Fdn | Historical Grants | 2008 | |||
Namibian Association of Differently Abled Women | $20,000 | Namibia | To raise awareness about the CRPD amongst DPOs, key government leaders, and the media in Windhoek and two regions | Tides Fdn | Historical Grants | 2008 | |||
National Federation of People with Disabilities in Namibia | $50,000 | Namibia | To increase networking and coordination among member organizations and to build DPO capacity to advance the rights of persons with disabilities through training on the CRPD | Tides Fdn | Historical Grants | 2008 | |||
Asociacion de Personas con Discapacidad Fisico Motor | $25,500 | Nicaragua | To raise awareness about CRPD implementation and to improve conditions and accessibility for persons with disabilities through training DPOs, public officials, and transportation companies; through undertaking diagnostic studies; and through monitoring compliance of 56 clinics and hospitals with accessibility standards | Tides Fdn | Historical Grants | 2008 | (9) Accessibility | ||
Organizacion de Ciegos de Nicaragua "Marisela Toledo" | $20,000 | Nicaragua | To advance the CRPD by conducting a baseline study on the portrayal of persons with disabilities in the media and using this to facilitate a paradigm shift among journalists to a rights based approach | Tides Fdn | Historical Grants | 2008 | |||
Organizacion de Ciegos de Matagalpa "Luis Braille" | $22,000 | Nicaragua | To educate DPOs and the local government about the CRPD, and to advocate for local implementation through outreach activities to the educational sector and media | Tides Fdn | Historical Grants | 2008 | |||
Asociacion Nicaraguense de No Videntes | $12,000 | Nicaragua | To build DPO capacity in Esteli about the CRPD, and to create an advocacy plan for local implementation through trainings, fora with local officials and media, and creation of a coordinating group | Tides Fdn | Historical Grants | 2008 | |||
Sociedad y Discapacidad | $20,000 | Peru | To raise awareness about the CRPD by creating a didactic manual comparing the CRPD to national Peruvian legislation and policies, and to train DPOs and the media about the CRPD and related Peruvian laws | Tides Fdn | Historical Grants | 2008 | |||
Asociacion Departamental de Personas Con Discapacidad Huancavelica | $19,000 | Peru | To strengthen seven municipal offices in Peru to utilize the CRPD by creating a watchdog network of Indigenous PWD community leaders, and to raise public awareness about the CRPD | Tides Fdn | Historical Grants | 2008 | |||
Federación Departamental de Personas con Discapacidad de Puno | $20,000 | Peru | To promote inclusion of persons with disabilities by increasing public awareness about the CRPD and convening a multi-sectoral working group on disability issues | Tides Fdn | Historical Grants | 2008 | |||
Union Nacional de Ciegos del Peru | $5,000 | Peru | To raise awareness about the CRPD through production and dissemination of a Braille version of the CRPD for persons with visual impairments | Tides Fdn | Historical Grants | 2008 | |||
Asociacion Foro de la Sociedad Civil en Salud | $42,000 | Peru | To enhance leadership skills and knowledge of rights for persons with disabilities according to the CRPD, and to strengthen DPO coalitions | Tides Fdn | Historical Grants | 2008 | |||
Federacion Regional de Personas con Discapacidad de Ancash | $18,000 | Peru | To raise awareness about the CRPD through a documentary, a guide on CRPD articles in the context of local realities for persons with disabilities | Tides Fdn | Historical Grants | 2008 | |||
Asociacion de Usuarios de Servicios de Salud Mental | $10,000 | Peru | To build the organizational capacity of this emerging organization and to increase the knowledge of the CRPD among its members with psychosocial disabilities | Tides Fdn | Historical Grants | 2008 | |||
National Union of Disabled Persons of Uganda | $39,000 | Uganda | To popularize the CRPD as a vehicle for human rights advocacy for persons with disabilities by participating in implementation efforts at policy levels, working with the media | Tides Fdn | Historical Grants | 2008 | |||
Uganda National Association of the Deaf | $50,000 | Uganda | To raise awareness about the CRPD in the deaf community in order to increase their knowledge of their rights | Tides Fdn | Historical Grants | 2008 | |||
Youth with Physical Disabilities Development Forum | $15,000 | Uganda | To empower youth with physical disabilities in the Wakiso district to be more assertive in advocating for their inclusion in mainstream development, using the CRPD | Tides Fdn | Historical Grants | 2008 | (28) Social Protection | ||
Mental Health Uganda | $50,000 | Uganda | To build a collaborative campaign to include the voices of marginalized sectors of the disability community, in partnership with the National Association of the DeafBlind of Uganda and Ugandan National Action for the Physically Disabled | Tides Fdn | Historical Grants | 2008 | |||
Disabled Women's Network and Resource Organization in Uganda | $20,000 | Uganda | To engage local government councilors in Northern, Eastern, and Western regions of Uganda in dialogue with women and girls with disabilities to ensure that they incorporate the CRPD when executing their duties | Tides Fdn | Historical Grants | 2008 | (6) Women With Disabilities | ||
Silent Voices | $13,000 | Uganda | To increase awareness of disability rights and rights of deaf children amongst the general public and local authorities of Bushenyi District | Tides Fdn | Historical Grants | 2008 | |||
Gulu Disabled Persons Union | $40,000 | Uganda | To increase awareness of disability rights in the community and among local leaders in Gulu District and to ensure inclusion of the concerns of persons with disabilities in local government programs and budgetary allocations, especially in post-conflict recovery efforts | Tides Fdn | Historical Grants | 2008 | |||
Little People of Uganda | $5,000 | Uganda | To raise awareness about the CRPD and its implications for "Little People" within the organization's membership | Tides Fdn | Historical Grants | 2008 | |||
Legal Action for Persons with Disabilities Uganda | $23,000 | Uganda | To promote human rights protection and justice before the law for persons with disabilities, especially for those in post-conflict areas | Tides Fdn | Historical Grants | 2008 | (13) Justice | ||
Ghana Federation of Disability Organisations | 90000 | Ghana | To support the National Coalition's efforts to leverage Ghana’s Global Disability Summit commitments in order to advance the rights of persons with disabilities | DRF | Commonwealth | 2019 | |||
Lakeside Disability Rights Advocacy Initiative | 6000 | Ghana | To leverage its inclusive education budgeting research and reporting done in the Krachi East and Ho Municipal Assemblies to support a larger strategy to advance Ghana’s fulfillment of its 2018 Global Disability Summit commitment | DRF | Commonwealth | 2019 | |||
Human Rights of Women and Girls with Disabilities | 20000 | Malawi | To advocate for amendments to Malawi’s National Sexual and Reproductive Health Policy so that it is inclusive of women and girls with disabilities and to promote the participation of women and girls with disabilities in Local Village Committees in Senti, Chisapho, and Area 33 villages to influence decisions on sexual and reproductive health rights in line with CRPD Articles 6 (Women with disabilities) and 25 (Health) and SDG Goals 3 (Good health and well-being) and 5 (Gender equality) | DRF | Small Grants | 2019 | (25) Health | (5) Gender Equality | |
Malawi Union of the Blind | 30000 | Malawi | To leverage Malawi’s Global Disability Summit commitments to advance the rights of persons with visual impairments by enabling their access to information in accessible alternative formats through the incorporation of provisions of the Marrakesh Treaty into the Malawi Copyright Act | DRF | Commonwealth | 2019 | |||
Registered Trustees of the Forum for the Development of Youth with Disabilities | 15000 | Malawi | To advocate for increased budget allocations for the inclusion of youth with disabilities in economic empowerment programs in Blantyre, Malawi, in line with CRPD Article 27 (Work and employment) | DRF | Small Grants | 2019 | (27) Work/Employment | (1) Poverty | |
The Registered Trustees of Disabled Women in Africa | 30000 | Malawi | To leverage previous DRF/DRAF-funded activities and experience to address Malawi’s Global Disability Summit commitments to advance the rights of persons with disabilities by addressing harmful attitudes and practices affecting persons with disabilities, as well as by ensuring early identification and assessment of the educational needs of children with disabilities. Of the award amount, $6,000.00 USD will be a Technical Assistance grant to develop organizational capacity to train media personnel about documenting and publicizing cases of harmful practices against persons with disabilities and reviewing and reporting on the progress of early disability identification in local schools | DRF | Commonwealth | 2019 | |||
The Registered Trustees of Disabled Women in Africa | 6000 | Malawi | To develop organizational capacity to train media personnel about documenting and publicizing cases of harmful practices against persons with disabilities and reviewing and reporting on the progress of early disability identification in local schools | DRF | Technical Assistance | 2019 | |||
The Registered Trustees of Persons with Albinism in Malawi | 30000 | Malawi | To leverage Malawi’s Global Disability Summit commitment to advance the rights of persons with albinism by focusing on policy and budgetary advocacy to strengthen and guide implementation of the existing National Response Plan | DRF | Commonwealth | 2019 | |||
The Registered Trustees of the Association of the Physically Disabled of Malawi | 20000 | Malawi | To advocate for inclusive WASH facilities in schools in Salima District, Malawi, in line with CRPD Articles 24 (Education) and 28 (Adequate standard of living and social protection) and SDG Goals 4 (Quality education) and 6 (Clean water and sanitation) and to advocate for the review of procurement guidelines on the acquisition of products and services within public administration to ensure disability inclusion in line with CRPD Article 9 (Accessibility) | DRF | Small Grants | 2019 | (24) Education | (4) Education | |
The Registered Trustees of the Visual Hearing Impairment Membership Association | 20000 | Malawi | To advocate for a program of early identification and intervention for children with deafblindness to be included in Malawi’s National Early Childhood Education Policy in line with CRPD Articles 24 (Education) and 25 (Health) and SDG Goals 3 (Good health and well-being) and 4 (Quality education) | DRF | Small Grants | 2019 | (24) Education | (3) Health/Well-Being | |
Association of Lawyers with Disabilities in Nigeria | 13100 | Nigeria | To advocate for accessible court buildings and procedures and trained police officers in Abuja, Nigeria, in line with CRPD Article 13 (Access to justice) and SDG Goal 16 (Peace, justice and strong institutions) | DRF | Small Grants | 2019 | (13) Justice | (16) Peace/Justice | |
Centre for Citizens with Disabilities | 18700 | Nigeria | To promote the participation of persons with disabilities in public and political life and in decision-making processes in Kwara State, Nigeria, and to advocate for the adoption of inclusive policies by political parties and government officials in line with CRPD Article 29 (Participation in public and political life) | DRF | Small Grants | 2019 | (29) Political | ||
Disability Rights Advocacy Center | 19000 | Nigeria | To support a convening of Nigerian grantees for the purposes of movement building, joint advocacy, awareness raising and training about the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), and technical assistance on the rights outlined in the CRPD | DRF | Off-Docket Grants | 2019 | |||
Disability Rights Advocacy Center | 24000 | Nigeria | To conduct four-day advocacy training for Nigerian disabled persons’ organizations in order to identify and strategize about Nigerian government commitments made during the 2018 Commonwealth Disability Summit | DRF | Technical Assistance | 2019 | |||
Inclusive Friends Association | 50000 | Nigeria | (Year One) To advocate for increased budget allocations to implement Nigeria’s national Sexual and Reproductive Health Policy with the participation of women and girls with disabilities in line with CRPD Articles 6 (Women with disabilities) and 25 (Health) and SDG Goals 3 (Good health and well-being) and 5 (Gender equality) | DRF | National Coalition | 2019 | (25) Health | (3) Health/Well-Being | |
Independent Living Programme for People with Disabilities | 18000 | Nigeria | To promote inclusive education in Oyo State, Nigeria, by building technical skills and advocating for inclusive budgeting and planning in line with CRPD Article 24 (Education) and SDG Goal 4 (Quality education) and ensure that students with disabilities and their teachers are involved in the process | DRF | Small Grants | 2019 | (24) Education | (4) Education | |
Nigeria Association of the Blind | 16000 | Nigeria | To advocate for accessible infrastructure in Abuja, Nigeria, and push for the review of the National Building Code to reflect the accessibility requirements of persons with disabilities in line with CRPD Article 9 (Accessibility) and SDG Goal 11 (Sustainable cities and communities) and ensure the participation of DPOs in decisions regarding accessible infrastructure | DRF | Small Grants | 2019 | (11) Sustainable Cities/Communities | ||
First People with Disability Organization | 10500 | Rwanda | For First Peoples Disability Organization’s work to strengthen organizational capacity to advocate for access to sexual and reproductive health and rights of indigenous Batwa women and girls with disabilities in Rwanda, in line with CRPD Articles 6 (Women with disabilities) and 25 (Health). | DRF | Small Grants | 2019 | (25) Health | (3) Health/Well-Being | |
Human Rights First Rwanda Association | 30000 | Rwanda | To leverage Rwanda’s Global Disability Summit commitments to advance the rights of persons with disabilities, by focusing on legal advocacy and the persons with intellectual disabilities and persons with psychosocial disability communities | DRF | Commonwealth | 2019 | |||
Organisation d’Integration et de Promotion des Persones Atteintes d’Albinisme | 20000 | Rwanda | To advocate at local and national levels for appropriate accommodations and increased access to inclusive and quality education for children with Albinism in Rwanda, in line with CRPD Article 24 (Education) and Sustainable Development Goal 4 (Quality education), and to begin advocacy for inclusion of sunscreen on Rwanda’s National List of Essential Medicines, in line with CRPD Article 25 (Health) and Sustainable Development Goal 3 (Good health and well-being) | DRF | Small Grants | 2019 | (24) Education | (3) Health/Well-Being | |
Rwanda Organization of Persons with Deafblindness | 12000 | Rwanda | For the Rwanda Organisation of Persons with Deafblindness' work to advocate for recognition of Deafblindness as a distinct category of disability in Rwanda and to raise community awareness about tactile Sign Language to increase access to services and information and inclusion of persons with Deafblindness in the community, in line with CRPD Articles 9 (Accessibility) and 21 (Freedom of expression and opinion, and access to information). | DRF | Small Grants | 2019 | (21) Information | (10) Reduced Inequalities | |
Rwanda Union of Little People | 20000 | Rwanda | To advocate for improved access to sexual and reproductive health services and rights for women and girls of short stature in Kayonza District, Rwanda and at the national level, in line with CRPD Articles 6 (Women with disabilities) and 25 (Health) | DRF | Small Grants | 2019 | (25) Health | (3) Health/Well-Being | |
Rwanda Union of the Blind | 20000 | Rwanda | To advocate the Rwandan government to ratify the Marrakesh Treaty, which will enable persons with visual impairments to have access to educational content on an equal basis with others, in line with CRPD Articles 9 (Accessibility), 21 (Freedom of expression and opinion, and access to information), and 24 (Education). Ratification is also a critical and strategic step towards the fulfillment of the government’s 2018 Global Disability Summit commitments | DRF | Commonwealth | 2019 | |||
Umuryango Nyarwanda w’Abagore Bafite Ubumuga | 2000 | Rwanda | To carry out assessments of rural gender-based violence centers to evaluate accessibility for women and girls with disabilities. Findings from the assessments will be shared with Rwanda's Ministry of Justice and Ministry of Health as part of the Commonwealth Global Disability Summit Commitments. [Funding will support the previously approved Mid-Level Coalition (Year One) grant that was approved in November 2018 (grant #18-099).] | DRF | Commonwealth | 2019 | |||
Umuryango Nyarwanda w’Abagore Bafite Ubumuga | 2967 | Rwanda | To support five individuals (three girls with disabilities, one mentor, and one chaperone/personal assistant) to participate in Creative Action Institute’s East Africa Girls’ Leadership Summit and Mentor Program (EAGLS) | DRF | Special Opportunity | 2019 | |||
Umuryango Nyarwanda w’Abagore Bafite Ubumuga | 34000 | Rwanda | (Year Two) To advocate for effective access to justice for women and girls with disabilities by ensuring that the Isange One-Stop Centres are fully accessible to women and girls with disabilities, as committed to by the government of Rwanda at 2018 Global Disability Summit | DRF | Commonwealth | 2019 | |||
Albinism Umbrella | 12000 | Uganda | To strengthen organizational governance structures, create a constitution, develop key policies, and mobilize membership | DRF | Uganda Capacity Fund | 2019 | |||
Association of Refugees with Disability | 10000 | Uganda | To build internal governance and membership structures at grassroot level and establish a secretariat | DRF | Uganda Capacity Fund | 2019 | |||
Buliisa District Union of Persons with Disabilities | 16500 | Uganda | To increase the capacity of local disabled persons’ organizations and civil society advocates to analyze local government health budgeting and influence allocation of funding for implementation of inclusive health services in the Buliisa District of Uganda, in line with CRPD Article 25 (Health) | DRF | Small Grants | 2019 | (25) Health | (3) Health/Well-Being | |
Bundibugyo District Deaf Association Bundibugyo | 20000 | Uganda | To advocate to the Bundibugyo District local government in Western Uganda to include disability issues in local government plans and budgets for all sectors | DRF | Small Grants | 2019 | (25) Health | (3) Health/Well-Being | |
Epilepsy Support Association, Ltd. | 20000 | Uganda | To advocate for inclusive healthcare services and budgeting to address the needs of people with epilepsy in the Jinja and Gomba districts of Uganda, in line with CRPD Article 25 (Health) and Sustainable Development Goal 3 (Good health and well-being) | DRF | Small Grants | 2019 | (25) Health | (3) Health/Well-Being | |
Foundation of Persons Affected by Dwarfism | 11000 | Uganda | To strengthen organizational governance structures and the secretariat | DRF | Uganda Capacity Fund | 2019 | |||
Hoima District Union of Persons with Disabilities | 40000 | Uganda | (Year One) To advocate to government for inclusion of persons with disabilities in local livelihoods programs in Hoima and Kikuube Districts of Uganda, advancing CRPD Articles 19 (Independent living and being included in the community) and 27 (Work and Employment), as well as Sustainable Development Goals 1 (No Poverty) and 3 (Good health and well-being) | DRF | Mid-Level Coalition | 2019 | (28) Social Protection | (10) Reduced Inequalities | |
Kiboga Disability Rights Initiative | 18000 | Uganda | To strengthen branch structures and capacities in resource mobilization and fundraising | DRF | Uganda Capacity Fund | 2019 | |||
My Story Initiative Ltd. | 17800 | Uganda | To strengthen the capacity of board, staff, and peer support group leaders to use the CRPD and Ugandan legislation, including the Mental Health Act 2018, for advocacy on the rights of persons with psychosocial disabilities | DRF | Small Grants | 2019 | (19) Independent Living | (10) Reduced Inequalities | |
National Association of the Deafblind in Uganda | 20000 | Uganda | To advocate to Uganda’s Social Protection Secretariat to mainstream issues of persons with Deafblindness into existing social protection programs to ensure adequate standards of living, as stipulated in CRPD Article 28 (Adequate standard of living and social protection) and Sustainable Development Goal 1 (No poverty) | DRF | Small Grants | 2019 | (28) Social Protection | (1) Poverty | |
Spinalbifida and Hydrocephalus Awareness and Network - Uganda | 12000 | Uganda | To strengthen organizational governance structures and management systems | DRF | Uganda Capacity Fund | 2019 | |||
Triumph Uganda Mental Health Support and Recovery Program | 20000 | Uganda | To build and strengthen a team of self advocates in Jinja District to use social media, the arts, and other advocacy methodologies with district leaders to advocate for increased access to sexual and reproductive health services for adolescent girls and young women with psychosocial disabilities, in line with CRPD Articles 12 (Equal recognition before the law), 23 (Respect for home and family), and 25 (Health) | DRF | Small Grants | 2019 | (23) Family | (3) Health/Well-Being | |
Triumph Uganda Mental Health Support and Recovery Program | 3583 | Uganda | To support five individuals (two girls with disabilities, two mentors, and one chaperone/personal assistant) to participate in Creative Action Institute’s East Africa Girls’ Leadership Summit and Mentor Program (EAGLS) | DRF | Special Opportunity | 2019 | |||
Uganda Albinos Association | 20000 | Uganda | To continue advocacy efforts for an amendment to the Uganda National Cancer Control Policy, to include both preventative and curative skin cancer treatment for persons with Albinism, eventuating in reduction of cases of skin cancer, in line with CRPD Article 25 (Health) and Sustainable Development Goal 3 (Good health and well-being) | DRF | Small Grants | 2019 | |||
Uganda Federation of the Hard of Hearing | 15000 | Uganda | To strengthen membership growth and development at regional level | DRF | Uganda Capacity Fund | 2019 | |||
Uganda Mental Health Fellowship - Atanekontola | 20000 | Uganda | To advocate that persons with psychosocial disabilities in Jinja District in Eastern Uganda have access to government food security programs, in line with CRPD Article 28 (Adequate standard of living and social protection) | DRF | Small Grants | 2019 | (28) Social Protection | (1) Poverty | |
Uganda National Association of Cerebral Palsy | 15000 | Uganda | To strengthen the organization's management team and establish an effective policy advocacy framework and network to achieve the organizational mission | DRF | Uganda Capacity Fund | 2019 | |||
Uganda Parents of Person with Intellectual Disabilities | 3000 | Uganda | For technical assistance expertise to review the Uganda Mental Health Bill and draft a Legal Capacity Law. [Funding will support the previously approved Small Grant award that was approved in November 2018 (grant #18-114).] | DRF | Commonwealth | 2019 | |||
Uganda Parents of Person with Intellectual Disabilities | 20000 | Uganda | To utilize Ugandan government commitments made at the 2018 Global Disability Summit to advocate for changes in laws (including the Persons with Disabilities Act and the Mental Health Bill) that limit persons with intellectual and psychosocial disabilities from enjoying and exercising their legal capacity on an equal basis with all Ugandans, in line with CRPD Article 12 (Equal recognition before the law) | DRF | Commonwealth | 2019 | |||
Vitiligo Association of Uganda, Ltd. | 10000 | Uganda | Building the organization's institutional capacity to offer services to membership | DRF | Uganda Capacity Fund | 2019 | |||
Youth with Physical Disabilities Development Forum | 20000 | Uganda | To ensure that officials mandated with compliance to Accessibility Standards, as outlined in the Wakiso Accessibility Ordinance and the newly approved national Building Control Code/Regulations of 2018, are aware of and fulfilling their duties, in line with CRPD Article 9 (Accessibility) | DRF | Small Grants | 2019 | (11) Sustainable Cities/Communities | ||
Access Bangladesh Foundation | 100000 | Bangladesh | To support the National Coalition's efforts to advocate for five Bangladesh government commitments made during the 2018 Commonwealth Global Disability Summit, to ensure that existing policies and practices are implemented in alignment with the CRPD and are inclusive of the voices of persons with disabilities | DRF | Commonwealth | 2019 | |||
Jatiyo Trinomul Protibandhi Sangstha | 6000 | Bangladesh | To support a delegation of ten Bangladeshi disability rights leaders to successfully participate in the 23rd session of the CRPD Committee in March 2020, and to use 2018 Global Disability Summit commitments made by the government as a way to highlight actions and inactions in regard to CRPD advancement. In addition, $6,000 of this grant will provide a Technical Assistance grant (#19-122) support to the development of a civil society report in response to the CRPD Committee’s 2018 List of Issues. | DRF | Technical Assistance | 2019 | |||
Jatiyo Trinomul Protibandhi Sangstha | 20000 | Bangladesh | To support a delegation of ten Bangladeshi disability rights leaders to successfully participate in the 23rd session of the CRPD Committee in March 2020, and to use 2018 Global Disability Summit commitments made by the government as a way to highlight actions and inactions in regard to CRPD advancement. In addition, $6,000 of this grant will provide a Technical Assistance grant (#19-122) support to the development of a civil society report in response to the CRPD Committee’s 2018 List of Issues. | DRF | Commonwealth | 2019 | |||
National Centre for Promotion of Employment for Disabled People | 25000 | India | To broaden and deepen advocacy for better implementation of India's Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act 2016 Act, as specified in the Indian government’s Global Disability Summit commitments. Their work will include expanding awareness-raising efforts to more states and new groups across the Eastern, Western, Northern and Southern regions of India and ensuring stronger cross-disability participation in their trainings, with a specific emphasis on increasing persons with disabilities-led advocacy for implementation of the Act at the regional level in alignment with two Summit commitments. | DRF | Commonwealth | 2019 | |||
Shanta Memorial Rehabilitation Centre | 40000 | India | To support the newly formed United Front CRPD Coalition as they engage in the final stages of India’s CRPD Committee review process, particularly as the coalition a) strives to develop a comprehensive and diverse DPO response to the List of Issues and b) puts into place activities to ensure that the disability community leverages the Concluding Observations – in tandem with India’s Global Disability Summit Commitments – to engage and partner with the Indian government to develop a roadmap for the future | DRF | Commonwealth | 2019 | |||
Shanta Memorial Rehabilitation Centre | 64000 | India | To support the Women with Disabilities India Network (WWDIN) to continue dialogue with and tracking of the government’s progress in advancing the rights of women and girls with disabilities, and specifically, their access to various services, and to contribute to building the advocacy capacity of women and girls with disabilities in India with a focus on the recently released CRPD Committee’s Concluding Observations for India. This project builds on the dialogue initiated by WWDIN on India’s 2018 Global Disability Summit Commitments on sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR). | DRF | Commonwealth | 2019 | |||
Gerakan Untuk Kesejahteraan Tuna Rungu Indonesia | 17000 | Indonesia | To improve the inclusion of persons with deafblindness in the disability rights movement in Indonesia and their access to inclusive education and health services in line with CRPD Articles 24 (Education) and 25 (Health) | DRF | Small Grants | 2019 | (24) Education | (4) Education | |
Perhimpunan Jiwa Sehat | 20000 | Indonesia | To improve the situation of persons with psychosocial disabilities who are living in social care institutions in Indonesia by advocating for measures to transition them from institutions to living independently in their communities and to access to work and employment so that they can continue to maintain their independence in line with CRPD Articles 19 (Living independently and being included in the community) and 27 (Work and employment) | DRF | Small Grants | 2019 | (19) Independent Living | ||
Perhimpunan Organisasi Harapan Nusantara | 40000 | Indonesia | (Year Two) To promote the participation of persons with disabilities in monitoring the implementation of the SDGs at national and local levels and to increase the participation of disabled persons’ organizations in global human rights reporting mechanisms in Indonesia | DRF | National Coalition | 2019 | (0) General SDGs awareness raising | ||
Perkumpulan Sehati Sukoharjo | 16000 | Indonesia | To develop inclusive social protection programs in line with CRPD Article 28 (Adequate standard of living and social protection) and SDG Goal 1 (No poverty) and standard operating procedures to support women and girls with disabilities who are survivors of gender-based violence in line with CRPD Articles 6 (Women with disabilities) and 16 (Freedom from violence, exploitation and abuse) and SDG Goals 5 (Gender equality) and 16 (Peace, justice and strong institutions) in Sukoharjo District in Indonesia | DRF | Small Grants | 2019 | (16) Abuse | (5) Gender Equality | |
Sasan Inklusi dan Gerakan Advokasi Difabel Indonesia | 30000 | Indonesia | (Year Two) To advance changes in the legal system to better ensure access to justice and legal services for persons with disabilities through reasonable accommodations in West Nusa Tenggara, Yogyakarta and South Sulawesi provinces in Indonesia, advancing CRPD Articles 12 (Equal recognition before the law) and 13 (Access to justice) | DRF | Mid-Level Coalition | 2019 | (12) Legal Capacity | (16) Peace/Justice | |
SHG Batubassi Pammase | 8000 | Indonesia | To improve the technical skills and participation of Indigenous persons with disabilities in Batubassi and Panrita Villages in the Maros District of Indonesia in order to influence village development planning and budgeting in line with CRPD Article 3 (General principles) | DRF | Small Grants | 2019 | (28) Social Protection | (10) Reduced Inequalities | |
Wahana Keluarga Cerebral Palsy | 12000 | Indonesia | To improve access to inclusive education for children with cerebral palsy who are currently out of school in Yogyakarta Province in Indonesia through policy recommendations on reasonable accommodations and corresponding budget allocations in line with CRPD Article 24 (Education) and SDG Goal 4 (Quality education) | DRF | Small Grants | 2019 | (24) Education | (4) Education | |
Yayasan CIQAL | 35000 | Indonesia | (Year Two) To advocate for Sustainable Development Goal action plans in four districts of Yogyakarta Province (Sleman, Bantul, Gunung Kidul and Kulonprogo) in Indonesia that are aligned with the CRPD to ensure the protection and fulfillment of the rights of persons with disabilities, advancing the implementation of CRPD Articles 3 (General principles) and 4 (General obligations) | DRF | Mid-Level Coalition | 2019 | (0) General SDGs awareness raising | ||
Yayasan Peduli Sindroma Down Indonesia | 20000 | Indonesia | To empower youth with Down Syndrome in Indonesia to be self-advocates, building their knowledge and skills to raise awareness of their issues, in line with CRPD Article 3 (General principles) and to participate in a government consultation on a draft regulation on habilitation and rehabilitation in line with CRPD Article 26 (Habilitation and rehabilitation) | DRF | Small Grants | 2019 | (26) Habilitation/Rehab | ||
Yayasan Sentra Advokasi Perempuan Difabel Dan Anak | 30000 | Indonesia | (Year One) To advocate for inclusive sexual and reproductive health programs for youth with disabilities and to foster their full participation in the youth and disability movements, especially around issues of sexual and reproductive health rights in Jember (East Java) and Yogyakarta (Yogyakarta Special Region) in Indonesia, advancing the implementation of CRPD Article 25 (Health) and SDG Goal 3 (Good health and well-being) | DRF | Mid-Level Coalition | 2019 | (25) Health | (3) Health/Well-Being | |
Disabled People's Development Organization | 30000 | Myanmar | (Year Two) To raise awareness on violence against women with disabilities in Magwe Region of Myanmar and establish an effective and participatory community reporting mechanism in line with CRPD Articles 6 (Women with disabilities), 13 (Access to justice), 16 (Freedom from exploitation, violence, and abuse) and 25 (Health), as well as SDG Goals 5 (Gender equality) and 16 (Peace, justice and strong institutions) | DRF | Mid-Level Coalition | 2019 | (13) Justice | (5) Gender Equality | |
Hmawbi Disabled People Organization | 15000 | Myanmar | To increase access to inclusive education for children with disabilities in Hwambi Township in Myanmar by using data to raise awareness of local government, local schools, and parents on the right to inclusive education in line with CRPD Article 24 (Education) and SDG Goal 4 (Quality education) and to advocate for improvements to the local inclusive education policy | DRF | Small Grants | 2019 | (24) Education | (4) Education | |
Myanmar Association of Persons Affected by Leprosy | 16000 | Myanmar | To establish community-level self-help groups of persons affected by leprosy in the Panthein, Mandalay, Bago, and Mawlamyine Regions of Myanmar to raise awareness of local communities and health service providers about early detection and referral systems in health services in line with CRPD Articles 5 (Equality and non-discrimination) and 25 (Health) | DRF | Small Grants | 2019 | (25) Health | (10) Reduced Inequalities | |
Myanmar Federation of Persons with Disabilities | 13000 | Myanmar | To support the Myanmar disability community to prepare for and attend the 11th pre-sessional working group of the United Nations' Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities of the CRPD Committee, and to provide input into the CRPD implementation in Myanmar, which will inform the Committee's List of Issues | DRF | Special Opportunity | 2019 | |||
Myanmar Federation of Persons with Disabilities | 13900 | Myanmar | To support a diverse delegation of the Myanmar disability community to prepare for and attend the 22nd session of the CRPD Committee, in order to influence the development of the Concluding Observations, which will be issued at the end of the session | DRF | Special Opportunity | 2019 | |||
Myanmar National Association of the Blind | 18000 | Myanmar | To build technical skills among MNAB’s membership in the Mandalay State in Myanmar to organize and use the CRPD and the National Disability Rights Law to advocate to local authorities for the right to assistive devices and to access information for blind and visually-impaired persons in line with CRPD Articles 20 (Personal mobility) and 21 (Freedom of expression and opinion, and access to information) | DRF | Small Grants | 2019 | (21) Information | (10) Reduced Inequalities | |
Association des Femmes Handicapées du Sud | 15000 | Haiti | To advocate for amendments to Haiti’s national Gender Equality Policy through local level advocacy in the South Department to align with CRPD Article 6 (Women with disabilities) and SDG Goal 5 (Gender equality) | DRF | Small Grants | 2019 | (5) Gender Equality | ||
Association des Parents des Personnes Handicapées du Sud | 8000 | Haiti | To advocate for the inclusion of children with disabilities in the family replacement program implemented by the government in the South Department of Haiti in line with CRPD Articles 7 (Children with disabilities) and 23 (Respect for home and the family) | DRF | Small Grants | 2019 | (23) Family | ||
Association des Sourds de Leveque, Haïti | 16700 | Haiti | To influence the public and private sectors in Cabaret and Port-au-Prince in Haiti to make their public communications accessible to Deaf persons, especially in situations of emergencies, in line with CRPD Article 21 (Freedom of expression and opinion, and access to information) and SDG Goal 10 (Reduced inequalities) | DRF | Small Grants | 2019 | (21) Information | (10) Reduced Inequalities | |
Coalition Nationale des Organisations pour l’Intégration des Personnes Handicapées | 8000 | Haiti | To advocate for the development of a long-term national plan to improve access to employment for persons with disabilities in Haiti by targeting decision-makers in Plateau Central, West and Grande Anse in line with CRPD Article 27 (Work and employment) and SDG Goal 8 (Decent work and economic growth) | DRF | Small Grants | 2019 | (27) Work/Employment | (8) Work/Economic Growth | |
Organisation des Enfants Demunis et Handicapes d’Haiti | 13380 | Haiti | To build the technical knowledge and skills of children with disabilities in the Municipality of Pétion-Ville, Haiti, and influence the local government to adopt measures to make public parks and libraries accessible to children with disabilities in line with CRPD Articles 7 (Children with disabilities), 9 (Accessibility), and 30 (Participation in cultural life, leisure, recreation and sport) and SDG Goal 11 (Sustainable cities and communities) | DRF | Small Grants | 2019 | (30) Sports | (11) Sustainable Cities/Communities | |
Organisation des Handicapes en Action pour le Progrès | 8000 | Haiti | To advocate for the adoption of a law guaranteeing accessible information for persons with disabilities in Haiti in line with CRPD Articles 9 (Accessibility) and 21 (Freedom of expression and opinion, and access to information) and SDG Goal 10 (Reduced inequalities) | DRF | Small Grants | 2019 | (21) Information | (10) Reduced Inequalities | |
Organisation pour le progrès et le développement de l’homme aveugle et des vieillards | 8000 | Haiti | To advocate for the justice system in Cité Soleil and Arcahaie to take into account the requirements for ensuring the rights of older persons with disabilities in line with CRPD Articles 5 (Equality and non-discrimination) and 13 (Access to justice) and SDG Goal 16 (Peace, justice and strong institutions) | DRF | Small Grants | 2019 | (13) Justice | (16) Peace/Justice | |
Reseau Association National pour l'Integration des Personnes Handicapees | 15000 | Haiti | To advocate for increased allocation of the national budget to ensure inclusive education for children with disabilities in Haiti through advocacy in West Department in line with CRPD Article 24 (Education) and SDG Goal 4 (Quality education) | DRF | Small Grants | 2019 | (24) Education | (4) Education | |
Union des Femmes à Mobilité Réduite d’Haïti | 40000 | Haiti | (Year One) To advocate for amendments to Haiti’s national Gender Equality Policy through local level advocacy in North, West, South, and Grande Anse Departments to align with CRPD Article 6 (Women with disabilities) and SDG Goal 5 (Gender equality) and promote inclusive data collection through the adoption of the Washington Group Questions to account for women with disabilities in line with CRPD Article 31 (Statistics and data collection) | DRF | Mid-Level Coalition | 2019 | (31) Data Collection | (5) Gender Equality | |
Union des Femmes à Mobilité Réduite d’Haïti | 4000 | Haiti | To support a convening of Haitian grantees for the purposes of movement building, joint advocacy, awareness raising and training about the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), and technical assistance on the rights outlined in the CRPD | DRF | Off-Docket Grants | 2019 | |||
Union des Femmes à Mobilité Réduite d’Haïti | 23250 | Haiti | To build the technical skills of DRF/DRAF grantees in Haiti on advocacy methods by delivering a three-day training to 14 grantees and their Coalition partners, where relevant. This grant will deepen the movement’s knowledge on strategies for effective advocacy to help them transition into more advanced forms of advocacy, such as policy work, and to improve advocacy planning processes for DPOs to enable them to identify specific objectives and tactics to achieve their goals. Moreover, DPOs will learn how to create advocacy strategies to advance the CRPD Concluding Observations | DRF | Technical Assistance | 2019 | |||
Union des Personnes Handicapées de Jérémie pour l’inclusion Sociale | 7000 | Haiti | To advocate for the rights of persons with disabilities to fully participate in disaster risk reduction programs and mechanisms in Jérémie, Haiti, in line with CRPD Article 11 (Situations of risk and humanitarian emergencies) | DRF | Small Grants | 2019 | (11) Risk/Emergency | ||
Commonwealth Children and Youth Disability Network | 33000 | United Kingdom | To ensure that the re-launch of the Commonwealth Disabled Peoples' Forum is strengthened by the next generation of youth disability rights advocates, by providing travel support for a delegation of representatives from the Commonwealth Disability Children and Youth Network to participate in the re-launch of the Commonwealth Disabled Peoples' Forum, to be held in New York as part of the Conference of State Parties meetings in early June 2019 | DRF | Commonwealth | 2019 | |||
Commonwealth Disabled Peoples' Forum | 220000 | United Kingdom | To continue to leverage the 2018 Global Disability Summit commitments to advance the CRPD and Sustainable Development Goals by supporting the Commonwealth Disability Peoples’ Forum as a resilient thought leader and advocate for disabled persons’ organizations across the Commonwealth | DRF | Commonwealth | 2019 | |||
Fiji Association of the Deaf | 43500 | Fiji | (Year One) To strengthen the advocacy capacity of Deaf associations in Samoa, Fiji, Kiribati, and Papua New Guinea, to empower them to engage in advocacy to their respective governments and communities in order to improve access to services for Deaf persons, in line with the CRPD. | DRF | Mid-Level Coalition | 2019 | |||
Samoa Blind Persons Association | 16000 | Samoa | To improve capacity of women with disabilities (particularly women with visual impairments) to advocate for access to sexual and reproductive health rights (SRHR) programs and information in Samoa, in line with CRPD Articles 6 (Women with disabilities) and 25 (Health) and Sustainable Development Goals 3 (Good health and Well-being) and 5 (Gender equality) | DRF | Small Grants | 2019 | (25) Health | (5) Gender Equality | |
Naunau 'o e 'Alamaite Tonga Association Incorporated | 20000 | Tonga | To strengthen the resilience of organizational members in the face of disasters by building capacity to advocate for inclusive disaster relief and recovery (DRR) measures, including accessible evacuation centers in Tongan communities, and developing a guide to provision of reasonable accommodations in evacuation centers, in line with CRPD Article 11 (Situations of risk and humanitarian emergencies) and Sustainable Development Goals 11 (Sustainable cities and communities) and 13 (Climate action). | DRF | Small Grants | 2019 | (11) Risk/Emergency | (11) Sustainable Cities/Communities | |
Tonga National Visual Impairment Association | 20000 | Tonga | To advance implementation of Section 21 of Tonga’s Education Act, which addresses provision of support to children with disabilities in accessing education, in line with CRPD Article 24 (Education) and Sustainable Development Goal 4 (Quality education) | DRF | Small Grants | 2019 | (24) Education | (4) Education | |
Malawi Union of the Blind | 20000 | Malawi | To advocate for amendments to Malawi’s National Employment Act, influence the policies and practices of six employers, and ensure that the national Disability Law includes provisions for reasonable accommodations and affirmative action in line with CRPD Article 27 (Work and employment) and SDG Goal 8 (Decent work and economic growth) | DRAF | Small Grants | 2019 | (27) Work/Employment | (8) Work/Economic Growth | Africa |
The Registered Trustees of African Federation of the Deafblind Trust | 15000 | Malawi | To advocate for Malawi’s ratification of the Protocol to the African Charter on Human and People’s Rights on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities in Africa | DRAF | Small Grants | 2019 | Africa | ||
The Registered Trustees of Disabled Women in Africa | 40000 | Malawi | (Year Two) To strengthen and improve the mechanisms to respond to and report on violence against women and girls with disabilities in Malawi in line with CRPD Articles 6 (Women with disabilities), 13 (Access to justice), and 16 (Freedom from violence, exploitation and abuse) | DRAF | Mid-Level Coalition | 2019 | (13) Justice | (5) Gender Equality | Africa |
The Registered Trustees of Persons with Albinism in Malawi | 30000 | Malawi | (Year Two) To monitor the application of laws aimed at ensuring persons with albinism have access to justice in order to prevent violence in line with CRPD Articles 13 (Access to justice) and SDG Goal 16 (Peace, justice and strong institutions) and to monitor affordable access of sunscreen for persons with albinism across Malawi in line with CRPD Article 25 (Health) and SDG Goal 3 (Good health and well-being) | DRAF | Mid-Level Coalition | 2019 | (13) Justice | (3) Health/Well-Being | Africa |
Disability Rights Advocacy Center | 20000 | Nigeria | To advocate for a review of the Plateau State Disability Law in Nigeria to align with CRPD Article 4 (General obligations) | DRAF | Small Grants | 2019 | (13) Justice | Africa | |
National Union of Disabilities Organisations of Rwanda | 50000 | Rwanda | (Year One) To advocate for the Rwandan government to review the national Law (No. 01/2007) Protecting Persons with Disabilities in General to accord it with the CRPD; to ensure disability inclusion in the national development plan; and to ratify the Protocol to the African Charter on Human and Peoples' Rights on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities in Africa (African Disability Protocol) | DRAF | National Coalition | 2019 | Africa | ||
Rwanda National Union of the Deaf | 40000 | Rwanda | (Year Two) To advocate for legal recognition of Rwandan Sign Language by the Rwandan government, in line with CRPD Articles 9 (Accessibility) and 21 (Freedom of expression and opinion, and access to information) | DRAF | Mid-Level Coalition | 2019 | (21) Information | Africa | |
Umbrella des Organisations des Personnes en Situation de Handicap Luttant Contre le VIH et le SIDA et pour la Promotion de la Sante | 40000 | Rwanda | (Year Two) To advocate for revision of Rwanda’s national procurement legislation as well as changes to water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) practices in Gisagara and Gicumbi districts to increase disability-inclusive WASH services, in line with CRPD Articles 9 (Accessibility) and 25 (Health) and Sustainable Development Goal 6 (Clean water and sanitation) | DRAF | Mid-Level Coalition | 2019 | (25) Health | (6) Water/Sanitation | Africa |
Umuryango Nyarwanda w’Abagore Bafite Ubumuga | 46000 | Rwanda | (Year Two) To advocate for revision of Rwanda’s Legal Aid Policy, Penal Code, and Law (No. 01/2007) Protecting Persons with Disabilities in General, and for development of a disability-inclusive Justice Strategic Plan to ensure effective access to justice for women and girls with disabilities, in line with CRPD Articles 6 (Women with disabilities), 13 (Access to justice) and 16 (Freedom from exploitation, violence and abuse), and Sustainable Development Goals 5 (Gender equality) and 16 (Peace, justice, and strong institutions) | DRAF | Mid-Level Coalition | 2019 | (13) Justice | (5) Gender Equality | Africa |
Uwezo Youth Empowerment | 20000 | Rwanda | To advocate for revisions to Rwanda’s national Law (No. 01/2007) Protecting Persons with Disabilities in General to increase the right to work and employment for youth with disabilities, in line with CRPD Article 27 (Work and employment) and Sustainable Development Goal 8 (Decent work and economic growth) | DRAF | Small Grants | 2019 | (27) Work/Employment | (8) Work/Economic Growth | Africa |
Association of Persons with Disabilities Living with HIV/AIDS Uganda | 20000 | Uganda | To scale up advocacy efforts that seek to influence inclusion of health rights of persons with disabilities living with HIV and AIDS in the district local government health frameworks (including bylaws and government programs) in greater Masaka, Uganda with the ultimate goal of enhancing their enjoyment of human rights an equal basis with others, as stipulated in CRPD Article 25 (Health) and Sustainable Development Goal 3 (Good health and well-being). | DRAF | Small Grants | 2019 | (25) Health | (3) Health/Well-Being | Africa |
Lira District Disabled Women Association | 19500 | Uganda | To advocate for operationalization of a new disability-inclusive Health Service Delivery Policy in Lira District, Uganda through the development of an Ordinance and advocacy for participation of women with disabilities in health budgeting processes at sub-county level, in line with CRPD Articles 6 (Women with disabilities) and 25 (Health), and Sustainable Development Goals 3 (Good health and well-being) and 5 (Gender equality) | DRAF | Small Grants | 2019 | (25) Health | (3) Health/Well-Being | Africa |
Uganda National Action on Physical Disability | 54000 | Uganda | (Year Two) To deepen advocacy for enforcement of implementation of the Building Control Act and National Building Codes and utilization of the Accessibility Standards, including at district-level, in line with CRPD Article 9 (Accessibility) | DRAF | National Coalition | 2019 | (11) Sustainable Cities/Communities | Africa | |
Jatiyo Trinomul Protibandhi Sangstha | 27000 | Bangladesh | To support the Bangladeshi disability community to prepare for and attend the 11th pre-sessional working group of the United Nations' Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities of the CRPD Committee, and to provide input into the CRPD implementation in Bangladesh, as well as commitments made by the Bangladeshi government during the 2018 UK Global Disability Summit, which will inform the Committee's List of Issues | DRAF | Commonwealth | 2019 | Asia | ||
Himpunan Wanita Disabilitas Indonesia | 40000 | Indonesia | (Year One) To advocate for greater protections to prevent and respond to gender-based violence against women and girls with disabilities through the development of a CRPD Alternative Report, a CEDAW Alternative Report, and a national report on the implementation of the SDGs, focusing on CRPD Articles 6 (Women with disabilities) and 16 (Freedom from exploitation, violence and abuse) and SDG Goal 5 (Gender equality) | DRAF | Mid-Level Coalition | 2019 | (16) Abuse | (5) Gender Equality | Asia |
Himpunan Wanita Penyandang Cacat Indonesia Sulawesi Selatan | 18000 | Indonesia | To advocate for a local regulation and improved support services for women and girls with disabilities who are survivors of gender-based violence in Maros District and increase access to paralegal services for women and girls with disabilities who are survivors of gender-based violence across South Sulawesi in Indonesia, advancing CRPD Articles 6 (Women with disabilities) and 16 (Freedom from exploitation, violence and abuse) and SDG Goal 5 (Gender equality) | DRAF | Small Grants | 2019 | (16) Abuse | (5) Gender Equality | Asia |
Persatuan Penyandang Cacat Indonesia Provinsi Sulawesi Selatan | 18000 | Indonesia | To support domestication of the CRPD at the local level in Palopo and North Luwu Districts of South Sulawesi Province in Indonesia by advocating for the passage of local regulations that ensure the fulfillment and protection of the rights of persons with disabilities and to increase the participation of local DPOs in this process in line with CRPD Article 4 (General obligations) | DRAF | Small Grants | 2019 | (33) Nat'l Implementation | (10) Reduced Inequalities | Asia |
Persatuan Penyandang Disabilitas Klaten | 18000 | Indonesia | To advocate for the development of a Mayoral Regulation in the Klaten District of Indonesia to establish an independent Disability Committee to monitor the implementation of local regulations and budgeting so that they are inclusive of persons with disabilities, advancing CRPD Articles 4 (General Obligations) and 33 (National implementation and monitoring) and SDG Goal 16 (Peace, justice and strong institutions) | DRAF | Small Grants | 2019 | (33) Nat'l Implementation | (16) Peace/Justice | Asia |
Persatuan Tunanetra Indonesia Propinsi Lampung | 14000 | Indonesia | To increase the participation of local disabled persons’ organizations in decision-making processes and advocate for an amendment to a local regulation (PERDA No.10/2013) in Lampung Province in Indonesia to harmonize with the national the CRPD in line with Article 4 (General obligations) and SDG Goal 10 (Reduced inequalities) | DRAF | Small Grants | 2019 | (33) Nat'l Implementation | (10) Reduced Inequalities | Asia |
Pusat Pemilihan Umum Akses Untuk Penyandang Cacat | 40000 | Indonesia | (Year Two) To advocate for the passage of five national regulations to implement the Persons with Disabilities Act and Presidential Decree to establish the National Disability Commission and corresponding budget allocations in Indonesia in line with CRPD Articles 4 (General obligations) and 33 (National implementation and monitoring) | DRAF | National Coalition | 2019 | Asia | ||
Yayasan Muara Hati | 16000 | Indonesia | To support domestication of the CRPD and Persons with Disabilities Act at the municipal level in Bandung Municipality in Indonesia by identifying gaps and advocating for the passage of a local regulation (PERDA) to ensure the fulfillment and protection of the rights of persons with disabilities and a Mayoral regulation to establish a coordination mechanism to monitor the regulation in line with CRPD Articles 4 (General obligations) and 33 (National implementation and monitoring) | DRAF | Small Grants | 2019 | (33) Nat'l Implementation | (10) Reduced Inequalities | Asia |
Yaysan Pusat Pemberdayaan Penyandang Disabilitas Indonesia Bali | 18000 | Indonesia | To support domestication of the CRPD in Denpasar and Karangasem Districts in Bali, Indonesia, by building the technical skills of local disabled persons’ organizations, identifying gaps, and advocating for the passage of local regulations (PERDAs) that ensure the fulfillment and protection of the rights of persons with disabilities in each district in line with CRPD Article 4 (General obligations) | DRAF | Small Grants | 2019 | (33) Nat'l Implementation | (10) Reduced Inequalities | Asia |
Federation Haitienne des Associations et Institutions des Personnes Handicapees d'Haiti | 31000 | Haiti | (Year One) To advocate for amendments to the National Law on the Integration of Persons with Disabilities in Haiti to ensure it is compliant with the CRPD in line with CRPD Article 4 (General obligations) | DRAF | National Coalition | 2019 | Caribbean | ||
Reseau Association National pour l'Integration des Personnes Handicapees | 30000 | Haiti | (Year Two) To coordinate disabled persons’ organizations in Haiti’s South Department to advocate for the implementation of the recommendations in the Concluding Observations published by the CRPD Committee | DRAF | Mid-Level Coalition | 2019 | (11) Risk/Emergency | Caribbean | |
Société Haïtienne d’Aide aux Aveugles | 37400 | Haiti | (Year One) To advocate for Haiti’s ratification of the Inter-American Convention on Protecting the Human Rights of Older Persons and to pressure and the Haitian Parliament to adopt a law to establish a social protection system for persons with disabilities and older persons with budget allocations in line with CRPD Article 28 (Adequate standard of living and social protection) and SDG Goal 1 (No poverty) | DRAF | National Coalition | 2019 | (28) Social Protection | (1) Poverty | Caribbean |
Commonwealth Disabled Peoples' Forum | 192000 | United Kingdom | To further leverage the 2018 Global Disability Summit commitments to advance the CRPD and Sustainable Development Goals by supporting the re-launch of the Commonwealth Disabled Peoples' Forum as the key forum for collective capacity building, advocacy, and empowerment for disabled persons' organizations across the Commonwealth | DRAF | Commonwealth | 2019 | Europe | ||
International Disability Alliance | 232137.3 | Switzerland | To support the UN Special Rapporteur for Persons with Disabilities "Strengthening the United Nations System to Make it Inclusive of Persons with Disabilities" Project, which is evaluating the effectiveness of the UN's systems to promote the rights of persons with disabilities and its ability to ensure those rights are respected as it carries out its operations and programs | DRAF | Strategic Partnerships | 2019 | International | ||
International Disability Alliance | 201659.9 | Switzerland | To provide financial support through June 2020 to the UN Special Rapporteur on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, including administrative support, conducting and completing advocacy work and publications, and travel expenses for the UN Special Rapporteur and team | DRAF | Strategic Partnerships | 2019 | International | ||
International Disability Alliance | 770420 | Switzerland | (Year Three) To the "Advancing Inclusive Development and Human Rights for All Persons with Disabilities" project that will provide grants and technical advice to support persons with disabilities at regional, national, and global levels to advocate for changes in policies, legislation, and programs | DRAF | Strategic Partnerships | 2019 | International | ||
Disability Rights Fund | 432389.78 | United States | (AMENDMENT Year Two) To the "Advancing Inclusive Development and Human Rights for All Persons with Disabilities" project that will provide grants and technical advice to support persons with disabilities at regional, national, and global levels to advocate for changes in policies, legislation, and programs. Amended to include Commonwealth grantmaking, which was approved and received after original grant (#17-004) was approved on 1/21/17. | DRAF | Strategic Partnerships | 2019 | International | ||
Disability Rights Fund | 1070615.57 | United States | (Year Three) To the "Advancing Inclusive Development and Human Rights for All Persons with Disabilities" project that will provide grants and technical advice to support persons with disabilities at regional, national, and global levels to advocate for changes in policies, legislation, and programs. | DRAF | Strategic Partnerships | 2019 | International | ||
Fiji Disabled Peoples Federation | 50000 | Fiji | (Year Two) To better align Fiji’s Employment Relations Act 2007 and Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act, to improve employment for persons with disabilities, in line with CRPD Article 27 (Work and employment). | DRAF | National Coalition | 2019 | (27) Work/Employment | (8) Work/Economic Growth | PICs |
Pacific Disability Forum | 21000 | Fiji | To support an bi-annual convening of grantees for the purposes of movement building, joint advocacy, awareness raising and training about the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), and technical assistance on the rights outlined in the CRPD | DRAF | Off-Docket Grants | 2019 | PICs | ||
Te Toa Matoa | 17300 | Kiribati | To strengthen membership capacity to analyze Kiribati transportation policies and the Traffic Act to assess whether they are in line with CRPD Article 9 (Accessibility) and to prepare recommendations for needed changes to be presented to government bodies | DRAF | Small Grants | 2019 | (18) Liberty of Movement | (11) Sustainable Cities/Communities | PICs |
OMEKESANG | 20000 | Palau | To build organizational capacity to lead CRPD implementation and disability-inclusive development efforts in Palau and to support outreach to marginalized groups, ensuring that Palau’s Disaster Risk Reduction Plan is inclusive of all persons with disabilities | DRAF | Small Grants | 2019 | (11) Risk/Emergency | (11) Sustainable Cities/Communities | PICs |
Manus Disability Association | 12000 | Papua New Guinea | For the Manus Disability Association’s work to strengthen the capacity of its members to influence CRPD implementation in Manus Province, Papua New Guinea, and to advocate for the Manus provincial government to make progress on CRPD obligations through the drafting of a Manus Disability Policy. | DRAF | Small Grants | 2019 | (0) Overall CRPD (not article specific) | (10) Reduced Inequalities | PICs |
Deaf Association of Samoa, Inc. | 20000 | Samoa | To advocate to Samoa’s Office of the Electoral Commissioner (OEC) to improve participation of Deaf persons in elections, in line with CRPD Article 29 (Participation in political and public life). | DRAF | Small Grants | 2019 | (29) Political | PICs | |
Disabled Peoples' Association of Solomon Islands | 20000 | Solomon Islands | To continue advocacy to the government of Solomon Islands for ratification of the CRPD and to work with local communities in Guadalcanal Province to support access to justice for persons with disabilities, especially women with disabilities, in line with CRPD Articles 6 (Women with disabilities) and 13 (Access to justice) | DRAF | Small Grants | 2019 | (13) Justice | (5) Gender Equality | PICs |
Solomon Islands Deaf Association | 12000 | Solomon Islands | For the Solomon Island Deaf Association’s work to increase their capacity and develop recommendations to government for better access to services for persons who are Deaf, in line with CRPD Articles 9 (Accessibility) and 21 (Freedom of expression and opinion, and access to information), thereby increasing the case for CRPD ratification | DRAF | Small Grants | 2019 | (21) Information | PICs | |
Vanuatu Disability Promotion & Advocacy Association Committee, Inc. | 37800 | Vanuatu | (Year One) To develop and advocate for government adoption of a roadmap for implementation of the CRPD Committee’s Concluding Observations to the Vanuatu government, and to strengthen disabled persons’ organizations capacity and partnerships with civil society across rural and urban Vanuatu to monitor government action. | DRAF | Mid-Level Coalition | 2019 | PICs |